Ahoy there ye scurvy dogs!

  • Greetings one and all! Have been playing the game for about three weeks and loving it! Free Xbox game pass gave me the chance to play and i intend on staying on. Normally play solo but decided to play in a galleon crew at the weekend and boy was that fun!
    I dont have a mike but can play on my pc through Xbox app so am able to keyboard chat rather than shout out ahoy and aye! I have tried waving to ppl on the high seas to show my friendly intentions, however after gobbling up one too many cannonballs for my troubles i fully intend to shoot first and ask questions later, yarr!!
    If you see me out there send a wave or cannonball my way, either is appreciated!!

  • 4
  • @fireboltxb12

    Ahoy there,
    Welcome to SoT
    If you get a mic then please check us out....

    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further. We be over 100 strong.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

    We have all kinds of players in our group from the PVP to the treasure hunters. All play styles welcome and easy to find someone that fits your style.

    Tell them Marine sent you ;)

  • Welcome!

  • Welcome aboard bud! Not having a Mic doesn't seem to make a darn bit of difference. I each: Text chat, Quick Text, and mic and most of the time - people ignore me or at least don't respond.

    Krakens Spawn is always looking for new friends who enjoy playing the game and appreciate relaxed fun and friendships. We only ask that you be cool and enjoy yourself in the company of others. Having a mic is preferred I think... but hardly a requirement in my notice.

    Self aggrandizing recruitment offer aside:

    I am glad that you are enjoying yourself, and hope that the connection to the game continues beyond the 'free pass' stage, even if like me you just get it on game pass!

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