Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4

  • Still no private ships. That's disappointing

  • @devilyndanger [PC Only] Controller Remapping

  • @ca2or That kind of thing will require a fair amount of ui work, which means it'll have to go through extra testing stages. Its significantly easier for them to push out updates that only require code testing.

  • @mrbrocksego said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @ca2or That kind of thing will require a fair amount of ui work, which means it'll have to go through extra testing stages. Its significantly easier for them to push out updates that only require code testing.

    Oh I know, but it's been a complaint since the beta

  • "Sound Effects - Players will now hear a new sound effect when they open a Lore Book and when a Merchant Alliance contract has expired."

    A little late, but... Why were the musical cues removed for selling treasures? I miss them. They have been missing for at least a week now. I assumed it was a temporary fix to something.

    I'm glad cosmetics are slowly being added. But I still want to hear what happened to all the cosmetics that adorned beta shops and are not available for purchase yet. We should have been warned not to expect them anytime soon.

    Looking forward to seeing if the improvement to island rendering is substantial. Rather than rely on the traditional replacement of low-res models with high-res models upon approach, y'all might consider eventually rendering an entire island as a single, more detailed model at a distance and replacing that with individual objects when close. Establishing that would require a lot of work, but it would make islands more visually appealing at a distance and viewed through spyglasses.

  • @ever-reddy sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    I notice there's no mention of the bug that stops some players equipping a second weapon. I know it was initially marked as fixed in patch 1.0.3, but it is still a known issue.

    And while it was later removed from the 1.0.3 patch notes (although it would have been better to move it to the known issues list rather than deleting it entirely) and there is a support article for it that was updated on the 14th April (a couple of days after patch 1.0.3), not including it on the latest known issues list kinda makes it look like it's been forgotten, even if it hasn't.

    you can select it. just select the pistol... and then the 2nd slot is free to use again... just a quick workaround, without killing your self.

  • The two keypoints for me in this patch are the rubberbanding fix (hopefully this is related to the "stuck sideways" issue that sometimes happens when getting ashore) and the spyglass improvements. If the spyglass improvement doesnt include showing chests and other objects from a further distance i will be disappointed though.

  • Increased quality of island rendering at a distance when using the spyglass on all quality settings on both platforms.

    Lies. It's still garbage

    I was like 10 seconds away on my sloop

    edit: Also why did the image save in 720p? I just used prnt screen while in full screen. Should've saved in 1080 edit 2: Saved it bad apparently

  • @solysdayga Which really is the most important part.

    I would really like to be able to see players at a distance as well.

    Currently players and treasure seem to have the same distance pop in

  • @captain-cocatox

    Thanks, I'll try that.

  • "Players will now correctly take damage from gunpowder kegs whilst underwater."

    Welp. Solo sloop's odds of standing a chance against a galleon with a 4-man pre-made of equal skill level just went from 5% to 0%.

    This is a drastic change. In concept it's fine, but I feel it should be balanced out somehow (e.g., make the gunpowder barrel float up twice as fast). Otherwise hitting a moving ship with a decent crew without them spotting you, or you dying from the blast is going to be next to impossible.

    Wishlist for next patch: Remove solo queue option from the game.

  • @khaleesibot @mrbrocksego I just tested it and confirmed that they did not increased animal draw distance, which means its fair to assume that chest and player draws are also not increased. This is highly disappointing and means that the spyglass is still basically useless.

    @sssaturnineee actually I dont see this as a big deal, respawning vs catching the mermaid isnt a huge difference as long as you set your course properly. This just means we have to be a bit smarter...its not a degenerate change like 4 man sloops would be.

  • @solysdayga the screenshot I posted a few minutes ago shows no noticeable difference even with the tree rendering and such. Did they increase by like 1-5% or something low like that?

  • @sonicbobjr said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Hey @ever-reddy, We hear you! In 1.0.3 we fixed the issue were players could break their loadout slots and end up with only a single weapon. This didn't fix players who had a broken loadout prior to the patch however, we have a fix in flight for players still being troubled by this - looking to get this out to players very soon!

    Thank you. I hate that I have to drown myself at the start of every session.


  • @oxynator said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @ever-reddy sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    I notice there's no mention of the bug that stops some players equipping a second weapon. I know it was initially marked as fixed in patch 1.0.3, but it is still a known issue.

    And while it was later removed from the 1.0.3 patch notes (although it would have been better to move it to the known issues list rather than deleting it entirely) and there is a support article for it that was updated on the 14th April (a couple of days after patch 1.0.3), not including it on the latest known issues list kinda makes it look like it's been forgotten, even if it hasn't.

    you can select it. just select the pistol... and then the 2nd slot is free to use again... just a quick workaround, without killing your self.

    That doesn't work for me. I have to die to get to use two weapons.


  • @dyornos It's perfect tho. Nicely balanced :)

  • So are all added cosmetics gonna be like this? Highly padded costs so people have to play a rediculous amount. The reputation and gold price padding was already really bad but now you add this too? I understand an increased price over non legendary cosmetics but by 160k? That is rediculous and uncalled for. I love the rest of the patch notes and good work on tuning up the game rare, but padding content for lack there-of is scummy. So on behalf of many, please change the legendary ship cosmetic prices and fix the ring for everything treasure related. Having guge rng for not only the treasure quality you find but also the gold within (which is a huge margin between lowest and highest gold value for chests of the same quality) can make for unhealthy gameplay.

  • @twitchtv-mohky Maybe those fixes take longer? maybe they are in progress? Come on, use your brain.

  • I can already tell the "Spring Cleaning" bit is going to screw me up. I normally place seafarers chests under the window next to the voyage table on the sloop, and I can see myself already throwing them overboard.

  • Awesome update. With some many active patches, it does not feel like the game is just few weeks old. Kudos to the active dev team.

    I was hoping for Audio issue fix in this path though. it is super annoying :(

  • What about AMD graphic card crash issues?
    It isn't known? =(
    I have more crash than with the last one

  • I expect prices will change when the game has a lot more content and Rare doesn't need to space out cosmetic puchases. But I wouldn't expect a major difference for another 6 to 12 months.

    It is annoying that treasures and animals spawn so late in island loading. It means island shores must be passed very slowly for inspection, thereby discouraging crews from swinging by islands between their voyage destinations.

  • @shadowofxintent said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    6 voyages a day from each trader really? That's ridiculous

    extremely ridiculous Rare.

  • Still no private sessions? :/ Please bring private sessions soon @Rare-Employee

  • @noruas said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @shadowofxintent said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    6 voyages a day from each trader really? That's ridiculous

    extremely ridiculous Rare.

    You can always sail with someone and get 12. Not to mention message in a bottles and shipwrecks. I agree that 6 a day is pretty lame, but at the same time it helps detour the next Prodigy from boosting his way to the top. If I am out of voyages when sailing solo I will simply join a small sloop and run theirs, when they are out, server hop to another lobby. Rinse and repeat as needed.

  • @twitchtv-mohky said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    The most annoying problems don't get adressed??

    1. The Push-to-talk-issue 'has been fixed' but its still here... ?!?
    2. The respawn distance of ships sunk hasn't been changed ?!?
    3. Still no private sessions/kick option for random people joining your session ?!?
    4. The 'only-one-weapon' bug hasn't been fixed

    instead they fixed some floating candles... really? come on

    Always someone that just can't see the good. Yes some bugs could still be used to be fixed and old ones at that. But all I see is them trying and trying and people keep on crying. Some will never be happy. Sad.

  • Nice work, looking forward to the private lobby option. Sick of people joining on a Galleon after a random disconnect/error and then my mates unable to get credit for work they did.

  • @personalc0ffee

    "Incessant Whining"

    Dude, this is what you get when you pledge to build this game based on community feedback. You think everyone is going to be positive when there were ample (self-Rare-acknowledged) issues at launch?

    Between here and reddit, the incessant whining award goes to the folks like you for demeaning the people who actually have good input. All this guy is saying, is that the wording and how the updates are explained is extremely unclear.

    These developers hedged future development on community feedback, which means everyone has a personal stake in the game.

  • Can't play since patch. My game keeps freezing when I pull up my voyage radial wheel.

  • @nefrit-od Number 3 will never happen.

  • @shmoodzmeister I'm also having this problem. I've tried following steps outlined here: but can't find a solution. Map Radial menu stays on screen when prompted, cannot select a voyage, and am forced to eventually restart as mouse becomes inactive.

  • Has this patch went live yet?

  • Has this patch gone live yet i downloaded the update but im not finding push to talk on xbox

  • Rare until you balance the game and achieve the co-op working and community gaming experience which is what you claimed the game should be it isn't worth the download time to update.

    Fix it.

153 out of 259