Bug/Issue Compilation Thread

  • I'm looking to compile a new list of bugs that players have encountered since release. Once I've received enough responses, I'll forward them over via the official process.


    • Disconnects occur when a player tabs out of the game or clicks onto another program on another monitor.
    • Invites not appearing when in game. Having to tab out to accept an invite via the Xbox app then causes the bug listed above.
    • Push to talk. When enabled players are still able to hear each other without pushing their assigned 'talk' key. Toggling enabled/disabled a few times seems to 'fix' this but this can then stop working again randomly. Can cause irritating echo effect when using other chat software like Discord etc.
    • Player set key binds can become disabled randomly both at the start and during a game. These include system defaults too.
    • After voting for a voyage, treasure maps can sometimes not appear in a player's inventory.

    Feel free to add to this thread so that I can create a larger list.

  • 8
  • @porkin5

    On Xbox

    • Money/Voyages and Reputations disappearing
    • Money/Rep earned for turning in items not appearing

    They are the main ones I have experienced personally at the moment

  • 12+ hours in and I still have not received any of my gold or reputation rewards on Xbox 1

  • On Xbox:

    Certain items in radial will disappear and be unusable. Didn't think to record which items they were. Must log out and back in to resolve. No discernable pattern as to why. Has happened several times.

    Reputation and gold increases not showing upon completing voyages. Has happened several times.

    Buying cosmetics at the shop but not seeing them in my inventory (Specifically, the sovereign boots). Must log out and back in to resolve.

    Unable to draw cutlass or firearm. Can still switch weapons at the weapons locker, just can't use them. Must log out and back in to resolve. Has happened several times, both to me and a friend.

    Not sure if this is a bug or just an unfortunate glitch I encountered but once, while checking my ship map on a sloop, I seemed to clip through the floor and found myself in the sea.....watching my ship sail away with several chests worth of loot. Thankfully a mermaid showed up and put me back on my ship, complete with chests. It only happened once, and I haven't been able to duplicate.

    On Ferry of the Damned, my pirate.....wasn't my pirate. It was a completely different character model with just pants, no other clothing. I confirmed with my friend (who was on the ferry with me) that he was still seeing my actual pirate....but when I would do an emote, I saw a random character. Upon leaving the Ferry and returning to my ship, the issue resolved itself.

    Having a great time with the game.....thanks Rare!

  • Hair randomly changing colors and tattoos gone after dying.




  • Everytime i go to the map table i can't get off it. Not good when you are your only crew. tried relogging and hard resetting xbox still happens everytime I try.

  • Xbox one
    Can't change to open party if in closed party on sloop one player.

    When finishing the athenos quest you don't get the final map to get the legendary chest this happened twice to me.

    Not getting my achievements with the reaper flag up.

  • Hi @lovelosslife, if you have a bug you are experiencing please let us know through Support by submitting a bug ticket!

    This thread has been locked as it is a bump of a six month old thread.

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