We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha

  • It was the best and I can't wait for it to come out on xbox and PC

  • Thank you for the fun Rare! Was a blast to beable to test your game, looking forward to the next beta and of course the finished product.

    The game is really coming together, hands down favorite part of the game was sailing on the open ocean with instrument in hand playing to the sinking sun as it turned blood orange, a fellow pirate ship in their large galleon sailed up right next to me and joined me. Finally when the song was over we battled and I eventually ended up in Davy Jones Locker!

    "Dead men tell no tales" or do they?

  • Well done guys glad I had the opportunity to play in the alpha, really looking forward to the game! I can't wait for 2018.

  • Loved my time in the Technical Alpha. Thank you Rare for letting me be apart of it. Can't wait for the closed beta, you are producing a top quality product!

  • Congratulations for the excellent work. Keep up the developers!

  • I miss it already :( roll on 2018

  • Thank you for all the efforts you made for this masterpiece Rare!
    This game has a lot of potential and the community is fantastic.
    Be carefull on considering it in your future choices!
    Catch you in 2018! Merry Xmas and a happy new 2018!

  • @khaleesibot Thank you so much! I had a blast over these past few months, and this weekend was absolutely incredible. Can't wait to see what the beta brings us!

  • Aaww :( How will I satisfy my booty cravings now??

    In all seriousness though, thank you for giving us all the opportunity to play the game in these early stages and have a hand in shaping the final product. I eagerly await the beta dates and the final release :)

  • Cant wait for my new crew to be added
    Leftenant Lisp
    Officer Oink
    Corporal Cluck

  • Had an Awesome time playing...but man being solo is rough...especially when you get chased by a ship of 4 shooting cannons at you LOL....was a great time!

  • http://i.perezhilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/36.gif

  • Awesome game. Cant wait for it to be fully released!

  • Was a great ride! Can't wait for more! Thank you 😘

  • Thanks for the memories you crazy pirates!

  • thank you for this awesome experience!


  • @swaggonpointkid that would be sweet! lol

  • I'm already looking forward to the beta!

  • It just all went by so fast......i am not crying, it's just dust in my eyes

  • Awesome!!

  • Here's to hoping the voyage towards the closed beta and eventual release of the game are smooth. Made some amazing friends during the alpha. Drink up me hearties!

  • Thank you so much for letting me be part of this amazing voyage since the beginning!
    It was so awesome and I fell so grateful to be able to see this game grow.
    Every time I played with someone new and they said the game is beautiful and I saw them joying it, I felt proud!
    Because this game is somehow part of us too.
    I just want to thank you all!!!


    See you soon next year!!!

  • Thanks for the invite to the Alpha. I thoroughly enjoyed making other sailor's lives miserable.... mwahahaha.

  • It's been such an absolute pleasure and privilege to be a part of the technical alpha. Our lads are missing the waves already and looking forward to being back with you soon!

    Until then may the wind be ever at yer behind
    Cap'n Pendragon

  • Had nothing but great experiences with the game and this community! Thanks to everybody. I hope to sail again soon with you all.
    ~Oh this SoT thing, it ain't over~

  • Thanks for the opportunity to play in the alpha! Had a blast, and can't wait for the beta/Launch next year!

  • Bye for now guys. Can’t wait to be a founder. Bring on March 20th. Really looking forward to having this game

  • @riggamortis21 Had a blast sailing the seas with you.

  • Had a great time playing on the Alpha. Looking forward to being a founder. Can’t wait until the game is released.

  • Looking forward to playing it more and getting deeper into the game.

  • But I just got here! :(
    See y'all in the beta :)

  • @bobbles31 said in We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha:

    This thread is bringing a tear to my eye.

    Your 'good' eye or the glass, Pirate (pieces of eight) one?

  • @donnydanger78 said in We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha:

    @waw-gunn and plenty of it (rum)

    Yo-Ho me hearties, Yo-Ho :-)

  • And so, we sail onwards into new horizons, new friendships, but most importantly, new adventures :)

  • I came to the Sea of Thieves as a broken man, holding onto a metaphorical raft to save myself from an ocean of anger and pain. I've found solace through the roll of the waves and the laughter of the individuals I've had the chance to share throughout the many sunrises and sunsets that this world had to offer me.

    I am eternally grateful and this Technical Alpha will forever hold a dear place in my heart.

    Thank you @Rare-Employee, @Deckhands, the @Pioneer and specially @DrBullhammer and @CNT-Thelrox for having made these moments glorious and eternal!

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