Athena Reputation Acquiring Assistance Requested

  • So a while ago, I was looking at titles and ai saw one that I like, and that's the Champion of Athena's Fortune title, which needs level 20 with Athena. This means that I need to do a lot of Athena grinding cuz I'm only level 4 with them. And I ask you fellow pirates of a quick way of getting Athena rep when I can only play for an hour a day. A way I was thinking of getting it is to get on a server with a high level Reaper, I vote up Athena and I got to the Reapers and make the proposition of them guarding them my crew and I while we do a Fort of the Damned, and in return the Reapers get all the loot except the Athena stuff, which unfortunately includes the Chest of Legends, but the balance that out we would offer to bring the bounty chests to Reapers hideout for them. Give me your methods to make my Saddleback Alsatian Dwayne happy.

  • 6
  • Just do the veil, using (I hope sharing a site is not against the rules) you can certainly finish one start to finish in an hour and earn some good rep and around 100k of gold.

  • @devtryak

    Second the Veils. Also, you can cancel and start another one if you don't wanna have a bunch of loot and a beacon over your head lol.

  • @devtryak

    Second the Veils. Also, you can cancel and start another one if you don't wanna have a bunch of loot and a beacon over your head lol.

  • Throw up your Athena Emissary and do a veil. Shouldn't take too long to do and you'll be grade 5 by the time you sell everything.

  • If you're good at PvP, I'd suggest going for Hourglass maybe. It's not to shabby for Athena grinding and you can do multiple match in 1 hour.

2 out of 6