The Parrot Sunk... Along with Athena's Talon. BUT my wife has officially joined the Parrot!

  • Good afternoon Mateys,
    There is very few days that I get where we accomplish nothing the whole session.. last night was one of them.
    Met at the gally, sailed to another ghost fleet and the fun begins.
    We were on the last few ships when none other than those dang reapers show up to spoil the show (typical). We fight, but had some coms and other silly issues causing us to sink. We lost two skulls... hope they enjoyed em :).
    We then spawned at a nearby outpost and decided to exact a little revenge... sought the reapers and got ourselves bamboozled... what can ya do in these situations... we sunk again, obviously meaning the Parrot was defeated squarely very swiftly...twice.
    Sobering as we thought we were nearly ready to take the fight to each reaper.. clearly we are either underestimating them or overestimating us, but head held high and 6750 gold in repairs and the Parrot will return at a later date. The bright note is that it takes a ton to break the parrot crews spirit as the last reaper was pretty infuriated that we were laughing while dying (like get a grip reapers). Guess we upset them because they didnt ruin our day and proceeded to call us inappropriate racial slurs and say how much we suck because we died so much... we died because we couldn't breath by laughing so much. At the end of the day we still made a bunch of negatives into a positive because after all sea of thieves is about the fun you have with friends after all! My wife recently started playing and it has been a treat, she makes this experience all the more better.
    Decided to solo sloop for the last leg of my night to at least try to end the night with a little in the positive for gold (funding as a captain can get expensive haha I ensure my crew tries to get as little as possible on my ships). Completed a vault at krakens fall.. harpooned myself in the middle to hide ship but was still met with reapers (clever little boogers).. This time they didnt attempt to sink me, just lit ship on fire and kept killing me. I barrel hid while they were busy with chests and repaired the ship to a usable level. Saw coast was clear with no ship in sight and saw they left the chests... started loading to find out they left a crewmate on the island who lit ship on fire again. (lesson learned) I sank while escaping but saved emissary and buried it with the treasure I escaped with (at least they didnt get the flag.. dang reapers) Hung the maps up on the nearest outpost board and cashed in a ship wreck for wait for it.... 8K gold.

    So in conclusion mateys.. we all enjoyed ourselves because in the end.. we still had the crew and good spirits... and that my mates is what I think makes the Parrot crew so unique from others... win or loss.. We have fun and make the best of the worst. We could have scoffed or griped but instead we laughed and in turn made those who tried to ruin our day even more angry (I call that a win!)
    Have you all ran into a situation you made the best of? Feel free to share. Happy Sailing mates
    Captain P

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