The Kind, the Rude and the Righteous

  • Yesterday I launched Sea of Thieves to do a little bit of story questing. I finished my quest without any issues and then I had nothing to do. I sailed around, noticed that some player sloop was fighting with a galleon. I approached slowly to help the sloop sink it but was met with them changing their course, and cannonballs flying my way. They approached and boarded me, dropped my anchor, and sank my ship for no reason whatsoever. I had no loot, nothing for them to gain. This just irked me the wrong way. I respawned, assuming they would get back to trying to sink the galleon so I sailed to Plunder Outpost near which wreckage of my ship embellishes the seabed. I spotted them and started the chase, helping the AI galleon instead. Unfortunately there were two of them and only one of me, so they kept boarding and killing me. Galleon AI also chose to attack me a couple of times. Good PVP practice, I had nothing to lose. Of course, upon respawning on my soon-to-be-sank ship I kept getting spawnkilled. I lost my ship once again, and once again I embarked on a vengeful journey to be as much of a nuisance to them. They. Will. Not. Sink. That. Galleon. After an HOUR of being an annoying insect, buzzing around their ship, ramming it with my own, they started talking to me in foreign language but I paid that no mind and focused on my task, my duty, my one true goal. They must have realized that I would not let it go, and they were right. Instead of continuing the fight, they started running away. Disadvantaged, I had trouble navigating as quickly as they did, so they kept getting ahead of me, stopping at some isles and probably burying their more valuable loot. We exchanged a couple shots and I thought that I'd never serve justice. Not a minute has passed since my panicked thought and a Steam notification appears. My friend wanted to join in a true Deux Ex Machina manner. Now we are on an even ground, now I could dish out the righteousness. The battle was fierce and we got close to losing our ship twice. But a drop of water more would have been the end of us. We also ran out of all repair materials so it was getting tense. The mistake. The two scoundrels decided to board us at the same time but we disinfected our ship with a swift application of Boarder Repellent TM. As they were respawning, we managed to deal lethal damage to their mast and the rest of the ship. Later on their ship sank, dropping magnificent Athena bounty. Originally I was planning to leave their loot to sink, it was all about the message, not gold, but the surviving pirate was extremely angry, said he'd report us for tracking them three times, and of course spouted 1000 swear words per minute.

    I admit, it felt good to watch them sink, it felt good to imagine their shock and their pain. No thought has ever given me greater joy. Don't pick a fight with someone who has nothing to lose...

    On an unrelated note, was what I done a bannable offense? I am quite fresh, and do not engage in PVP often, so I don't know if I've done something bad indeed.

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  • @macdb8616 nice story. No, not bannnable, you have nothing to fear, but if you took videos, you could report them if they used that much swear words and you got proof of it...

  • Gameplay wise there is nothing wrong there.

    I dunno what was said back and forth or how escalated it got but none of the gameplay is an issue.

    Not all is fair in love and war but in piracy a lot of it is best left at sea. Unless they said some real hateful stuff and your conscience tells you to report it I would just let it all go and not worry about it as long as you didn't say anything hateful during the back and forth.

  • I planned to actually report the person but did not record anything. Their swear words had no effect so I did not mind (they actually added to the experience). The only thing that raised my eyebrow was him saying that respawning and tracking him is a bannable offense but I guess he was just coping. Even if they recorded this whole ordeal, I said nothing to them, because I don't use mic that often, and I conducted myself in a respectable manner. Rarely do I sail solo, and when I do I try to help others but it was the first time when me trying to help resulted in someone else's rude behaviour. First time for everything I guess.

  • @macdb8616 said in The Kind, the Rude and the Righteous:

    I planned to actually report the person but did not record anything. Their swear words had no effect so I did not mind (they actually added to the experience). The only thing that raised my eyebrow was him saying that respawning and tracking him is a bannable offense but I guess he was just coping. Even if they recorded this whole ordeal, I said nothing to them, because I don't use mic that often, and I conducted myself in a respectable manner. Rarely do I sail solo, and when I do I try to help others but it was the first time when me trying to help resulted in someone else's rude behaviour. First time for everything I guess.

    You won't have many issues in this game if you stick to that. I've fought random pvpers in random scenarios nearly every day for years and as long as you don't get too involved in the banter stuff you won't have problems, some say stuff sometimes but when not participating or escalating in the talking part it doesn't go anywhere.

    People talk about getting messages and reported and all that but in my experience when not feeding into it, it doesn't go anywhere.

    People very very rarely message me anything spicy, very rarely spawn camp me just to spawn camp me, rarely say stuff beyond just some cringe to test the waters or just yelling at the clouds and imo that is in very large part to me not lecturing people in game, not escalating socially, and just sticking to gameplay.

    Keep doing what you are doing and you should be alright.

    Personally I let it all go every session. I think it's healthier for me but I also dunno what other people are going through and it's just a moment in time so I don't really read into it too much or judge it too harshly I just let it go.

  • @macdb8616

    I approached slowly to help the sloop sink it but was met with them changing their course, and cannonballs flying my way. They approached and boarded me, dropped my anchor, and sank my ship for no reason whatsoever.

    Your actions after this point could be the reasoning for this type of behaviour, as well as go on to strengthen their conviction in taking this approach. You didn't do anything wrong, but I thought I'd mention it as some food for thought.

    If you see a ship and would like to help them, I've found it more successful to fire off some fireworks or a white signal flare.

  • @foxdodge Makes sense, although they did not sink me immediately. When I got boarded, they shortly ceased fire, looked for me but I was in the bird's nest. They saw nothing on my ship, so they disboarded and shot me down. They could tell me to just go away but they have chosen violence.

    ...and in the end so did I

  • They may have mistaken you as a threat, everyone has been traumatised on the seas.

    But you served justice after being attacked, as the underdog in a fight, good work.

    I never understood "attack on sight" for no reason sort of players either (i tried their playstyle, didn't like it)

    The Pirate Lord would be proud of you.

  • This story, right here, is why players shouldn't get merged after being sunk x times.

    Y'all would take this Pirate's story and Glory away.

  • @pithyrumble I agree with this sentiment

  • @pithyrumble said in The Kind, the Rude and the Righteous:

    This story, right here, is why players shouldn't get merged after being sunk x times.

    Y'all would take this Pirate's story and Glory away.

    It's a mixed bag, quite a bit of inappropriate conduct is created out of prolonged escalation in a community that has become more divided on gameplay over the years.

    I don't think you're wrong but it definitely comes at a cost.

5 out of 11