NPCs walking around Golden Sands

  • My friends and I have been talking about how cool golden sands looks, but also how uneventful it is so far. Of course it’s still in construction and not fully completed however, there are buildings and homes that don’t have anyone there. It would be cool seeing NPCs inside of the massive tavern or even a band on the stage to make the place more lively

  • 6
  • Agreed!

    This would be an excellent addition to not make Golden Sands look like a complete ghost town.

  • Would love to see the world get a bit livelier with some NPCs in taverns, etc... Especially at New Golden Sands!

    Hopefully they go that direction with it at some point.

  • @captainseahippo said in NPCs walking around Golden Sands:

    My friends and I have been talking about how cool golden sands looks, but also how uneventful it is so far. Of course it’s still in construction and not fully completed however, there are buildings and homes that don’t have anyone there. It would be cool seeing NPCs inside of the massive tavern or even a band on the stage to make the place more lively

    I totally agree because it looks like a ghost town.

  • Love this idea, probably would be a bit resource hungry server side though....unless it was done client side and purely as a cosmetic.

  • Can you picture when normal players acting like npc just to ambush them. :p

5 out of 6