Support site unavailable

  • Hey there

    I think it's not the right place, but the support site is not available, I think it's just my problem but I don't really know how to solve it.

    Here the message..

  • 7
  • happens a lot in the last few months, that error as well as others

    at least it does for me, usually after a minute or so things work for a while

  • @miyum95 said in Support site unavailable:

    Hey there

    I think it's not the right place, but the support site is not available, I think it's just my problem but I don't really know how to solve it.

    Here the message..

    Why is your URL so odd.

    This is the direct link to submit a support request.

  • @personalc0ffee

    Same problem ^^

  • They really need to sort this out.

  • Up.

    Apparently I just switched from edge and chrome to opera and it worked. : /

  • @miyum95 said in Support site unavailable:


    Apparently I just switched from edge and chrome to opera and it worked. : /

    I would clear cookies/cache on your browsers then and then sign out and sign back in on

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