I Sail to Plunder's Outpost

  • I sail to Plunderer’s Outpost. The ship is overflowing with knickknacks and barnacle-clad treasures. Just moments ago I had delved into “The Treasury of Ancients,” my first time experiencing such a dungeon. Surely my riches will be enough to purchase captainsy.
    There is a problem.
    Another ship is docked at this outpost. They mind their business so far. I had blasted fireworks in their general direction as a friendly greeting and let myself believe that, perhaps, I shouldn’t expect the worst of others. We are all pirates trying to cash in loot for fancier ships, clothing, and reputation.
    And so, I drop my first chest at dock. Open it to sell a Coffer of Antiquated Coffee which I imagine has the stench of mold and disease outbreaks waiting to happen. I forget something and step back to my ship. Not far. Just a few yards away. Then, turning, there is a pirate inspecting my chest. He grabs it. Shuffles off somewhere to sell my hard-earned loot.
    I know what you’re thinking. “Shoot him! Shoot him for god’s sake!”
    But I don’t shoot him. Instead I follow this stranger and watch him sell my bit of loot. It wasn’t a catastrophe, for I had many other chests on board. Maybe we could talk things out. Be civil.
    Yes, civil. I am far too pure for this world.
    Canonfire. I turn and watch in horror as the ship I had ignored before is now sinking my ship of treasures. I run aboard, thinking maybe if I’m quick enough I can still sell some. But my blood boils.
    These strangers had the audacity to steal my hard work? When I blasted fireworks for them with the merriest of intentions? Heathens.
    I take a firebomb. I load my cannon. I aim… Alas, they are just far enough to the side that I cannot shoot them. I die.
    The ferrymen gives me a new misplaced ship. I watch each notification as my treasure is “gifted” to another ship. And I think to myself, man this really sucks.
    I’m not just angry, but a bit sad. I’ve always been on the passive side. Hoping that the world and its denizens will reward kindness with companionship or adventures. Not this time. It is yet another loss reaffirming my new belief that I should always expect the worst from people. Shed those last strands of compassion and adopt brutality at its finest.
    But I stop. Breathe. There is still time. The outpost is not far from my new location. If I’m fast, I can scavenge any loot they may or may not have left with the wreckage. I set sail for Plunderer’s Outpost and hope for the best.
    On arrival, the ship is in fact still there. But they’re leaving. The inner predator in me decides that they are not going to leave the place unscathed.
    I sail straight for them. I have nothing to lose, so ramming their ship and damaging mine is the least of my concern. During my chase, I equipped more firebombs and prepared to attempt the most James Bond thing I’ve done in this Sea of Thieves. As they pass me and unload their cannons on my ship, I run up the bowsprit of my ship and parkour jump onto their quarter-deck. Then, I slam my bomb on the ground and jump off into the ocean. Their boat is now on fire. I watch them sail away from me (my boat going on a trip of its own) and I am mighty pleased with myself. It served them right. Showing me the butt of the world when I meant well.
    The merman teleports me to my runaway sloop. I turn towards the outpost, mourning my treasure. No amount of firebombs would get that back. Chests full of coffee, skulls, jewels, and this thing called Breath of Water or something that I never got to see the price of. At least there was some comfort in knowing the other pirates would either burn to death in excruciating pain or be eaten alive by megalodons in the ocean. Or would they?
    I would like to say that they perished. Managed to take my treasure but didn’t escape with their skins. But that’s not what happened. Unfortunately, the enemy managed to put out their fires and made a u-turn for my ship. They survived, and they were angry.
    Instead of battling with them I just docked at the outpost and waited. Sat down outside the tavern as they rained cannon fire in an attempt to hit me behind buildings. One from the duo of heathens makes landfall and looks for me. I’m sitting in front of the tavern, plain as day. Perhaps the poor fellow was blinded? What a shame.
    He did find me eventually. First, firebomb straight at my feet. Then, blunderbuss fire to my gut. I stand, but I don’t run or attack. I did what I intended to do. I set their boat on fire. They didn’t die from it. They didn’t suffer. They had nothing to lose anyway because my treasure was sold. But, I set their boat on fire and looked damned good doing it.
    As my soul met the ferryman once more, I wondered what the duo was thinking. Did they celebrate? Did they grumble about tryhards? Were they long-time friends or had they just met? Did I care?
    Not really. It was another negative interaction with the world and it wouldn’t be my last. Another reason to expect the worst instead of the best. As I watched my new boat from the beach of a dreary island, I sighed one more time at the audacity of some people. Then, I closed the game, opened forums, and typed my first sentence.

    …I sail to Plunderer’s Outpost.

  • 10
  • Some of the kindest people I've ever met either didn't start out that way or never much received it themselves.

    I think what makes some wonderful is their dedication and commitment to a conscience that is considerate of others even when it's difficult to be optimistic about interaction

    You say another reason to expect the worst, unnecessary weight to carry in my view, a self imposed burden that limits a bright view of the horizon

    I hope you keep trying, I hope compatibility is found within your encounters.
    Happy community day, it's nice to have you here.

  • @wolfmanbush I've found that I can't help but try. For better and worse. It's why I run into these situations. All one can do is take precautions and spit in the eyes of misfortune if it does come around.
    Happy community day, hey at least I got a funny story.

  • @stick-wyvern

    Never sell when another ship is at your outpost...

    Like ever.

    Even with close friends lol.

  • @pithyrumble Yes, that's another precaution I plan to take from now on XD

  • @stick-wyvern I'm normally super friendly and let others be and just do what I was doing.

    But if you would come to an outpost full of treasure and just casually start selling without trying interact, or by saying 'Hello, how's it going ..etc'' I would most certainly try to murder you and steal your loot....Unless everything about you and your ship would scream - New player ^^

    So now imagine pirates who are actually after other pirates treasure, this is literally 'Christmas' scenario.

  • @zig-zag-ltu And Christmas scenario it was. Oh well. Pirates are pirates.

  • I have the same issue too. My husband and I try to be the nicest, but if they fire, they know the reason why they gave us the title (the Feared) We ourselves just earned pirate legend too. Just keep at it! You will do great things in this world we plunder. Don't forget. At one point my husband and I had the whole server together at plunder outpost just partying talking watching fireworks!

    They will be bad days, and there will be good ones. You got this!

  • LOL I am not sorry for you at all. You have a ship FULL of treasure, the MOMENT you see a ship at your desired outpost, CHANGE COURSE.

    LOL - serves ye right har har

  • Never expect the best from pirates, while you may have good intentions, and may think the firework is all you needed to make friends, they saw a ship brimming with very sought after treasure that they wanted!

    Never underestimate the lengths that a pirate will go to for a few pennies, more or less for some rare barnacled gold!

8 out of 10