Years go on, game never change

  • That's pretty much it. 2000+ hours of experience player here. Me and my crew took a break because of the ETERNALS black screens. We decided to give another chance to the game 8 months later. There's literally nothing to do. Nothing changed. Always laggy, always stuttering.
    We always sink because of 2 to 6 minutes of black screen respawn/mermaid.
    Oneshot Blunder-buss only works for opponents. When in close combat, drop of frames like from 200 fps to 30 fps. Unbelievable with the resources we have in 2023.

    Does Rare have a plan in order to fix these kind of issues or skins and merch is what they can do best?

  • 17
  • @silliercircle89 said in Years go on, game never change:

    There's literally nothing to do.

    Game has its issues but "nothing" to do ain't one of them

    there was years worth of content before season 7 and 8 and now with 7 and 8 there is pretty much another few years of stuff to do on top of what already existed.

    You might not enjoy the content but lack of content hasn't been an issue in SoT for years.

  • There's literally nothing to do. Nothing changed.

    Nothing. Nothing?
    I feel this kid hasn’t taken the time to explore but reading the rest, it clear they are focused only on the pvp

  • @BurnBacon @WolfManbush
    You guys are not understanding my point. There's nothing to do; I'll quit again. Devs couldn't fix issues that have been around for a lot of time. Losing every single day because of lack on server quality and connection sucks a lot. Maybe you never experienced day after day 6 minutes black screens. You can not even enjoy a fight properly. Where's the fun?
    Content wise, nothing changed in the past 2 years. Adventures? 30 mins of content every couple of months, wow.

  • @silliercircle89 said in Years go on, game never change:

    You guys are not understanding my point. There's nothing to do; I'll quit again. Devs couldn't fix issues that have been around for a lot of time. Losing every single day because of lack on server quality and connection sucks a lot. Maybe you never experienced day after day 6 minutes black screens. You can not even enjoy a fight properly. Where's the fun?
    Content wise, nothing changed in the past 2 years. Adventures? 30 mins of content every couple of months, wow.

    I play every day and have for years, both pve and pvp, so I definitely understand some of the frustrations.

    Long term play in this game has always been about the random encounters, all content becomes mundane and monotonous without those random encounters and the random risk.

    "Where is the fun" in this game is pretty much what someone can create and find in a shared environment.

    Your 2000 hours might be what you had to give for this game, maybe you don't have interest anymore and it's time to find a new game.

    This game often requires constant adapting for an individual. I've had to make significant changes many times to my sessions in order to maintain interest and passion for the game. There are a lot of frustrations in long term play, not much we can do about it, it'll always be there. When you burn out you burn out, happens at different times for people.

  • @silliercircle89 I've noticed that blackscreens over 30 seconds are very uncommon. If you are experiencing them regularly, it might be your hardware.

  • @silliercircle89 "There's nothing to do; I'll quit again."

    Ok, sounds like this game is not for you anymore.

  • @captain-coel said in Years go on, game never change:

    @silliercircle89 I've noticed that blackscreens over 30 seconds are very uncommon. If you are experiencing them regularly, it might be your hardware.

    That was my thought, I'm on Xbox and I don't have these issues to it seems to me that indicates Rare is ok.

  • The only thing i can think of that causes such long black screens frequently would be something on your end, be it hardware or internet. Im running a total budget pc but with decent internet, and i only recall ever having an extremely long black screen once.

  • @goldsmen said in Years go on, game never change:

    The only thing i can think of that causes such long black screens frequently would be something on your end, be it hardware or internet. Im running a total budget pc but with decent internet, and i only recall ever having an extremely long black screen once.

    I've always heard it was the hard drive specifically and when people upgrade it improves typically

    I've pretty much had the same everything since I started the game and black screens have improved over time, they had some rough times but in general have improved on Rare's end it seems.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Years go on, game never change:

    I've always heard it was the hard drive specifically and when people upgrade it improves typically

    I've pretty much had the same everything since I started the game and black screens have improved over time, they had some rough times but in general have improved on Rare's end it seems.

    Thats strange, i would have figured an issue with ram or maby cpu rather than hard drive, but i guess that could cause some loading issues if its struggling to retrieve what is needed from the drive.

  • It sounds like you haven't changed your hardware in years either tbh.

    Nothing changes indeed.

  • Gotta ask, are you playing on an Xbox? Have you updated your hardware in your PC at all, recently?

    Because I haven't had any loading screen issues whatsoever. Also, your statement of "nothing to do" is simply and completely false. There are thirty+ content updates, chock with new content and things to do. The Season 8 PvP mode has completely reignited people's passion for PvP, and added some of the most memorable and desired rewards for being the best of the best.

    Just because you don't personally value or like what's been added, doesn't make your statement true.

  • Ayup, I had 15 sec to 1.5 minute black screens on the XB1. Now that I've managed to gear up to an XB-X, load in is almost instant, unless I've been sunk and it had to transport everything to a new location.

  • I'm on a mid-range PC (i7, SSD,32gb ram) and get long black screens (3 minutes or longer). They are rare but probably once every week or two, and only when other player ships are around. I've seen other pc players get them too and they're on better machines.

    Some black screens are hardware related though, no doubt, and if (especially) you're on an old xbox or very limited pc then yeah, not much has changed.

  • If we are talking about bugs, was just sailing...Saw a reaper sloop following me, could not aim/block anymore for whatever reason, I got away from them, decided to fight a skelly sloop, mid battle the sloop just dived and I went to the outpost to start the hourglass, battle started and I have like 300 ping as I am teleporting all over ship cant bucket or fix properly, not even talking about shooting cannons

  • @silliercircle89
    Noplan bro sry for you but no this will never change, they won't change anything about it because it costs.
    I remind you that they closed the arena so that the servers are of better quality .... no improvement... It's a shame for farming games not to be able to accumulate loot under penalty of laying off the servers after 5 years. Game never change

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