5 Years of Sea of Thieves Stories

  • Ahoy fellow Pirates. With March quickly approaching marking out the 5 year anniversary of Sea of Thieves, I wanted to start a little project. I want to hear your most exciting, harrowing, blood pumping, (maybe slightly embellished for dramatic effect) memories made upon the waves of the Sea of Thieves. I want to start a collection of Stories that define your pirates legend, make Sea of Thieves what it is, and hear all the reasons that make this a game we love.

    I don't care if you write a quick sentence, write a short story, link a youtube video or xbox clip, I want to know what your favorite memories made in the game have been. And of COURSE you can share more than one. I just know that after 5 years I have had some incredible things happen to me in this sandbox, and I cant wait to hear yours.

    If this is already a Topic, and I can just add on to an already existing conversation, please let me know. I know how cluttered Forums can be and Id love to consolidate as much as possible.

    Cheers Pirates, I can't wait to hear what stories you all have to share, and I hope we dont kill each other in the future.

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    just for funcommunitygeneralstory & lorequestion
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    A couple of years ago I met this kid in an open crew that I refer to as Tum Tum

    I said Hi and his first words were "please don't leave"

    hits me in the gut now as it did then

    Spent a few hours sailing around, acquired some fort of the damned loot, found adventure around the map

    by the end he had perked up and was laughing at his own jokes where he was calling me 107 years old.

    If I lost all my gold, all my cosmetics, it doesn't much matter, experiences like that stick around, the treasure of adventure.

  • @abelfam
    Ok, I want to add a funny story of mine:

    Back in Season 3, I had a plan where I would complete "A Pirate's Life for the story and the atmosphere before going back a second time to complete all the accommodations. I followed through with the plan and was having a blast up to Chapter 3: "Captain's of the Damned. I was excited for this level as it became evident by what Calypso and Gibbs were saying that I'd be going back through the portal (I am a big fan of Chapter 1).

    So I start going through the motions: I board the Beach Head (my ship) and I sail through the portal into the Bayou. Now, I'm a big fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, so I became enthralled in the scenery and everything. However, I thought the river through the Bayou was getting a little cramped even for the sloop. I proceed a little further until I reached the fork in the stream before you reach the cabin and move onto to the Spanish prison. At this point, it looked like the water would be to narrow for the Beach Head to pass through, so I parked it by the shoreline and went about completing the rest of the area by foot (it made sense to me as that's what we did in Chapter 1. It also gave me an excuse to explore).

    I ended up eventually finding the pathway to the Blue Bayou and came across the rowboat. Naturally, I thought my original instincts about the narrow streams were correct: Rare wanted me to take this rowboat and finish the rest of the chapter. So that's what I did. I rowed from the Bayou to the Spanish prison. After I completed that part of the story, I rowed from the prison to Isla Tesoro and then to the Tavern of the Damned. Not once did I question the methodology, I just kept following the story while the Beach Head stayed back in the Bayou. Retrospectively, I may have given Hull Lariash a run for his money. :)

    Anyway, I finish up at the Tavern thoroughly enjoying the story when Jack says something to the effect of: "Hey, I'll come with you back to the Sea of Thieves. I'll meet you at your ship!" That's what clued me into the fact that I may have done something wrong. I started rowing my rowboat to the portal, only to row past it and hit an invisible wall on the other side. I ended up taking a mermaid back and sheepishly sailed the Beach Head back through the entire level with Jack basically saying: "Are we there yet?" Suffice to say, my second time around went off without a hitch and I enjoyed it much more then my first time!

    To the guys at Rare reading this: if you found a rowboat in the code of the game that's not suppose to be there, I'm sorry, my bad! :)


  • @lucky11 Hahaha that is AMAZING. I love that so much, and the important thing is you still had an amazing time. What more can you ask for. Incredible story telling by the way!

  • @wolfmanbush could not agree more. The encounters where I stop and listen and experience the players of the game just enjoying themselves have been some of my greatest memories in the game. Attack first and ask questions later can be a lot of fun, but very seldom do they result in actual memories. Thats why I try to stop and talk with random players as often as possible. Thank you for sharing!

  • @abelfam said in 5 Years of Sea of Thieves Stories:

    @wolfmanbush could not agree more. The encounters where I stop and listen and experience the players of the game just enjoying themselves have been some of my greatest memories in the game. Attack first and ask questions later can be a lot of fun, but very seldom do they result in actual memories. Thats why I try to stop and talk with random players as often as possible. Thank you for sharing!

    I've built my entire piracy around it. I fight the ships that want to fight but my substantive interactions are built around non hostile encounters with random pvers. My longevity on the seas relies on random encounters even if 30 seconds or a few minutes. It's what feels real and true and it's what has connected me to the organic experience of the game.

    Doesn't even need to include communication, sometimes just moments of shared piracy before going our separate ways is enough. Just people livin' and adventurin'.

    I really enjoy captaincy, sometimes just reading the ship names and captain names with the crest tells me a lil' something about someone I didn't know even if we don't interact. Puzzle pieces I can attempt to put together as I sail by.

  • So I will be posting some of my own stories here and there as they come to me/ when I feel like typing. But I think I'll start with one a little more on the wholesome side.

    So around a year ago I was playing with two friends (Negotiator and Cryotic we'll call them) and we had a fairly normal session, nothing really of note but as all voyages must come to an end, so had this one. Before Captaincy, we always used to give our ships a Viking Funeral. It was a good way to use the firebombs we had collected, the fire looks pretty, and its fun to do while saying our farewells.

    Anyway after the ship sinks, we are still talking when out of nowhere a Sloop just pops into existence right in front of us. We quickly realize whats happened, a new player had joined the server and we quickly decided to play a harmless little prank on them. We all hide in random places on the ship. Negotiator as a barrel below deck, Myself in the crows nest, and Cryotic hanging on the ladder opposite of the dock. Well, being in the crows nest, I had the opportunity to watch this player as they left the Tavern and began visiting every shop on (old) Golden Sands Outpost. While we wait for the solo player to come aboard their ship, we start discussing what to do, and we finally agree to all come out at the same time playing 'Happy Birthday' on our instruments while holding out the burnt bananas Negotiator had been cooking downstairs waiting.

    Well we waited. And waited. And Im impatient so I got tired of waiting. I checked 'recently played', shot them a quick message asking them what they were doing, and after a bit of back and forth convinced them to come to their boat. They obliged, albeit somewhat hesitantly, and slowly made their way to the dock. She hopped aboard, raised anchor, and started to sail away. Que all 3 of us emerging at the same time. Negotiator walking slowly up the stairs, Cryotic climbing the Ladder, and Myself diving from the nest. We all start playing Happy Birthday at the same time, before Negotiator starts to hand out the bananas.

    SHE IS IN SHOCK. "How... HOW DID YOU KNOW!?!? WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW" she starts as she begins laughing hysterically. "WHO ARE YOU". Obviously confused but entertained by her enjoying this moment, we laugh along thinking she just finds the situation funny as this is not your typical SoT experience. We give our typical "Oh we were just logging off and thought this would be funny" blah blah blah kinda laughing it off. BUT NO.

    IT WAS HER ACTUAL BIRTHDAY. She had set the day aside to play sot with some friends, but she logged on earlier than them, so she just started up sloop to go through cosmetics and buying some stuff before they hopped on. She wasnt even going to stay on the sloop when they finally logged on. Of course we all lost it at the pure absurdity of the chances of this happening. Not only the chances of her landing in our server, but especially the chances of us playing that ONE song out of, what? 16+??

    Anyway, after we all calmed down a bit she thanked us for giving her such a fantastic birthday present and story. Its something I have never been able to forget, and every time I see Happy Birthday on the Shanty wheel I remember the pure awe struck wonder in her voice asking how we could have possibly known.

  • @crowedhunter always love the little random shenanigans players can get up to. Its easy to forget SoT is a sandbox game, even if so few players actually treat it as such haha. Sounds like a very fun memory.

  • This story isn't too crazy but it is definitely my most heart racing moment.

    I pretty much play 90% of the time solo and I wanted in on some skull fort plunder (this is back when skull forts were pretty new). At this skull fort was a galleon crew so I left my sloop at a nearby island, took the rowboat that was already there and rowed to the island (unnoticed, leaving my rowboat under a rock ledge, unseen). I stayed in my boat until near the end of the fight. When the time was right, I jumped out of the rowboat, and onto the island. I immediately kill the captain, take the key back to the hidden row boat while I hear over my headset frustrations from the other crew that "the key vanished! Oh I hate these glitches!" All the while I am sitting in rowboat with key! They depart shortly thereafter, I unlock the door, take all the plunder and row it back to my sloop.

    What a moment!

  • @dutchdeadschot ohh we love successful stealth plays! Im not much good at them myself, but I did enjoy attempting them a lot in my earlier days of SoT!

  • I also once scuttled my ship at an outpost, waited for a new player's ship to spawn, and rode around with him in the crow's nest and he had no idea I was on board. Ended up killing him and taking his stuff LOL

  • "Talks in bad pirate voice because REASONS!"

    It be years since me short voyage in the Closed Beta of the Sea of Thieves, back when the Pirate Code was treated as little more than a set of guidelines than actual rules, what with pirates tossing folks into the brig for no good reason and regularly camping ports to sink unprepared ships and all that dreadful business. Come on, a pirate has to have SOME standards, even if they have to be few in number!

    I had made it my business to keep me sails aimed clear away from the Sea of Thieves to avoid such business altogether. But, after reading a heartfelt (and recent) story of a father spinning tall tales of his pirating adventures to his family, I was inspired to plant myself before the mast and set sail to these waters once again!

    It also helped that I heard rumors of a certain captain named for a bird causing quite a stir around these waters, and a pirate does love a good rumor...

    Anyway, before I knew it, I found myself among the crew of a Brigantine with all manner of fancy decorations, captained by a pirate that glowed purple like the stars. Sadly, the name of their mighty vessel escapes this tired mind of mine, but I recall something of their name: Mojojo... eh, the full name eludes me. As it happens, I had arrived whilst the crew was in the midst of a battle! Unfortunately, I was caught unprepared, so it wasn't long before I found myself before the Ferryman, right along side the captain himself.

    I think all of us scallywags have been through this at least once.

    Like any pirates worth our sea legs, we returned to our ship, dusted ourselves off, and set sail. As we were sailing the seas, we had another crew member added to our ranks! It was good timing too, for soon after their arrival, we had found another Brigantine that flew pirate colors! Seeing the opportunity for both a fight and loot, we sailed into position and opened fire as it was leaving port. I assure ye, we made sure it had a fighting chance before firing! It took us a few passes, but we managed to sink her and take the loot for ourselves. Funny thing to note is that a bit before we did battle with the Brigantine, we had encountered a Skeleton Galleon! Twisted vessels such as these are fierce opponents, but attack only when provoked. Thinking that caution was the better part of valor, the captain ordered that the skeletal vessel be left alone for the moment.

    Note the phrase "for the moment". Sometime after our fight with the Brig, we had found the Skeleton Galleon again. This time, however, the captain ordered us to fire at the ghastly thing! A mighty tough ship, she was! Cannon shot after cannon shot had found their mark, and yet she would not sink quickly or easily! Her own cannons certainly kept us busy in the hold! During the course of battle, the cursed boneheads thought it best to ram us! Thank goodness, we had the good sense to fix up the ship in a hurry, but what happened next took me by surprise:

    Our captain decided that the best action to take at that moment was for him to board the Skeleton Galleon, loot the captain's quarters for a spell, and jump back onto our ship! Ha-ha, I raise my mug to that blasted pirate!

    Anyway, we went on to sink the Galleon and take her treasures for ourselves. Soon after sailing off to our next adventure, we found ourselves a Skeleton Fort, no doubt one of ol' Flameheart's haunts. After knocking out the fort's cannons, we ventured into its depths to clear it out and, of course, steal that which wasn't nailed down. It wasn't easy to take the place over: no matter how many ghostly foes we bested, more kept coming!

    I MIGHT have visited the Ferryman again during the raid... BUT, I've gotten me fair share of kills!

    The only way to end the swarm of spirits was to take down the Captain. By the seas, did he hit like a cannon with his sword swipes! But, we sent him screaming back to the afterlife! Which meant that it was time to take all of the shiny goodies that was stashed in the fort. Once we emptied the place out, we went back to sailing.

    It was not long before we found yet another Skeleton Galleon, but by this point, our captain had gotten a little carried away with their love for treasure. Earlier, I had tried to recommend that we sail to port to sell off our swag, but they would not budge. Can't blame them, really. I mean, pirates and treasure go together like good drink and mugs! As we fired upon the Galleon, we failed to notice the ocean turning black...

    Ink black.

    The Kraken had pounced upon our vessel, completely ignoring the Galleon! The beast made short work of the crew, the ship, and yours truly, grabbing us with its gigantic tentacles and tossing us into the depths both figuratively and literally. We ALL saw the Ferryman that time!

    Our hard-earned loot was gone, our ship was sunk, but...

    How can I possibly say that I DIDN'T have a great time with me crew!? They were a friendly and helpful bunch, though they didn't talk much. Good hands before the cannons and mast, sound shooters and skilled with the blade. If there was one thing I learned from this venture, it was this:

    Turns out, at least some pirates honor the code these days, much to me pirate heart's joy!

    Here's to many more tales to come!

  • @frodarissalona Fantastic stoytelling, I loved the voice in my head reading this tale! I'm glad you enjoyed your time, and if you dont yet have a standard crew I highly encourage using Looking For Group posts as often as possible. You will meet some more talkative types eventually, maybe even some friends you will play with again and again. I have certainly met my fair share of pirates I try to play with more often than not.

  • @abelfam

    Per season 7.
    Tell your story!
    NO! Not like that!!!

    I shall keep the stories I haven't told close. Those are my treasures and you can't steal them no matter how hard you tuck.

  • @pithyrumble Thats fair! But surely there are some stories that have already been shared that you would like retold in the name of honor and glory and to spread the reputation of the dread pirate PithyRumble??

  • @abelfam said in 5 Years of Sea of Thieves Stories:

    @pithyrumble Thats fair! But surely there are some stories that have already been shared that you would like retold in the name of honor and glory and to spread the reputation of the dread pirate PithyRumble??

    They've been told and lost to legend.
    Plus a lot of pirates around here don't exactly like me lol. I am a dread pirate. But not like you'd think 😋

just for funcommunitygeneralstory & lorequestion
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