Prioritize matchmaking time for pvp

  • First available match needs to be the priority over SBMM and all the other factors for matching players. The fact that the player base is split between Xbox/pc servers just make it worse.

    80% of my friends have already given up on this update and aren't coming back unless the matchmaking times are resolved. The update is great overall but match times kill it. Is there any plans from Rare?

  • 12
  • @undefinedx01

    Totally agree. My friend and I were on a duo sloop last night around 9pm - 12 am PST. We switched between both factions and never got a match.

    I'm assuming that matchmaking is not working as intended because I refuse to believe that duo sloop is dead in North America.

    Get us into matches so we can play the mode. This is not fun waiting for 30+ minutes or it never actually starts because there is not a perfect match to go against.

    Before people come in here saying to defend, that doesn't matter because nobody attacked us when we did defending for 45 minutes.

    Fix matchmaking.

  • I’m not 100% but it seems like matchmaking keeps you in your region, maybe if your load times are long it can expand the pool to nearby regions to look for a match quicker. For example if you are NA East and matchmaking is taking longer than expected it will broaden the matchmaking pool to NA Central or West. Also if matchmaking isn’t finding someone your skill rating it should pair you with the closest available. Since there is no official skill rating like GM, Masters, Silver, Gold, etc it should be more lenient with who it pairs you with to make up for queue times.

  • @l-liger-l said in Prioritize matchmaking time for pvp:

    I’m not 100% but it seems like matchmaking keeps you in your region, maybe if your load times are long it can expand the pool to nearby regions to look for a match quicker. For example if you are NA East and matchmaking is taking longer than expected it will broaden the matchmaking pool to NA Central or West. Also if matchmaking isn’t finding someone your skill rating it should pair you with the closest available. Since there is no official skill rating like GM, Masters, Silver, Gold, etc it should be more lenient with who it pairs you with to make up for queue times.

    For me this content has me seeing people I almost never see when it comes to public people. A different group than I typically see.

    but I am largely playing organically outside of pvp on demand so I am seeing the people pop up around the server I am on rather than doing the hunting.

  • 80% of my friends have already given up on this update and aren't coming back unless the matchmaking times are resolved.

    Soo your friends quit due season update. Meanwhile the rest of the game works fine. Seems your friends were just looking for a reason to quit. Very sad

  • @burnbacon you do realize that games become stale and need new content to keep people's interests. They're looking for a reason to continue playing, not quit. You can't expect people to sit in 20 minute queues. Not good. I want the game to be successful and bring people back to the game and that's not happening with the current issues.

  • @l-liger-l I agree, these are great options.

  • @undefinedx01

    So if the first available match for a completely new player, or just inexperienced in PvP is pit against a Legendary Sea Dog player, do you think that new player is going to want to come back to this after getting destroyed in less than 30 seconds?

    No. So 'first available match' over SBMM is not going to fix the problem, just add to it. People won't come back to this if they can't fight a crew of their level, further adding to wait times.

  • They need to fix this matchmaking for sure, we are in queues for at least 15 minutes even if it says ''less than 1 minute'' we are wasting a lot of time.

  • @dooby-uk SBMM does't work for this game. The population is too segmented between platforms, regions etc and you're just making it that much harder to match players. It's that simple. Not every match will be LSD'S and if it is then that's fine. You'll get better at the game

  • No thanks I'd rather wait and have them tell me they couldn't find a match for me instead of just giving me either a free win or someone that stomps me.

  • I would not be opposed to the idea of if it can't find me a solo match in X amount of time find me a duo sloop to fight.
    I might play the game differently than most, I don't care about the loot or if I sink. I am looking to have fun with a good fight.
    I will never wear the curses when I get them, its more about knowing I have them... but like I said I might play different than most.

4 out of 12