So....about the new PvP

  • Wow.....tonight I realized how much I suck at PvP. I can admit that. But....tonight there is no way we were being paired to like-leveled crews. Not even close. Our opponents were pretty much flawless.....VERY experienced. Dare I say sweaty?

    To be fair, two nights ago I felt we were being paired much better.

    I can canon against a skelly sloop pretty easily, but for some reason hitting a player sloop is ten times more difficult. Gauging that extra range is tougher than it looks. My partner even claimed the canons were first tried were buggy with shots being totally unpredictable.

    I know....I know.....I got to put in the time.

    At least the winning crews have been very gracious.

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  • Same here! Its tough!

    I find having lots of resources allows you a bit flexibility. Ive been firing from far away because i had more cannonballs then i knew what to do with!

    Ive watched pvp videos and the thing is youd think it makes it easier but half of it is just practice and muscle memory!

    Stick with it, youll get those wins eventually!

  • One general cannon tip I can give is that the farther a ship is, the more you gotta pay attention to the waves as you’re moving, since your ship is going up and down if you’re going against the waves. Good luck on your ventures and I know you’ll get there!!

  • 'tis the season for humility

    I've enjoyed watching how much skill came back into the game

    I sincerely think in some ways it has been better for the game, yeah it gets people fired up over competition but it's also done a great job of letting big fish know there are plenty of bigger fish around and now they are hungry.

  • @wolfmanbush said in So....about the new PvP:

    'tis the season for humility

    Psh I’m twice as humble as you are lol

    I've enjoyed watching how much skill came back into the game

    I second this, I used to dbl gun for the funsies and how easy it was to dunk on players, but now finally I have to try (my bracket knows how to counter dbl gun) in the game so I brought my sword lord outta retirement. Thank you Rare for making it so I actually have to try again, AND I don’t feel bad because these players are queueing into it and it’s not someone doing tall tales that I would have to help repair and then feel bad and wishing them luck. Nope just straight into the mayhem!

  • @dabomb139 said in So....about the new PvP:

    I second this, I used to dbl gun for the funsies and how easy it was to dunk on players, but now finally I have to try (my bracket knows how to counter dbl gun) in the game so I brought my sword lord outta retirement. Thank you Rare for making it so I actually have to try again, AND I don’t feel bad because these players are queueing into it and it’s not someone doing tall tales that I would have to help repair and then feel bad and wishing them luck. Nope just straight into the mayhem!

    Prior to the season there was this whole "pvers don't act how we want them to when we sink them" campaign thing that was just odd to me as someone that knows that there are no playstyles with a clean record on losing lol and there never has been, pvers have never liked being robbed, that's nothing new.

    I think it came from arrogance. People maintaining high win percentages and long win streaks against non-competitive fights. Most people are taking losses now when in challenging competition.

  • This system is way too new. I don't think the skill level match making is working very well at the moment. Making up these things but it seems to me like
    matchmaking factors
    skill rating (minimal)
    streak rating (medium)
    region (high if not locked)

    I have won 18 matches and only seen a notification that I have gone up in skill once. Leading me to think you rank up every 10 wins maybe?
    I have lost 41 matches and never seen a notification that my skill ranking has gone down. So either it moves down silently to not hurt our feelings having the game tell us "you're bad"... Or the system only ranks up never down, or you need 50 or 100 losses to go down and 10 to go up. If this is only upward momentum means then that factor will quickly have us getting out skilled since it's much harder (if not impossible) to lower our skill level than to increase it.

    I have been matched up against the same opponent who was clearly way higher skill level than myself 4x back to back, his strategy was to board, spawn camp and sail you off the map so that he gets a win, and you get no credit for the match at all. They really need to rethink this. They didn't want people sailing off the map throwing the match because people would just cheese their way to lvls that way. But people are just finding other ways to cheese it instead and considering this method is an actual viable victory strategy I have used once myself... It's really not nice to rob the other player of their progress for match participation if they were actually trying just because a few people might no-life grind their way to lvl 100 throwing matches. This game has always been "play your way" well this PvP mode is very much "Play how we want you to, or get no credit at all" Then they give the opponent the opportunity to rob you of any progress.

    Based off other reports of people getting matched up against the same rival crews over and over again and que times being really short at peak play times my time and really long off peak play time it's fair to say this system is locked to your region so using a VPN to play what ever timezone is experiencing peak play time would be one way to deal with que times.

    I do have faith they will be tweaking the match making system over time. But we might only see one update to the system every month or so. Heck maybe even per season. This system should in theory be here to stay so big picture it may not be perfect now but they will be adjusting it as time goes on and trying to make it as good as it possibly can considering any exploit people can possibly find they will use, that's sadly just how humans do.

  • I had my first solo fight. The opponent anchored and boarded....
    Spawn killed me over and over while I black screen and sailed my sloop out of the area until it exploded....

    Yay (sorry, levels of sarcasm don't come over text very well)

  • Spawn camping in any form is the cheesiest way to play. Of all the things this game allows that's the one that actually (insert word) me off. Just take your win campers, I'll take the loss gladly because you earned it, and let everyone move forward.

  • First day I found it to be pretty silent. I wasn't even sure if in game voice chat was working because fought a few people and it was just silence all around. A few GGs in chat. Now it's just either people throwing matches for a quick loss which then its just a race to which ship is gonna sink first. Or arena sweats trying to spawn camp you and sail you off the map to prevent you from making any progress. And getting them multiple times back to back when trying to jump back into pvp. I feel like if they really do have some kind of match making system they need to make people advance through it much quicker than they currently are. Honestly don't think the skill portion of match making has as much of an impact. I think for the sake of que time and lack of player pool in the region at the time they might just be matching us up for the sake of speed over skill.

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