Why I think RESURRECTING Flameheart is the greater choice

  • 4
  • I'm burying the dolls, lowering flags and not raising them 😈

  • @impymidna2303 said in Why I think RESURRECTING Flameheart is the greater choice:

    Why I think he should be brought back is because, well, we don't have much villains as of now


    There are lots of villains. Flameheart Jr, Amaranta, Wanda, Duke, The Cap'n, Graymarrow keeps coming back, The Siren Queen (maybe) and the Gold Hoarder came back twice (he's on the end of a stick right now, but he could come back again). Maybe one of those would be able to develop a bit more if there was an opportunity for more spotlight rather than have grumpy cloud man again.

  • @d3adst1ck I see your point, (although the poster clearly shows he has a black beard much like his concept art lol) as of now, he's kind of a bigger threat than the Dark Brethren, or the Sirens, and if we choose to bring him back, I imagine the outcome will be that he'll become a unique boss fight with powerful abilities in a new Tall Tale, it would be a great way to end the Flameheart story arc by finishing him off for good in his skeleton appearance rather than waiting more for his return while the villains come back to be involved again.

    His revival might perhaps change how the enemies of the game will react to the most feared pirate coming back. Maybe the Cap'n will arrive sooner, since both characters have a history. Either outcome, whether its saving Pendragon or the other choice (which seems to be better outcome in my opinion lol) I will just have to accept whatever happens.

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