Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.

  • It's happened to us all at this point, where someone has done something outrageous like sink your boat or keep team killing, and then once you brig them, they just stay there and stay afk but keep moving so they don't get kicked from the game. This happens so many times to new and old players of the game, I am suggesting an option where if you own a captained ship you can just kick someone from your crew and if its not a captained ship the crew hast to vote to kick them from your crew.

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  • It's happened to us all at this point, where someone has done something outrageous like sink your boat or keep team killing, and then once you brig them, they just stay there and stay afk but keep moving so they don't get kicked from the game

    Yeah and I cut my loses, drop loot into water and sail ship into the red, log off.
    Simple, if they dont wanna play, they aren't getting paid. :p

    This happens so many times to new and old players of the game

    Only if you leave yourself Open Crews.
    Try "Looking for group" Your more often gonna find chill players.

    suggesting an option where if you own a captained ship you can just kick someone from your crew

    So if I join a captain ship, help collect loot and do maybe 4 hours of adventures together, just before turning in anything...They can kick me off so I get nothing for helping......No thanks.

  • @burnbacon said in Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.:

    Yeah and I cut my loses, drop loot into water and sail ship into the red, log off.
    Simple, if they dont wanna play, they aren't getting paid. :p

    And neither are you, and therefore the obvious troll wins overall. The person who worked gets nothing and the person who trolled gets the satisfaction. Trolls don’t play to get paid, they play to see your hard work go to waste. If they were trying to get paid they wouldn’t be trolling lol.
    While I agree that a kick button or something of the sort will probably never come to pass where it can work properly without being abused, your solution does nothing in solving it and you treat it like it’s the obvious answer. The solution is never that “simple” when it comes to these things.

  • Always sounds like a good idea until you're on the bad end of "I spent x hours working and then someone (sank me) kicked me as we were sailing up to the outpost"

  • @pithyrumble said in Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.:

    Always sounds like a good idea until you're on the bad end of "I spent x hours working and then someone (sank me) kicked me as we were sailing up to the outpost"


    I've never seen a boot/kick function presented in a way that couldn't be abused by the person with the power.

    The first time a "good egg" in an open crew gets kicked/booted for the wrong reason suddenly becomes the last time that player participates in open crew..and now you've got an even smaller pool of good eggs for open crew.

    Open crew needs some tweaks for sure...but adding a boot/kick option is not one of the ways.

  • only thing i dont like here is for example u go open crew and ofc for example which is pretty unlikely but lets say shrouded ghost spawns and ofc some kid is going to kick u to add his friend

  • @sir-kringle said in Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.:

    @burnbacon said in Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.:

    Yeah and I cut my loses, drop loot into water and sail ship into the red, log off.
    Simple, if they dont wanna play, they aren't getting paid. :p

    And neither are you, and therefore the obvious troll wins overall. The person who worked gets nothing and the person who trolled gets the satisfaction. Trolls don’t play to get paid, they play to see your hard work go to waste. If they were trying to get paid they wouldn’t be trolling lol.
    While I agree that a kick button or something of the sort will probably never come to pass where it can work properly without being abused, your solution does nothing in solving it and you treat it like it’s the obvious answer. The solution is never that “simple” when it comes to these things.

    Actually it does in some cases. If they were looking for an easy cash in by going AFK, then they are thus denied.

    My solution to such issues is troll the trolls by making it as boring as possible for them with no profit available. Don't dump treasure but will hide it to come back for at a later time (made easier now with the treasure burying option, haven't had the opportunity to use in this scenario since introduced though). Will casually slow sail to locations or just park and play music...basically letting them know I got nothing better to do and they aren't getting anything either. With the new stool and sitting options, I'd then just get the rest of the crew downstairs to sit and stare at the prisoner, give them the 3rd degree, have a sing-along or whatever - just wasting their time and amusing myself and crew at their expense.

  • Open crew right now is ridiculously toxic. I've been brigged and spawnkilled (forced to leave) on well over three occasions (in the past two months) and having a kick option would be terrible. Trolls and griefers are nothing compared to this breed of player. It's cost me two Athena chests.

    Edit: Accidentally posted again, deleted duplicate.

  • @muarembossi said in Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.:

    only thing i dont like here is for example u go open crew and ofc for example which is pretty unlikely but lets say shrouded ghost spawns and ofc some kid is going to kick u to add his friend


  • @animeowl0807 said in Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.:

    @muarembossi said in Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.:

    only thing i dont like here is for example u go open crew and ofc for example which is pretty unlikely but lets say shrouded ghost spawns and ofc some kid is going to kick u to add his friend


    I had to add this in:
    "Logan! A shrouded ghost spawned! Get off Rust and come here! I've just kicked a player, and I have a free spot! It's the rarest thing in the game!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!1!1! Oh, you have to download the update? Well quick! Me and Carl are swiping our swords at it! Oh, he doesn't care. Oh well, we just kicked a random player for nothing."

  • @sir-kringle it seems like 1 out of 10 open crews I join are toxic, it's an immediate brig without saying a word to anyone. These are the same ones who join a crew, act up/out and get brigged legitimately. You can bet that if given ANY power at all, the same ones troll brigging people will be the ones troll kicking.

  • @animeowl0807 said in Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.:

    @muarembossi said in Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.:

    only thing i dont like here is for example u go open crew and ofc for example which is pretty unlikely but lets say shrouded ghost spawns and ofc some kid is going to kick u to add his friend


    Spam a cannonball fire and you should still get credit for a Shrouded kill.

  • @Unleet1 I know, thats why I'm against it.

    @sir-kringle said in Vote to kick from game, or host gets kick/ban power.:

    While I agree that a kick button or something of the sort will probably never come to pass where it can work properly without being abused

    Confused why you're telling me that lol

  • With captaincy I think the rules should change a bit. Captains should either have a longer afk timer or have it removed completely As I solo. SoT is the one game where you need to plan your playtime based on bowel movements. Like am I going to have time to play or am I going to get kicked if I have to take a #2. The afk rules arent specific to crew setup and they probably should have always been. On open crews you dont know the people you are playing with so its open for abusers. On private crews youre generally playing with people you know and rather than having an auto kick system the game would be better off if the power was in the crews hands to force someone out if they are toxic or just afking for hours.

    It seems the developers think the optimal method of dealing with issues is just everyone leave the game and remake and exclude the person who was the problem... So ruining the whole crews play experience for the sake of making it so 1 person doesnt feel bad for getting kicked. The good of the one outweighing the good of the many.

    and 100% agree on in the very least giving captains the power to vote kick a crewmate IE walk the plank. Rare didnt even grasp the concept of private sessions when this game came out. Closed crew didnt exist so everyone had to resort to macros or rubber banding controllers to avoid getting kicked and losing their spot on a ship full of friends so some random didnt join and ruin the play session. Though us having to learn these tricks to stay logged in just turned into people abusing it to leech gold and reputation while the rest of the crew put in work.

    I also feel captains vote on emissary flags, voyages should count as 2 votes so in a sloop situation the captain would hold the majority voting rights so if your crew mate was row boating around the world you could still lower and raise flags, vote voyages etc.

    But sadly all these requests probably wouldnt even be considered by the developers as to them it seems like low hanging fruit that very few people care about and they are more focused on content for the masses. the captaincy milestone system is a good example of this. by ignore players past progress this only upset an extreme minority of completionists while if you look at the majority of the people playing havent even become a pirate legend yet. xbox achievements and even commendations didnt offer much outside of titles but now we actually have a physical cosmetic tied to their progress. So milestones will push people to complete achievements which will make the achievement metrics look better because right now they are pretty bad.

  • I absolutely think this should be a feature for a captained ship. There should be limitations, however. Some suggestions would be:

    • They can only be kicked if they have been on your crew for less than 60 minutes (or some maximum amount of time). This would prevent someone from being used to complete tasks/voyages and then being kicked before selling at an outpost.
    • They cannot be kicked if the value of your loot on board exceeds a certain threshold.
    • They cannot be kicked during in-game events that you are participating in (i.e. Kraken, Megalodon, FOF etc.)
  • @magus104

    Dave! We found a box of wonderous secrets! I just kicked someone who carried us. WE HAVE ONE EMPTY SPOT COME COOME

  • @thorumsu Same with Shrouded Ghost...

    This is why I am glad we don't have kick facilities. I know it doesn't feel like it but the alternative to what we have no creates sooo many more issues than it actually fixes.

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