An Update on Captaincy and Milestones

  • @sardonicsage792
    I guess you can think of it this way. Those were commendations you grinded, and perhaps you didn't enjoy all of the grind, but you did it for the thing. Now you get to play how you want, just doing whatever you enjoy, instead of the tedious things you don't. Therefore your ship and the trinkets/trophies you get will reflect how you enjoy playing instead of the grind you had to do and didn't enjoy.

  • Most of the people I know maxed out their Reaper in the first day so they are pretty upset lol. My crew is a bit wild and were trying to work on the rouge and the hunter so this is actually really nice. Those two classes were really rough to grind.

  • @ombrenelle as if they need to incentivize PvP. As it is 99% of the players aren't already sociopaths and will kill you/sink you just for existing even if you have nothing to offer them.

  • @leettimcleett1 we arent tho

  • As much as I like buying a ship I would love it if we could have been able to build a ship through like a quest for captaincy that way it would be a little more immersive

  • Rogue got nerfed a little too hard.

  • Just an update myself and friends did
    Out little contest which we expected to last us months ended softly.

    Who gonna get the first gold fish trophy/trinket. Just today 2/4 of my friendly crew unlocked it without realizing about the update and disappointed how easy it became.

    Fishing went from a game of challenge to a simple, who can fish the longest in a single day.

    Along with that, class 50 in sleeping went from something we look forward to achieving by playing for long periods too…again. Something easy to gain and feel worthless now.

    Very sad. Have these grinds that required a challenge to something anyone who started playing to earn and make it feel not special.

    My two cents. Oh well. It was a fun first week, back to hunting the shrouded ghost

  • @lem0n-curry Damn you're right ahahha, I'll correct it immediatly thanks.

  • I don't have time to grind the game like a school kid, so I focused on one goal, the emissary ship's crest, because it goes well with my favorite hull skin.
    It get's unlocked at lvl 40. After this change I dropped from around lvl 32 to 6 in emissary.

    So instead of selling for 8x30,000 aka 240,000 I now have to sell for 34x100,000 aka 3,400,000 to earn it.
    If this was the initial goal, there wouldn't be any issue, but so I was already hyped to make it and now it's gone for an eternity.

    But you now get a lvl for every two rowboats you dock? Has anybody at rare every thought about how much easier it is to dock two row boats vs sell for 100,000? That's ridiculous.
    By the way I jumped about 20 lvl upwards in the voyager category, but who wants that ugly crest?

    For me it looks like Rare realized that people aimed to earn a really nice crest by emissary instead of buying on in the emporium. So they changed it to be the hardest to achieve.
    Like I said, if it was this way all the time, no issues, but moving the goal post later… idk… I don't feel like I'll play the game very often in the foreseeable future.
    My really big hype and motivation, created by captaincy, is gone completely.

    thx Rare

  • @leettimcleett1 pretty sure shrouded ghost is the 1 milestone that IS retroactive, given the incredible rarity of it. I beleive this was mentioned in the deep dive trailer for captaincy.

  • i had some issue with milestone, i'm 32 with rouge, but im not able to unlock the steward

  • So now people will be able to unlock all the milestones since Rare has reduced them in most cases by more than half

    So no longer are these trinkets you can unlock going to represent your play style, and make most ships unique due to the ones they have worked for. Instead, they are all going to be able to be unlocked and the whole vision of the milestones just becomes another participation award for all, with people speed running everything.

    I can’t say I’m surprised tbh. Heaven forbid they make anything unforgivably difficult in this game. Geeeeez the outcry would be heard from Morrows Peak to Golden Sand.

  • Good much more easier and more relistic too get

  • @pabio-escobar sleeping for 100 hours a "playstyle"💀

  • I feel like the "Rogue" should be re named to the Bilge Rat(s), Mercenaries, or even merged with the Captain class.

    As for the Rogue, it should have to do more with being sneaky such as

    • time spent on an enemy ship

    • gunpowder barrels placed or exploded on an enemy ship

    • spiked gun powdered barrels buried

    • Fireballs thrown/ lobbed from hand

    • fish burnt on an enemy ship

    • chest of rage and sorrow placed on enemy ships

    • Books/ voyages collected from enemy ships

    • treasure stolen/collected/ thrown overboard from enemy ships

    • row boats attached to enemy ships

    • supplies stolen from enemy ships

    • enemies killed while on an enemy ship

  • not transferring milestones for non captain with the kind of friends i play with, they all want to be captain now, so my friends now have gone there separate, and mostly solo ways. that has hurt the game play for me a little just fyi not complaining

  • I can understand the desire for PVP Milestones but I'm glad the dev team is taking a measured approach here. Having a "kill players", "sink ships" milestone etc, with no way to restrict it would change the tenor of the game. It's not PvEvP if people can't do some fishing or goof around without worrying about everyone else trying to blow up their sloop with barrels for the tenth time that day. The hunt for treasure and emissary players already incentivizes combat, and pure PVP milestones could tip the scales into an unfun place for some players.

    That said, I do think some milestones would be nice for ship to ship combat, especially if there's ever an "opt in" combat system in the future, milestones for that seem like a natural fit. I'd also like to see some milestones that tie into the reaper playstyle a bit more, rewards for "killing players running a reapers flag" or "sinking reaper ships" might help to promote exactly the kind of emergent, skilled PVP battles that work so well in Sea of Thieves.

    I hope PVP milestones are built out in a smart way that makes for fun player interactions and doesn't exacerbate the feelings of frustration when a solo slooper who just wants to fish gets set on fire to check a box on someone's milestone sheet.

  • I enjoy the milestone system but personally I think that the milestones for the voyager and ill-fated are too easy to hit as I am already Legendary in both when I’ve only been playing for around 6-7 days. I am happy that Rare is putting in great effort into Sea of Thieves still after all these years.

    I would enjoy an additional milestone specifically for the ship that is Reaper oriented focusing on sinking player ships and the stealing of treasures and map bundles. I am aware of the feared milestone category but to me it feels not so feared because you get milestones based on PvE and not PvP.

    I think that this Milestone Category should be called The Feared and the original category should be called something else.

    The Milestones in this new Category could be as such:

    Number of Captain Ships Sunk:

    Number of non Captain Ships Sunk: 0/4

    Treasure Stolen:

    Stolen Treasure sold to Reapers:

    Map Bundles Stolen:

    Time Tucked on an enemy Ship:

    Something like this.

    Thank you for listening to my feedback and thank you for the constant improvements!!!

  • @xx31-playlistxx

    I am also aware of the impact this could have on the game so if this is done I would hope it would be done in a very delicate way to not upset the peaceful players and create a toxic environment. Not everyday do I want to do PvP and sometimes I just want to chillax but if I was to always get people trying to attack me 24/7 it would be a difficult time. I think the possibility of a PvP oriented milestone would be best done in an environment similar to Arena.

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