Ahoy Pirates, another Scale Test is on the Horizon!

  • I got another 8g update this week. Are we sailing again this weekend? 3/9-3/11? Kraken making its debut?

  • @senpai-sempai ahaha i had a 18g today

  • I had not one update today...

  • my sea of thieves launcher now says "Sea of Thieves Final Beta"

  • @Daingee
    Jump in fast you're about to miss it =p

  • Ahw yeeeeessssss
    Time to get back on the seas

  • Stop bumping this thread please! x( I always have the stupid second where I think it's a new Khaleesi post!
    alt text

  • @Capt-Baguette
    miss the train? IM THE CONDUCTOR MY DUDE

  • @daingee

    I have seen at least half a dozen posts about this a few hours ago ^^.
    But hey, take the wheel mate : )

    Edit: Or should I say the helm ;P

  • @wretchedsmurf said in Ahoy Pirates, another Scale Test is on the Horizon!:

    I've been running thru Mad Max to get my mind off it, but the complete lack of water is making me want the water. Not to mention Gut G**h's prophecy of the great splash sounds like Sea of Thieves be on the horizon.

    Dude, same thing I've been playing. I've 100% the game. Love it so much! So much stuff to do with everything! Custom cars are bad a*s!

  • Sat here with the game loaded up l**o constantly pressing any button to continue in the hope that they secretly start the final beta 😂

  • @melarn You just made me think they posted a new official post for it.
    Now I'll go back to cry in my corner

  • @radzz-the-drunk so sorry :( this is absolute torture though, all I want to do right now is play sea of thieves, every other game is boring to me atm so I can't even play something else to pass the time 😂

  • @melarn I know exactly what you feel. I slept for 3 hours to come look at a kiwibeard error. But it's still better then sleeping or playing any other games.

  • @radzz-the-drunk I'm hoping there's an official announcement of somesort today, at this point I really don't care what they announce, as long as it's something l**o

  • Cannot wait! XD

  • Ahoy @madasko91 !

    Resurrecting old threads goes against our Forum Rules. I will be dropping anchor here.


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