Have air bubbles in shipwrecks

  • After the concept of air bubbles was introduced with pirates life, we now have the veil shipwrecks which include drafts of air flowing through the grates (dunno nautical term). It makes no sense to not retrospectively apply these to standard shipwrecks and would be a great quality of life change

  • 11
  • @hiradc would definitely be useful, especially when solo slooping. Might take you 3/4 trips to strip a shipwreck that is complete submerged as it is currently unless you're eating a ton of fruit or swimming up for air every 2 seconds.

  • @hiradc said in Have air bubbles in shipwrecks:

    After the concept of air bubbles was introduced with pirates life, we now have the veil shipwrecks which include drafts of air flowing through the grates (dunno nautical term). It makes no sense to not retrospectively apply these to standard shipwrecks and would be a great quality of life change

    Normal shipwrecks aren't as deep as the ones from Pirate's Life or the Veil.

    Besides, when you're about to be out of air it's time to surface and put the chest/skull/gem on your ship and the supplies in your barrels anyway (unless you're using resource crate or have someone harpooning stuff the items you let float the the surface).

  • I don't have a problem with it because people staying underwater longer is more risk for the reward

    if a crew has someone on watch it doesn't change things either way

  • @hiradc makes perfect sense to me

  • @lem0n-curry the main wreck in veil (overturned one where the Hull comes out of the water) isn't deeper. I get your point I just feel like there isn't a downside to it, there isn't great loot on shipwrecks, it just feels inconsistent to not have the air bubbles. When shipwrecks are actually not very deep you get the air pockets in part of the ship. Some of them can be very deep

  • Wouldn't be opposed to this at all.

  • It makes no sense to not retrospectively apply these to standard shipwrecks and would be a great quality of life change

    So what your saying is. Your tired of being underwater for so long and drowning while gathering supplies/loot and want to make it easier.

    Also this would make shipwrecks “scary” as you can hide in the wreck with a keg and pray a ship comes along to loot it. Only to BOOM!

  • You quoted one thing and said something completely diff lol. I said it's inconsistent to have air available in one Shipwreck and not another, I rarely drown in them.
    There's so many small quality of life changes that do make the game inadvertently easier, this one just makes sense to me as it's already been done in 2/3 of shipwrecks.

  • @hiradc
    I was going to object, but as I was typing I realized what I was going to say wasn't a valid argument and now I agree.

  • @mr-whaletoes hah thanks

4 out of 11