Unique Ori Pet and Weapon Ideas

  • The thought of having a unique pet of Ori came to me in a short dream (literally just dreamt of myself playing SoT and seeing Ori looking out to sea like the monkeys in the game), which gave me an idea of drawing two cool concepts of a pet and a Glowing Wisps Or Ancestral weapon set that would be great to add to the Pirate Emporium.

    Ori (Or can be called the Ancestral Guardian Pet and be renamed Ori afterwards) - A pet that can pretty much glow like a lantern during the night or in caves, beats using a regular one when this little guy shines the way for you! He can make noises similar to the character of the game and enjoys petting like any animal you own in SoT.

    Cutlass - The blade is white and glows like Ori, with little glowing orange orbs with a blue leaf, and the handle is dark purple.

    Pistol, Eye of Reach, and Blunderbuss - Matching the sword, they also have the white glow, orange orbs and blue leafs on them, while the rifle has a carved symbol of Ori.

    Concepts of Ori looking out to sea on any edge of the ship, sleeping, sitting up, and being petted.
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    The weapon set.
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  • 5
    fan artfeedback
  • @impymidna2303

    Cute! ^_^

  • @impymidna2303 10/10 idea!

    They can add Ori and the owl, they already have the body of a monkey and a bird, that is the majority of the development, from their its just a reskin.
    Weapons sounds great as well!
    Great idea that could really work well

  • @faceyourdemon That's right, I forgot about the owl companion, though I think Ori (Or the Ancestral Guardian pet) should be the only one added as a pet in the Emporium, it would save time for the developers on designing one pet rather than two. Though the thought of having Ori as a pet, along with the owl sounds like a good idea too.

  • @greengrimz Thank you! These idea concepts really just popped in my head quickly. lol

fan artfeedback
3 out of 5