Expand "Music Volume" into additional, relevant volume sliders.

  • Hey!

    Sometimes I like to listen to my own music over the game, but unfortunately by muting "Music Volume" in-game to enjoy mine it means that I have to give up on certain sound cues that help in battle:

    Killing other players and landing cannonball shots on enemy ships.

    The suggested change is to separate "Music Volume" into a sub-menu with additional sliders, to allow the player to tweak the different volumes mentioned above to their liking.

    I will include a graphic to help illustrate all of the above:
    SoT Feedback - Expand "Music Volume"

    Thank you for reading!

  • 7
  • I'd like to be able to separate all the sounds in the game and tweak their volumes separately. I often can't hear other crews or cannonball hits properly.

  • I don't see anything wrong with it, and I do think it would be useful. And it is always very cool to see graphic illustrations of ideas and suggestions - a picture can say a thousand words. :)

  • @hotklou9848 You must not pvp often if you don't understand the importance of the kill sound and cannon ball hit sound because they are almost essential with bad hit reg and waves the block your vision. I would absolutely use audio que volume separately from music

  • @jojo-buddy-v2 I don't think that's what @Hotklou9848 said at all! They seemed to agree with the post, and I'm thankful for their feedback :D

  • That video demonstrates it beautifully! 😍

    I also like the idea, as it's an additional accessibility support for the blind or visually impaired. They can go through the list and adjust what they think will be more useful to them. 😎👍

  • "Character voice volume" or something similar would be nice, so that we could mute Flameheart and the portal hop parrot.

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