allow us to create and save a few outfits and ship sets

  • I think another good idea would be to combine the vanity and clothing chest into one and allow us to save multiple outfits/looks. 5-10?
    That way we can easily have a one click to change between some of our favorite looks. It’s annoying going between both of the chests when trying to change your character… just combine it. Also would be nice to have our favorite ship sets saved.

  • 6
  • please do this.. Sea Of Thieves is an cosmetic based progression game that does not have any form of save for ships or outfits. Just think about that for a second.

  • I agree, matey.

    Thought we HAD an outfit set thing.

    explains why some ppl head stright for the wardrobe box and take forever.

  • yes pls thank you, on top of that a way to favorite certain cosmetics or hide others would be nice.

  • Presets were an idea since game launch.
    I'm personally for it, yet mixing both chests together is something I'm against. Clothes and curses? My favorite underwear & my scars? All of those mixed together? They have nothing to do with each other. Pure question of organization and keeping everything clear, perhaps another way to implement this would be simply have it accessed from only one chest or hell you could create another type of chest especially for presets. And let's be real the chests are a meter away from each other it's not as if looking right and left was a complex task to do...

  • Amen to that!
    The only reason why i dont bother to change my look is that because its a chore to go through all of them.

4 out of 6