Fast travel between the seaposts

  • I think it'd be cool to be able to fast travel between the seaposts. Right now it often feels like the map is quite large, especially in a sloop. If I want to grind ashen Athena and I spawn in the Shores of Plenty, I typically re-crew for a different outpost.

    I guess I picture a teleport system that works kinda like a moba recall, to prevent it from being used for running, or for short distances. Have a big obvious indicator like that for tunnels of the damned, and make the teleport ritual take 3 minutes or so. If the ship gets damaged in the slightest, the ritual would be interrupted and crews would have to retry.

    Overall I think it would shrink the map significantly, and give more use to seaposts.

  • 17
  • feels like the map is quite larg

    Because it is.
    Also. This would defeat the purpose of a session and sailing. Just do as you do, don’t like the outpost? Rejoin game.

  • Fast travel between seaposts would be massively exploitable, particularly to have ships pop into existence near forts and other events.

  • @hitmanf0rrent matey the whole purpose of the game is to enjoy the sea and the mechanics of it combined with sailing.

    If you want to grind Ashen Athena quests then it should be just that: a grind!

    Its a hard pass from me I am afraid.

  • @d3adst1ck I could see that, sure. Haven't seen someone doing a fort for ages though haha.

  • @sshteeve I guess but there's a point where the journey is just too long imo. I love all the little things that can happen to you along the journey, but at some point it's just a huge time commitment to get to something you want to do, especially up wind. Idk.

  • @hitmanf0rrent said in Fast travel between the seaposts:

    @sshteeve I guess but there's a point where the journey is just too long imo. I love all the little things that can happen to you along the journey, but at some point it's just a huge time commitment to get to something you want to do, especially up wind. Idk.

    the game is built on the distance between origin and destination

    the risk/reward, the adventure, the random interactions

    arena exists for condensed action and less significant time requirement. Adventure is all about being in between where you were and where you are going

  • @wolfmanbush I agree with you, but there's a point where I think it's an unrealistic time commitment. In most cases, and especially within regions I agree. I just think it's unreasonable to ask someone at devil's ridge to go up almost smugglers bay with a coral bottle, or someone at Plunder to go to Marauders Arch for an Ashen Lord. People don't have infinite time.

  • @hitmanf0rrent said in Fast travel between the seaposts:

    @wolfmanbush I agree with you, but there's a point where I think it's an unrealistic time commitment. In most cases, and especially within regions I agree. I just think it's unreasonable to ask someone at devil's ridge to go up almost smugglers bay with a coral bottle, or someone at Plunder to go to Marauders Arch for an Ashen Lord. People don't have infinite time.

    everyone gets to do something but not everyone gets to do everything that's how it works in anything

    the cool thing is that it all adds up eventually though

    even if you can only do one of something a day or a couple of something a week a person can just keep consistently doing that and everything (or most things) eventually get done

    that's how those of us that have pretty much done everything got it done. Little by little day or week by day or week

  • @sshteeve said in Fast travel between the seaposts:

    @hitmanf0rrent matey the whole purpose of the game is to enjoy the sea and the mechanics of it combined with sailing.

    If you want to grind Ashen Athena quests then it should be just that: a grind!

    Its a hard pass from me I am afraid.

    Preach it, I don't get why people want to cut the experience of sailing or pirating or one of the other fundamentals out the game. Kind of defeats the purpose of playing the game. It's full SoT or play something else until you can handle the whole immersion of the SoT session. No diet SoT is appealing.

  • I don't think teleport would work because which outpost you're loaded into is based on proximity to other ships and which outpost has the least density of other ships.

    However, I do think there's a happy middle ground that would at least give the illusion that players have a choice on where to spawn in when they are loading in as a closed crew.

    Solution: On the set sail screen right before you get going, there could be a sub-tab that allows you to set a "preferred outpost" to spawn in at. Then, if there are no other ships near that outpost, it'll spawn you in where you wanted to be. From there, it could choose next closest available.

    I had lots of frustrating spawn ins, especially when I was grinding tall tales, where I'd spawn in at Ancient Spire when I wanted to start the Wild Rose tall tale...there's a 15 minute sail into a headwind and waves...sweet lol

  • @hitmanf0rrent

  • One of the most important aspects of SOT is navigation. Naval battles, adventures on the islands are all good yet as the song goes:

    "A pirate I was meant to be, trim the waves and sail the sea"

    (The quote is from The Curse of Monkey Island)

  • I support this idea.
    to let Pirates warp to an outpost thats NOT halfway across the map from the major event.

    but yes, People only. Ship can warp, but loses any loot.

  • You can already fast travel. Simply scuttle your ship. In the Wilds and need to get to Crescent Isle quickly, for example? Scuttle and cross your fingers. 🤞

  • @d3adst1ck agreed. its bad enough when you sink a ship and it spawns next to you.

  • @hitmanf0rrent said in Fast travel between the seaposts:

    I think it'd be cool to be able to fast travel between the seaposts. Right now it often feels like the map is quite large, especially in a sloop. If I want to grind ashen Athena and I spawn in the Shores of Plenty, I typically re-crew for a different outpost.

    I guess I picture a teleport system that works kinda like a moba recall, to prevent it from being used for running, or for short distances. Have a big obvious indicator like that for tunnels of the damned, and make the teleport ritual take 3 minutes or so. If the ship gets damaged in the slightest, the ritual would be interrupted and crews would have to retry.

    Overall I think it would shrink the map significantly, and give more use to seaposts.


14 out of 17