Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Pampered Pet' Screenshot.

  • Greetings, Pirates and Lubbers alike!
    Deckhand Lootin' Lizalaroo back again!
    Back with your next mission.......lets see what you can come up with!

    Winner of this competition will receive a code for The Obsidian 6 pack AND The Obsidian Capstan

    Your mission?? Should you choose to accept it?

    Show me your best 'Pampered Pet' screenshot

    We all love our pets, pig, chicken and snake included! So lets see them!

    Good luck me hearties!

    To add you screenshot, upload it to a photo hosting site (like IMGUR or ImgBB) then copy/paste the link straight into your text box on it's own line.
    There is only ONE winner (unless otherwise stated) regardless of how many are in your pic. You post it, you’re in with a winning chance :)
    Note that only your first screenshot will be accepted, all others will be ignored/deleted and it must be posted in the competition thread. Please make sure screenshots taken are your own, or you have permission to post.
    A picture will usually be added to give an idea of what is required for the mission.

    No editing, apart from cropping, allowed please.

    Deckhand decision on the winning screenshot is final.
    Codes will now be applied direct to the winning Gamertag :D
    Should you be trying to win for a friend please add that request to your post please. :)

    Entries will be taken up until Monday 11th October.
    Locking the thread around 4pm GMT

    Lootin' Lizalaroo

    Also, NO randomiser.
    Remember all screenshots have a chance of winning. Everyone’s opinion of a winner will be different and I’d appreciate your respect on the decision made.
    Upvotes do not guarantee a winner.

    Now let’s see them 😁👍🏻

  • 82
  • I have just about all of the pets and costumes so if anyone wants to use one they can't afford right now let me know and you can use mine and I'll name it whatever you want as long as it's not against the rules.

    Use private messages on the forum or xbox and nobody needs to know

  • For me?

    6 pack: Capt Cris
    Capstan: ItsReeff

  • My bird Strawberry + her fancy banana fit = strawberry banana fabulousness

  • I'm not sure what you did, but I think he'd prefer if you didn't do it again.

  • I would love my prize to go to @TheJoker571

  • snuggles with Bastion at the end of the day

    gamer tag: EMP CRY55E

  • A Banana to a Megalodon is the equivalent of a Flute to a Snake

    Obsidian 6 Pack - That1HeeHaw
    Obsidian Capstan - Lts Jasper

  • Everything the light touches is yours.

  • healthbar moment

    rewards to bean#3652 please!

  • Monkey seems more interested in the layout of Ancient Spire Outpost then taking a picture with my ol'self

  • I love cat!

    capstan YGaming335
    sixpack TricGamingOG
    good luck for every pirate !!!

  • stroking it's head, it's basic, it has to rubbed its tail hahaha
    GamerTag คือ: NEoCaMeRazTH
    Obsidain 6 แพ็คไปที่: TricGamingOG

  • [Grumpy Monkey]

  • Boarding dog training

    Capstan: tweenty7even
    6Pack: AlexSiberia83

  • Capstan/6pack: Kathalic

  • It doesn't matter how rich you are, what matters is the love we give to our animals

    I love you ahri


    My crew mate was mildly displeased when my pet shark decided to chew on him.

    Video here (timestamped):

  • @tweenty7even Oh my gosh it's gorgeous !

  • Captain Fuz of The Rare Legend

    Obsidian Capstan: ultimawolf72

    Obsidian 6 Pack: To Be Determined

  • Captain Fuz of The Rare Legend

    Obsidian Capstan: ultimawolf72

    Obsidian 6 Pack: To Be Determined

  • @ultimawolf72 Ayo????

  • Just some dogs floating

  • Part Of The Ship Part Of The Crew

    This is a 5120x 1440p super ultra wide display so thats why is looks like that
    Obsidian Capstan Capta1nDrake
    Obsidian Six Pack evann

  • Dreams of flying

  • These Eyes are so spooky in the Dark! Like Spooktober!

  • My lovely Parakeet!

    Capstan to: BenjaMaster

8 out of 82