Arguably My Greatest Achievement On The Seas To Date

  • Hello fellow pirates,
    It's been a while since I've been on this forum and it looks like a fair amount has changed.

    However, for the purposes of clarity, allow me to re-introduce myself:
    I'm SightlessKombat, an accessibility consultant and gamer without sight (having never had any sight whatsoever). I've been playing this game since launch (and technically before that in some capacities) and I've loved being a part of this community, even if at times the griefing and having your time wasted by other players sinking your ship can really get you down.

    But why am I making this post now, after the game's been out for 3 years? Well, as you might've gleaned from the title, as of 21 September 2021, I hit Pirate Legend, thanks to the hard work of many crews and individuals since I started playing. If I were to try and thank everybody by name, it would likely fill the character limit if there is one.

    I have written this post as a mark of recognition though. Whether it's gathering loot from Gold Hoarder voyages, making sure none of the merchant Alliance's cargo is damaged, or even working together to take down an entire skeleton fleet and live to tell the tale, I highly enjoy being a part of the positive collaborative crew experience.

    Anyway, before I ramble on for too long, a fair few responses to my achieving Pirate Legend has been "what's next?". The answer? I'm going to try and get Hunter's Call to level 50 and try and get everything else up to 75 where I can.

    Regardless, to Rare, to everyone who has worked on and is working on the game, to all those who have sailed the seas with me over the past 3 years, thank you.

    As far as I'm aware, there are no other gamers without sight who have achieved this status as of the time of writing, but I know one who is very close and likely to earn it today (making two gamers without sight as PL in two days, which is fantastic).

    If anyone has any questions about my experience, please feel free to let me know and I'll answer what I can. Here's to Athena's Fortune and many more voyages on the Sea Of Thieves!

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  • @sightlesskombat congratulations what an achievement!

  • Incredible

    I checked out your twitch channel to find answers to some of the questions I had about this and I wanted to see you play.

    Congratulations and good luck out there fishing

  • Congratulations! Welcome to the Pirate Legend Club; we have purple cosmetics, Thieves' Haven Runs and cookies.

    Absolutely blown away by your achievement and I hope to meet you on the seas someday.

    Huge well done from the team!


  • Amazing! Congratulations and best of luck reaching level 75!

  • @wolfmanbush Thanks for the luck, I'll probably need it! :) Also thanks for taking a look at my channel as well.

    If you have any further questions that you feel I could answer here, please feel free to let me know.

  • @meroviel Thank you so much for the congratulations. The Pirate Legend grind is tough, but it really can bring out the best in crews at times in the sense that we're working towards a goal but sighted players have to learn to play slightly differently to make things go smoothly. :)

    Can't wait to see what I can do in the future with any new accessibility options that come to the game.

    Always happy to sail with other pirates, I'm sure we can make that happen. Best of luck on your own voyages as well.

  • @sightlesskombat a huge congratulations matey!
    Posts like this should flood the forum where we celebrate achievements!

    Keep up the good sailing!

  • @sightlesskombat Congratulations on becoming Pirate Legend! Always a joy to play with you!

    It truly amazes me how you are a blind gamer.

    I'm glad to know you, and you inspire us all!

    Again, Congratulations on becoming Pirate Legend!!

    Well Played!

  • Happy to see an old friend join the ranks of Pirate Legend. You've come a long way since our bouts in Killer Instinct so many years ago. It makes me wonder, though - what comes next?

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