To all new players, stop crying and play smarter

  • We've all been the swabbie, not a clue how to play, loosing every battle. It's happened to all of us. Nobody's ever became good at anything without perseverance. Stop making a fuss about it and GET BETTER! First thing a new player should be doing is learning the physics and mechanics of the game, haven't you realized it's moronic to stack world events and voyages only to be sunk by 10 cannon balls, it doesn't make sense. Gold accumulates don't worry about the shops.

    If it was fortnight and you just go around with your head down smashing trees and stuff you're not going to win.

    Same with cod and loot crates

    If you don't learn the game and be aware of your surroundings you're just doing events and voyages for a better pirate than yourself. Every time you sink you should try harder, live longer, hit more shots than before, eventually you'll become a decent sailor.

    Crying about something challenging wanting it to be easier is no solution to any problem.

    Be more diligent, persevere stop crying. Just because your parents haven't taught you problem solving skills and give you whatever that's not how the world works sorry, if you're crying because a game is difficult......

  • 4
  • It sadly not just the "newbie" players.
    Some Founders or even people who played since D1 appear to bring up these matters.

    Mean while...Im over here on a solo sloop fishing while listening to sailor shanty songs on my phone. :p

  • This type of thread isn't productive in messaging or helping it's just people projecting on players having issues

    A lot of people snag those +1's in threads where people are struggling but the helpful posts are limited

    Players that come in here aren't part of some giant new player blob they are individuals that just happen to go through things everyone has gone through but those stings and losses and frustrations are unique to them. I've seen a lot of people vent (this thread included) around here and it's not all new players.

    Posting specific tips and tricks and strategies isn't a glamorous endeavor but it's the only thing that has potential to be helpful. "get over it weaklings" only serves the person posting that sort of thing through self back patting

  • @torski87 I've locked your thread as it goes against The Forum Rules
    In short...ALWAYS:
    Be respectful.
    Be welcoming to new players.
    Be a good sport.
    Be courteous.
    Keep it appropriate.

    Might be time to read the full article to refresh your memory :)


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