How to end Alliance Server exploit.

  • This issue has been present for some time now. Usually the 5 galleons that fit in a server are allianced farming pve events, quests, and commendations. To stop this I suggest having no more than two or possibly three ships allianced per server. These servers have taken these possible ships out of normal servers. This has resulted in people server hopping to find a server with some kind of activity and players to battle. This hopping as a result of recent stability issues that might be affecting hit registration. These players are too afraid of combat and just farm loot and commendations with no consequence or risk. 2-3 ships max for an alliance would fix this issue and force them to actually play the game because they would still be at risk of having normal players in their servers an enemy player threat.

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  • imo remove the alliance system completely. it's a bad idea now and a bad system when it was intially introduced.

    and adding purple nameplates and the ability to revive alliance members recently has made it way to overpowered.

    if I come across an alliance I spawn camp then til they leave the server and toss their loot into the sea.

  • is it proven that hopping harms stability and hit reg to any significant degree?

    other people's gold and commendation farming doesn't really affect us at all

    In order for it to be a problem that needs a solution it would have to be shown that it is in fact causing harm to the environment around them

    I've hit top tier on the emissary ledger on every faction since it started and on most factions I get top 50-1000 and I just play alone or with random new players, no alliances or coordinated efforts. There can't be that many out there compared to the entire population because I know they are using emissaries when they do it

  • Alliances need to have a bit more conditions related to them imo.

    My ideas:

    1. Loot picked up while players are far apart from one another (whole region away, etc) is not worth anything to the other alliance members. This fixes the issue of whole servers farming events & voyages all at the same time.

    2. Loot turned in far away from one another is not worth anything to other alliance members. Same spirit as above but adds the necessity that alliances also turn in with one another (creates tension with randoms).

    3. Make the loot actually split in value depending on the number of alliance members (original turn in ship gets 100% all allies get up to 50%, but less if there are more members). This one I could take it or leave it, but it might be necessary still since #1 and #2 don't do enough to discourage servers from farming FOTD all day. Upside: limit the profitability of alliance servers, Downside: More betrayals in larger alliances, but since everyone will need to turn in together (suggestion 2) there is a kind of safety in numbers.

    The problem with all of my suggestions is that they add complexity, which the devs seem to prioritize keeping down at all costs. I argue that the game suffers from too much simplicity because it is too easily exploitable, discourages any real new content, and is not growing its base of players because of it. Sure it makes it easy for new people to jump in, but many of them just as quickly jump out when they see there is nothing really to work toward.

    The above suggestions would keep small alliances accessible while making large alliances less profitable.

  • Again...
    Is this "Issue" causing your own game to be ruined? No?

    Leave it alone.

  • I bet they limit the number of ships and the preward percentage. But it is definitely something they have to solve.

  • I'd love to see the stats showing how Alliance Servers have directly caused people to server hop to such a degree it has had, continues to have, a larger detrimental effect on server stability than say all the additions to the game over 3 years.
    As far as I'm aware server hopping has been going on since day 1.

    If this is indeed classed as an exploit then I hope to see you, as well as others that agree it is, push just as hard to close up all the other exploits the game has currently.

    This, in my humble opinion, is up there with people demanding the TDM Arena players get some sort of comeuppance, like why? They seem a decent competitive lot, head strong, maybe but not at all unlikable because of there chosen way of playing.

    Pirate and let Pirate I say it's not about your coffer anyway it's about the journey and enjoying it how you'd like too.

  • I support anything that deters server hopping and cowardice!


  • Removing alliances would be completely unfair to the less PVP focused players. Personally, while I enjoy PVP, there's nothing like randomly getting ran up on by a brig, while you're solo slooping, and it turns out they just want to say hi, then you team up and take on flameheart as 4 people on one sloop.

    The best way to fix this situation wouldn't be limiting the amount of players in an alliance either, as they'd just group up even without the system.

    The best way to eliminate alliance servers would be to focus the efforts on the forced ones, where people get together in a discord and attempt to get in the same server.

    With no other way of telling if you're in the same server than having the same time on the watches, my suggestion is pretty simple

    Make all servers display the same time on the watch


  • Limit the number to 3 ships allowed in a alliance seems like a fair compromise. It could mitigate the amount of farming

  • @ajm123
    Limiting the number of ships within an alliance would honestly do nothing.

    People will find a way to team up no matter what type of system is in the game.

    The best you can do is make it harder for people to get on the same server on different ships.

  • The solution is to limit server hops. Only so many per minute or something.

  • @mythrl

    The whole point of the server alliance isn't that players have found a safe space. The reason behind the server alliances is that its easy mode to the extreme.

    In the past players had to work together on the same thing and had to split the loot at the end. Now players can be in opposite sides of the map doing whatever and both sides gain commendations, rep, and gold.

    I'd be okay if they just removed it entirely.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    If the problem you've got with the system is the shared loot, you could either remove that functionality of alliances or reduce its effectiveness

    Just make it so that only the crew that turns in the loot gets 100% of the gold value, and the 100% is split between each subsequent crew afterwards

    Let me explain

    The crew that turns in the loot would get the normal value

    However, lets say they're in an alliance with two other ships,

    That 100% bonus value would be split between the crews that didn't turn it in, resulting, in this case, with each crew getting 50% of the value.

    You could also tweak these numbers, make it so that it doesn't matter which crew turns the loot in.

    For example, using the same situation above with 3 crews in an alliance, the 100% value would be split 3 ways, resulting in 33% for each crew.

    Also, relating to the problem of commendations and rep, you could simply make it so that only the crew that either did the action or turned in the loot receives each.

  • You realize, even if they remove the alliance system alltogether, alliance servers will still be a thing regardless.

    Some people go to them for faster farming. Not commendation farming btw, allies don't get commendation credit. Those already only progress when your own crew does it.

    But the main point of those servers is for people that want a pve server to get it, and that doesn't require alliances to exist. The reason they all put up the alliance pennant isn't to share loot-turn-ins, it's to see each other on the map so they know all ships on the server are part of it and won't attack. Without the alliance system, they'll still put up reapers flag or emmissary, they'll still get control of every ship on a server, and they'll still go have their pve fun on a server you can't get loaded into.

    Even if you remove the reapers flag and the ability to see reaper emmissaries, it will still happen. They'll just all agree to sail straight to some chosen island and server hop untill they are all parked with each other.

  • @the-song42

    That's why I suggested making all the servers have the same time-stamp, so it's nearly impossible to know if you're on the same server

  • @mythrl and I reiterate that that would be useless, because as I already said, they'll just use reapers flag, reapers emmissary, or even just all sail to the same chosen island and server hop until they've got all their boats sitting next to each other.

  • @mythrl said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:


    That's why I suggested making all the servers have the same time-stamp, so it's nearly impossible to know if you're on the same server

    They don't use time, they probably try to meet up on the Ferry to see if they're on the same server.

  • @Lem0n-Curry @The-Song42

    You're never going to be able to stop alliances 100%, like with any type of behavior in this game.

    My suggestion simply makes it so they have to spend a ridiculous amount of time attempting to set up an alliance server, as even just one ship not being able to get in means they have to keep trying, over and over until they find the right one.

  • @mythrl said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @Lem0n-Curry @The-Song42

    You're never going to be able to stop alliances 100%, like with any type of behavior in this game.

    My suggestion simply makes it so they have to spend a ridiculous amount of time attempting to set up an alliance server, as even just one ship not being able to get in means they have to keep trying, over and over until they find the right one.

    Your statement

    With no other way of telling if you're in the same server than having the same time on the watches, my suggestion is pretty simple

    Is wrong.

  • @lem0n-curry
    I'm getting the feeling that you're an alliance nerd lol

    Sorry for threatening your alliance server

  • @mythrl said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    I'm getting the feeling that you're an alliance nerd lol

    Sorry for threatening your alliance server

    You'd be wrong - read my posts.

    And how is me telling you that you're wrong about how they get together an indication of me being in favour of alliances ?

  • @lem0n-curry

    Because you're wrong

  • @mythrl said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:


    Because you're wrong

    You're telling me that trying to meet up at the Ferry o/t Damned isn't a way to see if you're on the same server ?

  • @mythrl
    It's really not that complicated.
    If players are on the same server, it's easy as all heck to see that they are.
    There is reapers flag. There is reapers emmissary. There is visiting the Ferry at the same time.
    And if they remove the flag, the emmissary, the Ferry, alliances, and make all servers have the same time (which nobody checks) they can still just agree to meet at an island.
    And they'll do it, it doesn't matter if it takes them a minute or an hour, people will get their alliance server set up.
    The only way to prevent people from forcing themselves onto the same server, is to either make server hopping entirely impossible, or just make servers only have 1 ship

  • @illbushido305

    Why do you care so much about how other people play?

    I don’t like PvP but I’m not going to complain if I get sunk. Personally, I don’t care if other people have a server takeover. Gold in this game is worthless. There aren’t many cosmetics locked behind commendations. Yes, you got a bunch of useless sails locked behind commendations but most of them are ugly and I don’t even bother buying them.

  • @mythrl it would limit how much they can exploit 3 ships working together splitting loot is a lot less money then 5.

    Also leaves a chance that a random ship can get into server hence it would no longer be a alliance server. It would be normal again

  • @mythrl said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:


    That's why I suggested making all the servers have the same time-stamp, so it's nearly impossible to know if you're on the same server

    Time is already synced on all servers. At launch, it wasn’t but they changed it a few months later. The storm is also synced on all servers, in case you didn’t know that too.

  • " if I come across an alliance I spawn camp then til they leave the server and toss their loot into the sea."

    This right here should be a reportable offense, you are literally admitting to griefing everytime you run acrossed and alliance,

    I get being upset that you don't have the chops to befriend potentially dangerous pirates on the seas, But you don't have to take it out on people. Maybe someone is feeling a bit left out?

    If you want you can play with us sometime and see how we do things.

    Alliances are wonderful, and even spicier when another alliance is formed, How about this, Rather than spawn killing them and possibly, ruining the game for them all together:

    Make your own alliance and challenge them. THEN you can have an even BIGGER Pvp Battle with even higher stakes....

    you guys really are the lowest of the low,
    Spawn killing isn't something you should chase people off the server with,
    It should only be used as a last resort,

    Like when you have no ship nearby to shoot them, or you are trying to take supplies.

    But while you are doing it, Explain what you are doing and why, And explain that there are no hard feelings.

    This toxic pirate nonsense is gut wrenching. Do you treat people like this in real life too?

    Generally your gamer id (not ID) is an extension of your IRL id,

    So judging from the way you are speaking in here, I assume in your daily life you are terrors to your siblings, parents/children,

    And likely are bullies in real life.

    You can kill other players, you can steal from them, you can do all the things you are describing, with a different attitude.

    Attitude and decorum make all the difference in player experience.

    When I spawn kill, I apologize and explain that i have no choice,

    When people like you spawn kill, let me guess, you say things like "yeah I am taking all your sh** you little b****, Cry to mommy? I am going to keep doing this til you leave the server punk"

    So approach this stuff with a little less toxicity.

    As for the subject at hand, Alliance system is sometime the only option for less skilled players, Strength in numbers, if you don't like that, then stick to arena, or play another game, Its sea of thieves not sea of di*ks

    Also, pretty sure you can join them, ya know, work together? and maybe hunt reapers? idk, there are plenty of pvp options that don't require lone wolfing it man....

  • But really, Why do you guys care SOOOO much that other players do PVE servers? you realize its not that widespread of an issue correct? They stay in their little corner, and we don't have to interact with them.

    Its comestic progression. NO ONE CARES!

    If you want to steal stuff, then steal it from each other, it seems more like people just want easier targets and are ticked that everyone in the game nowadays roams around looking for other people to attack... Maybe grind yourselves in a public session and fight the guys that come after you if its really just about pvp, and not really about easy loot.

  • @mythrl said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    I'm getting the feeling that you're an alliance nerd lol

    Sorry for threatening your alliance server

    You are legit the kind of toxic pirate I am talking about in my post, How can you act like this? do you have no sense of common decency? are you that oblivious to how other people feel? They are enjoying themselves, Why can't you just enjoy yourself? Instead of whining in the forums about how there aren't enough noobs for you to stomp on... did you get kicked out of an alliance group? Did someone hurt your feelings? or is this just you taking your IRL stresses out on people in a game?

  • Idm alliance servers aslong as it is legitimately formed as the system was intended for it to be made

    By going around and forming them with people you dont know if you can trust

    These discord servers keeping ingame alliance servers online on a 24 hour basis isn't legitimate

  • @hungryherb said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    But really, Why do you guys care SOOOO much that other players do PVE servers? you realize its not that widespread of an issue correct? They stay in their little corner, and we don't have to interact with them.

    I disagree with illegitimately formed alliances out of principle

    Rare has stated that they dont want pve servers yet they are made with ease and illegitimately

    And with no punishment

    Its comestic progression. NO ONE CARES!

    Except yes people do care what you just stated is factually incorrect

    If you want to steal stuff, then steal it from each other, it seems more like people just want easier targets and are ticked that everyone in the game nowadays roams around looking for other people to attack... Maybe grind yourselves in a public session and fight the guys that come after you if its really just about pvp, and not really about easy loot.

    This is no offense stupid

    This game was made with both aspects and alliance servers are bypassing that fact

    You and likeminded people bought a game containing forced pvp and naturally you are going to be attacked

    You arguing that pvp ruins your session but it doesn't even if you personally think it does

    Because pvp is an ingame threat but not anymore due to alliance servers

    They need to be gone everyone needs to play fairly and alliance servers aren't fair whatsoever

    And your easier target arguement is nothing short of illogical

    Everyone has been an easy target some of us decided to learn from defeat and came back ontop

    And some others decided to bypass the system and exploit their way to safety this is not fair and this is not how the game was made to be played just simple fact

    And i see alot of people use the "well it doesn't affect you" as if thats suppose to mean anything or even matter

    Using that arguement is just another way to attempt to forcefully invalidate any arguement to removing these illegitimate alliance servers because they are afraid to lose risk free servers

    The fact that it does affect me because it keeps a wave of people away from the rest of us while all the rest has to deal with certain risks and others dont is already something that affects me

    While someone is grinding something i could possibly want without any risk

    Meanwhile i am put through all the risks alliance servers arent

    This is not fair and most certainly 100% affects me

    And spouting "its just cosmetics.." also makes no sense yes its cosmetics that alot of people have to put blood and sweat into getting them

    Meanwhile the rest are sitting comfortably watching a youtube video whilst having a fine dinner occasionally pressing a button to kill a skeleton

    Keep in mind alot of people do play for the only thing we can unlock so that also makes the "its just cosmetics.." arguement stupid

    Illegitimate alliance servers needs to go simple as that

    I couldn't care less if you went around the first server you got into to form this alliance with people already on the server because this is legitimate and still contains risks and takes time to make this is fair and i dont mind this

  • @illbushido305 there is a thread about stopping server hopping...if they are able to stop that, alliance server will extinct by nature...

  • @mythrl sagte in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    With no other way of telling if you're in the same server than having the same time on the watches, my suggestion is pretty simple

    Make all servers display the same time on the watch


    Made my day 😂

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