How To Hold And Push Fort (If you don’t TDM move on)

  • So in comp 1v1s, 2v2s or 4v4s a team will hold the top of the fort to gain an advantage over the other team pushing it

    Holding the fort allows for free hits off the players pushing it and if it ends up in a kill can decide the entire wipe.

    Before I begin I’m assuming you are a average TDMer, meaning you know quickswap, strafes all that stuff

    For one to understand how to push the fort one must understand how to hold it so we’ll start with that

    The goal of holding fort is to get free shots off the players pushing it. In the best case scenario you get to shoot the players and they can’t shoot you back.
    An example of this is holding the ammo box. Where a player is running up to the fort and you jump and shoot from below you all have seen that.
    When you can see through something but you can’t shoot through it it’s called a fort block which is what the ammo box spot is.
    When you are holding fort remember the moment you back off from watching the stairs the players will push up. So if you get hit or go to ammo box that is when they will push up. And remember there are secret ways up to forts which you will have to keep in mind.
    Always hold fort knowing your enemy will push up.

    Holding fort really is just watching the stairs

    Your goal when holding the fort is to deal damage to the opponent without letting them deal it to you.
    Once a team pushes up usually someone will get killed. But holding fort doesn’t end at the stairs. Once a team pushes up fort try and push to the real top of the fort. Above the ammo box. For example holding tarps etc. In my experience it is much harder pushing the very top of fort than pushing the ammo box.
    Sometimes if you kill a player while they are pushing up you can play a bit aggressive on the solo player, you have to be unpredictable and play aggressive sometimes.
    And remember always assume your shots don’t reg unless the player is giving signs it regged, like them backing off or bringing out food

    Now onto pushing fort
    The first stage is getting onto the platform or the gulag. So you shoot low and have to run up to the fort, this is where players will be holding ammo box and other Fortblocks around the fort.
    There’s nothing you can do here except for just strafing usually you or your teammate will get hit.

    Now you have to push the ammo box, all forts either have One or Two stairs you can push up from. But there are other ways up than just the stairs. Skull Keep for example has two alternate ways up and 1 secret way up. My definition of secret way is anything that requires parkour up. On skull keep to the left and right of the fort are rocks that you can easily get on and get onto the fort. But if that’s not the case and it’s a fort that has one or two stairs your goal is to make sure you cannot get hit. You shouldn’t be focused on killing the player in this stage you should be focused on getting on top of the fort. Pushing the fort is all about timing, 1v1s timing matters the most. So this scenario is a 1v1
    Your goal here is to get an opportunity to push the top safely. You can get this opportunity by waiting for the player to reload, go to ammo box or eat food if you hit them. You need to assume all of their shots will reg on you so don’t try and wing it and blindly run up the top expecting to take every shot. What I do which works on even top players is running up the ramp strafing then jerking to the left or right and falling off the ramp. What this does is bait their bullet then you can run up safely. If you manage to hit the player and they are showing signs it regged that’s an opportunity to push up.
    Learning secret ways up help tremendously and from what I’ve seen even experienced players who know the secret ways up themselves don’t watch it.

    Now you have pushed up to the top of the fort, this is typically where the first kill drops and the first engagement happens and is the most important moment in a fight. Whoever dies first usually decides who wins the wipe, your teammate dies you will just get 1v2d. If not the fight will continue with one team holding the very top of the fort or playing the tarps. For every fort top there are two stairs up but players can parkour up and get the same effect. Engagements on the very top of the fort go nowhere, most people have been in the situation where the opponent is on the other side and you just play ring around the rosy. I typically just avoid that gunfight and drop down to ammo box and make them come down to tarps or something.

    That’s pretty much all I can verbally describe I might to a more in depth one on my yt idk.

    So your main takeaway from this should be

    When holding the fort your goal is to hit the enemy without being hit yourself

    And the goal of pushing the fort is to wait for an opportunity to push without getting hit.

  • 4
  • 1v1 me rn

  • HoooHooCoach,

    I can almost agree with the things stated above. But I do have to add one thing. If you are pushing keel haul, there is a way around the back and through the fort and back around and under the stairs with the barrel and then going around the side. This will confuse the fort holder and will give you a huge advantage. Of course keeping in mind you tart strafe there to make it harder to hit. Once this dangerous move has been completed it will be easy to hit your opponent twice and hold that fort. Thank you for your time.

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