Ship Split

  • Not sure if it has been talked about in this particular light but here goes. I know many people want the ability to join friends servers to fight them or to pirate with them. I had an idea and was wondering peoples thoughts.

    Instead of a join server option that would open up 90% guild 10% non guild servers issues. If a player who started a game chooses to he can split his ship. Basically he will restart on that server at a port if a slot is open (or it just wont let him split at all) with a new ship. And can invite other friends to join ship 2 that he now captains. But to limit the chaos this could cause. If you are on a ship that was split from or the ship that was created the option to split is blacked out. So maximum ships a group of friends could have would be 2 on a server. This would allow people to combat each other and/or team up in a way that is not directly overpowering. Also i would like to see the 2 ships in an auto unbreakable alliance if possible.

    So that's the idea just wondering about the viability of it. Only been playing for 5 months i enjoy the game but i have many friends that play that i would love to team up with hence the idea.

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  • @kyovolk

    While I understand this option sounds really fun on paper, it won't happen for two reasons: server overload and balance. Let me explain each:

    SoT are currently set up so that there's can't be anymore than 6 ships per server. The matchmaking and server migration algorithms are set up with this in mind. If you gave players the ability to increase the number of ships in a server, you could potentially break the server (I say potentially; I'm not a programmer and I don't know how its coded exactly). Admittedly, you could get around this by graying out the option if the server has reached the maximum number of ships allowed.

    Balance is the bigger issue. If you pit a galleon with four players against a pair of two-player sloops of equal skill, the sloops would have a slight advantage against the galleon (tasks such as raising sails completed much faster, two targets, can tag-team to repair under less pressure, etc). Currently, alliances being fragile makes it so this level of coordination is rare. BUT, if you can split a large crew of friends into two ships with an unbreakable alliance, they would have a huge advantage over the other ships in the server.

    Another balance issue involves loot progression. If you have two ships cooperating to the highest degree, you can advance to emissary grade 5 (periodically handle all the treasure on the other ship) and collect gold/rep (do two of the same type of voyage simultaneous and get 50% of the other ship's turn-in) much more rapidly than you could using a single crew of equal size.

  • I understand your points fully there very well made but I already addressed the overload issue. It wouldn't let you split your ship if there was no open space. And for coordination this in that very fair points. But at the same time when missions demand an alliance and no one is game for what ever reason and you can not complete an event mission or what have you it can become irksome. In the few months I've been playing i have noticed alliance is one of the hardest thing to do given the base nature of mistrust in the game. Most well-founded.

    I still think a system of this type could improve the game. And I'm not a fan of the 0 progression private server cuz whats the point ya know.

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