Character customization

  • I'm sure im not the only one asking the ability to customize ones character and the random character generation is driving me absolutely insane.

    First it is very annoying that I cant lock it to male or female. (You could have an option for M lock, F lock and Both)

    Having an 'Option' for random would be better and maybe not roundtable where I have to spend time rotating the screen to see all my options.

    And Most of all. I want to be able to make my character myself! I usually try to make my characters look like me and I just cant do this in the current system. Not to mention most of the women are either very ugly or could be mistaken for guys with a female body.
    All your in game women are usually fairly nice and have a great character appearance and personality but the randomizer is horrible at getting that same look.

    Please, please please, for the sake of my sanity and my time (which you have to spend a hell of a lot of it to get even one that's half decent, that then you are not spending actually playing the game) allow your players to be able to chose the features of their characters from lists, not only random!!! I beg you...

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  • @ara-lelth the IPG is one of the coolest things in this game. knowing that there are near limitless random options for characters is awesome. Rare has said before that they want the pirates to be different. This is why there are no sliders, though I agree a gender selection would be acceptable, but that's it imo.

  • Gender selection is okie choice. But no to the other, we don’t want people looking like there fav streamer do we?

  • This isn't Pirate Barbie - we're down and dirty, rotten scoundrels that are up to no good. We're scarred, cursed, likely ugly, and probably mentally unstable.

    If you want your "perfect pirate" then I suggest that you put the time and effort into it like I did (my pirate is 😎). Besides, the hairstyles alone can drastically change the look of your pirate.

  • I feel like the character creation is bound to time as it seems to be this games stance to almost everything. ^_^
    And if you invest lots of time you can choose to some degree.

    First I wanted to make a pirate that looks like me too but then I noticed so many male characters on the seas and thought to myself "screw it I make a female pirate".
    And now we have the drink that helps to overthink our choices once more.

    The randomness is probably to enforce a greater variety of different models or something.
    Dunno if it worked out or not. But I think persistent people can still choose quite a lot when dealing with the current character creation.

  • I feel the random pirate generation makes it more interesting and makes it so not every pirate looks like a black beard or a jack sparrow. Or some over the top buff pirate. Your pirate is unique to you. Of your not happy with it spend more time looking through options in the randomizer? When I started playing I spent about an hour on a random pick for a pirate alone. And when I started there wasn’t a save system so you can ones you like from the random options before committing to one

  • I have spend a total of about 4 hours and counting so far. So dont assume I havent put in the effort. I';m not saying to remove a randomized feature as I know lots of my friends just hit random till they like something and enter. But why cant we have both? Why cant I make my character the way I want. Just because it might be pretty? Why do you care if My pirate is pretty when you'll likely never run into me close enough to tell. but in the mean time I do get to see my character and play with friends.

  • @ara-lelth Have you not seen how certain options in other games are always favored over others despite the depth of customization? The infinite pirate generator eliminates that. It's not about whether or not we'll see your pirate; it's about whether or not we'll see hundreds if not thousands of pirates that look like yours.

    The variety is what makes the pirates memorable. Just the other day, my crew was bested in Arena by a very fat pirate that we couldn't shoot because his size made it difficult to determine where his much smaller hitbox was. His bright yellow jacket and silly-looking monkey dance in the lobby to celebrate his victory over us cemented him into my recent memory too.

    Conversely, in the same match, my crewmate and a pirate he was engaging both had the Reaper's Bones emmisary costume, so that they looked exactly alike, making it much more difficult for me to determine which 1 I should shoot.

    Variety is the spice of life! Your pirate doesn't have to be perfect - just good enough. If he (or she) has imperfections, create a backstory off of it.

  • The IPG is about taking players out of thier comfort zone to find a character that resonates, breaking the habit most people have of making a toon that resembles them.
    Since Rare has already said they have no plans for sliders and whatnot, acceptance is the first step for the OP.

    You dont get to play God with your character selection, but you really need to find a toon you can love. Like a movie director casting his muse.
    Time invested matters little, the more I spin for characters the more they start to look the same, so I take a break after ten or twenty minutes.
    Some attributes are more common than others, but that truly unique combination can happen during the first few spins, or never after hours of trying.

    Then there is the likelihood that the character will look slightly different in game than what you saw at the IPG, possibly requiring another re-roll.

  • The random generation is pretty much useless because the main customisation occurs once you get into the gam and start to change/purchase hair, clothes, tattoos etc.

    The only things you rally need to be concerned about in the initial character selection is if you want to be:

    • Male or Female
    • Tall or Short
    • Fat or Slim
  • If you have enough customization options then they dont end up looking the same. You dont even know what my style is yet you';ve already labeled me as some barbie pirate wannabe. Yes I want my character to look good but I am far from traditional when it comes to my style. Why is your want more important than mine? I want dreads, I want a scar over my eye on a decently pretty but slim face with a pointed jaw and I want to wear the egyptian eye make up and not look like a freaken dude in drag. Not everyone's idea of beauty is the same. I haven't seen one effeminate male pirate in the randomizer but I sure as hell see a lot of masculine looking women. Every official picture for the game put out for advertising always shows very pretty women. Yet they don't reflect that in the character customization.

  • I actually 100% agree with the OP and I don’t care if this topic was 6 months ago, it needs to be re-visited.

    I have spent hundreds of dollars on appearance change potions over the last year HOPING to find SOMETHING that was at least slightly what they say you can obtain-your perfect pirate!

    Everytime I pick something in the character creator it’s because I am just settling because I’m tired of searching for weeks or months and hours a day in the character creator for something that is somewhat attractive or cute looking.

    Who are people to judge there weren’t innocent cute looking pirates that used that to their advantage and were total beasts lain in sheeps clothing?

    Everytime I settle on that I think looks somewhat cute and decent however, in game they look over 50% different than what they looked like in the creator! Not to mention the weeks or months I would spend at a time looking for that one perfect pirate to suit me.

    To me, my perfect pirate isn’t a barbie doll bombshell like a lot of people have complained about on this thread.

    My perfect pirate is a dead eye, the other ashen, hazel, or green, a bobble head because extra large head on a smol body just looks super attractive and cute to me, tall-not short, really wide hips, exotic skin tone like greek, or thailand, or even a really sun baked tan, no teeth missing, young and either slim or a little thickness but not so that it looks like I’ve just been entroduced as sea worlds main attraction.

    So far I have never found this combination of character other than ONE time but she was like a 80 year old woman and had several missing teeth, but all the other qualities I wanted, but I’m sorry if this game boasts you can create YOUR OWN perfect pirate, and I’m sorry a 80 year old gumbie isn’t MY perfect pirate.

    For all the hundreds of $ I’m sure not only me but hundreds of other women AND men alike have spent buying character appearance potions and for allllll the waste of sooooo much of our time, you’d THINK Rare would throw us a few bones after over 3 years!

    But they wont. If anything I think the people who are now in development have made the character creator even worse of a chance at finding anything remotely decent at all.

    I have seen some pretty amazing bombshell female characters in game and have asked them how they got that, all of them say they were founders of the game when it first came out and spent less than 20 minutes in the character creator screen....

    Also colors are different colored in the character creator selector now, like the barrels that used to be red, are now a washed out tan and yet you can still see what they used to look like by the red barrels that show in the background at the bar area.

    Pretty sure the developers now tweaked with the creator settings so it’s near impossible to create anything decent looking at all anymore.

    Nice job of wasting our time and money..

  • There's plenty of 'ugly' women in the game and that's absolutely fabulous!

    For once, we can play a diverse world where everyone isn't 20-something-sexy and that's beyond cool and refreshing!

    And if being 'prettier' is important to you, you can still have it - if you invest time in the creator. :)

    The only thing that would happen if they gave us control over the pirate generator is that people would be 1. - Tiny dark-skinned tuckers, 2. - Jack Sparrow, or 3 - Sexy, and the game would lose a lot of its charm.

  • @ara-lelth The lack of the Character Customization option was , the reason i didn't buy the game when it came out in 2018 and i only started playing it during the Black Friday sell this year .

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