LEGENDARY CREWS (Guilds for Sea of Thieves)

  • I've had this idea for some time now, and I could'nt get it out of my head, so i thought i'd post it here. Feel free to let me know what you think about it.

    TLDR: Legendary Crews (Guilds) (which can only be created by Pirate Legends) where you add members, and compete on guild leaderboard to be the most infamous crew on the sea of thieves.

    LEGENDARY CREWS (Guilds for Sea of Thieves)
    The basic idea behind Legendary Crews, is to add more community to Sea of Thieves, as well as end game content for pirate legends.
    When you hit pirate legend, you should be able to start a Legendary Crew (Guild), by talking to the pirate lord (and paying a hefty sum of gold?). When you create your crew (guild), you get the ability to name your crew (guild), the name will be your guild ship name.

    For exampel: Legendary Crew of the Black Crow
    So the ships name will be The Black Crow, and all members in the guild will be part of the "Legendary Crew of The Black Crow

    ** I will use the name Black Crow throughout this post for easier explanation**
    When you have named your guild ship, you will also get the ability to customise the look (ship cosmetics) of your guild ship. This means that everytime you set sail as the "Legendary Crew of The Black Crow", the ship will look the same, only the Guild Master can change the appearence of the ship. Also the the name of the ship will be displayed on the ship.

    You will of course also get the ability to add new members to your Legendary Crew, the same way that you would add a friend.

    Like any other guild, Legendary Crews will have roles to be filled.

    1. CAPTAIN (Guild Master)
      Can change the ship cosmetics (costs treasury) of the Legendary Crew (guild ship).
      Can promote crewmates to officers.
      Can add new members to the Legendary Crew.
      Can set sail as Legendary Crew.
      Gain title "Captain of The Black Crow" in vanity chest.
      Can join a Legendary Crew session.

    2. OFFICER (Guild Admin)
      Can add new members to the Legendary Crew.
      Can set sail as Legendary Crew.
      Gain title "Officer of The Black Crow" in vanity chest.
      Can join a Legendary Crew session.

    3. CREWMATE (Guild Member)
      Gain title "Crewmate of The Black Crow" in vanity chest.
      Can join a Legendary Crew session.

    Like when you start any other session in Sea of Thieves, when you get to the "Open or Closed crew" selection screen, there should be an option also to set sail as Legendary Crew.

    When you select this option (as an Officer or Captain), you will be spawned like any regular session, except the ship spawned, whether it is a sloop, brig, or galleon, will be equipped with the ship cosmetics of your Legendary Crew, as designed by the captain.

    Only members of the Legendary Crew, captain, officers or crewmates, are able to join your session as Legendary Crew.

    Multiple Legendary Crew sessions can be active simultaneously.

    When in a session, you should be able to invite crew members via a designated Legendary Crew page (guild page/menu). Here your should also be able to see all members, roles, messages, guild treasury, guild rep, and guild infamy).

    So what is the purpose of creating a Legendary Crew you ask? Gaining Infamy (or fame) on the Sea of Thieves of course!

    When a Legendary Crew (guild) is created, it will be able to build a treasury, as well as reputation with each of the factions we alle know and love. The size of the treasury, and amount of reputation, will determine your crews place on a gamewide Legendary Crew leaderboard (like the emmisary ledgers).

    Building faction rep and treasury for your crew (guild) can only be done when you are set sail as a Legendary Crew.

    1. Guild treasury
      When you turn in loot and recieve gold in a Legendary Crew session, a percentage of the gold recieved will instead go to the treasury. The treasury will of course increase the crews placement on the leaderboards, but can also be spent (by the captain, and officers?), to buy exclusive cosmetics for the whole crew!
      Point being: Does the crew want to focus on exclusive cosmetics, or building a large treasury to rise the leaderboards?

    2. Guild faction reputation
      As any other session, turning in loot with a faction, builds reputation with that particular faction. Except when you do it in a Legendary Crew session, you also build reputation for your Legendary Crew (Guild). The amount of rep with each faction, will also increase the crews position on the leaderboards. Though guild rep should also decrease over time.
      Point being: Your Legendary Crew needs to be active if you want to stay high in the leadersboard.

    The Legendary Crews placement on the leaderboards should be based on total Infamy (or fame) and be calculated by taking into account both the treasury size and faction reputation.

    Having lots of rep with 1 faction, shouldn't impact the leaderboard position as much as having some with all factions. (So you should seek to balance it. Have members of your crew do different faction voyages in their Legendary Crew sessions.)

    If you have read this far i thank you, i hope you like my idea.
    First of all, I think this is a way to create more community in sea of thieves, especially for new players. Instead of pirate legend just sinking endless waves of noob sloops, they could now invest time in making friendly contact, and recruiting new members for their Legendary Crew.

    This way new players could also get more ingame help and feel a part of something larger, instead of just solo slooping and building rep and gold for yourself. This could also be a good way for streamers to connect with their fans?

    End game would feel more exciting, you are finally a pirate legend, and now, instead of just building your own rep and gaining unspendable amounts of gold, you can build infamy as a Legendary Crew, whom all on the sea of thieves will fear! or love.

    Maybe rivalries between Legendary Crews would emerge, or cross session alliances. Basically i think this could make the game feel more engaging and connected across sessions, as you work towards a goal.


    1. Stealing treasury from other Legendary Crews. When you are in a Legendary Crew session and sink another Legendary Crew, some of their treasury would go to your own instead. Advancing your crews (guild) place on the leaderboard, and lowering theirs.
      This is why only trusted officers should be able to start a session, so new members dont start one and lose all the guild treasury!

    2. Spend treasury on Legendary Crews perks, such as ekstra canonballs when you spawn as a Legendary Crew.

    3. Legendary Crew outfits, like ship set, the Captain (Guild Master) should be able to setup a specific outfit, which all crew members get.

    4. More guild roles, maybe more titles can be created by the captain, and assigned to members based on their playstyle? For Example: Buccaneer, that particular member will then recieve "Buccaneer of The Black Crow" title in their vanity chest.

  • 20
  • @ravenreduxx I love this! I've wanted something like this for a while but never made a post about this. Great idea!

  • This is actually really well thought out - at hand, I cannot yet find any flaws with the idea. I will think on this. 🤔

    EDIT: I have a few questions and concerns regarding the gold, reputation, and exclusive cosmetics - and then some:

    1. where would we get the cosmetics from? The regular shops? A brand new guildmaster representative from the companies? The emporium?

    2. Like with gold now, what happens with the gold and rep once all the cosmetics are bought up? Just for the leaderboards?

    3. What's to stop even more server-wide alliances from happening? Or even worse multi-server-wide alliances? Especially for farming to get higher on the leaderboards. How is that fair for smaller guilds?

    4. Due to multi-server-wide guild alliances, they might end up doing the opposite of increasing social encounters for the guild as they deliberately wipe everybody out, and ruining their victim's fun in the process.

    5. Should guild crews only be in designated servers with other guild crews, separate from non-guild crews, or do you think that could hurt recruitment opportunities and/or matchmaking?

    6. Can you be a member of more than 1 guild? If so, how many?

    7. How would guild recruitment work from a mechanical, in-game standpoint? What would it look like?

    8. Guilds can only be created by PLs, but should it also only be joinable by PLs?

    9. Should there be a limit on guild-member size? 24 members? 100? 1,000?

  • @mferr11 Thank you very much! I couldn't sleep last night thinking about it, so I thought i might as well write it down and share it haha.

  • @ravenreduxx Please take your time to think on the questions that I have presented to you. 😉

  • @galactic-geek Haha, you humble me with these well thought questions. I don't think I have an answer for all of them, but I will think on it for a while, and try to come up with one!

  • @ravenreduxx If we do get a guildmaster representative, I alteady know where to put them, and what to name them - they can be placed at those little white tarps being held up by a barrel that can be found at virtually every outpost (it will be spruced up, of course). Their names will be:

    1. Gary (SO)
    2. Glenn (GSO)
    3. Gus (DTO)
    4. Griffin (GGO)
    5. Grant (MPO)
    6. Gavin (ASO)
    7. Graham (PO)

    Perhaps they could be incorporated into the emmisary system, with their own table, showing how many guilds are in the same server?

    The emmisary bonus could be what's donated to the guild's coffers too.

    Any non guild member can approach the guildmaster and be offered an invite to 1 of the currently present guilds (if said guild is operated as a public guild) - for a 1-time exorbitant fee, per guild (that can be donated, again, to the guild's coffers). This also solves the question of how many guilds, because the answer would be 1.

    You could even have a penalty fee for leaving, or being kicked out, or going AWOL (lack of attendance - a reoccurring penalty fee, in this case, leading up to an eventual auto-kick) that would help guilds as they get smaller. Of course that could have potential for manipulation, as rich pirates get recruited, leave, and then rinse and repeat as they "donate" to the guild's coffers and leaderboard standings. Perhaps, not just for leaving... 😅

    Perhaps new daily challenges could be added and only accomplished while in a guild, and also go towards the guild coffers. It could even be reworked to benefit the size of the guild - for example, catch # of ruby splash tails today and turn them into the guildmaster, whereas the # could be 10, 50, 100, etc. depending on the overall size of the guild.

    Every SoT guild gets its own Xbox Live club, kind of like how every realm in Minecraft gets its own club.

    I think we're on to something here. 🤩


    ...and I added questions 8 and 9 to my initial post in this thread for you to consider. 😉

    @Musicmee, I would really like your personal input on this. It would mean a lot to me.

  • @ravenreduxx said in LEGENDARY CREWS (Guilds for Sea of Thieves):

    I've had this idea for some time now, and I could'nt get it out of my head, so i thought i'd post it here. Feel free to let me know what you think about it.

    TLDR: Legendary Crews (Guilds) (which can only be created by Pirate Legends) where you add members, and compete on guild leaderboard to be the most infamous crew on the sea of thieves.

    LEGENDARY CREWS (Guilds for Sea of Thieves)
    The basic idea behind Legendary Crews, is to add more community to Sea of Thieves, as well as end game content for pirate legends.
    When you hit pirate legend, you should be able to start a Legendary Crew (Guild), by talking to the pirate lord (and paying a hefty sum of gold?). When you create your crew (guild), you get the ability to name your crew (guild), the name will be your guild ship name.

    For exampel: Legendary Crew of the Black Crow
    So the ships name will be The Black Crow, and all members in the guild will be part of the "Legendary Crew of The Black Crow

    ** I will use the name Black Crow throughout this post for easier explanation**
    When you have named your guild ship, you will also get the ability to customise the look (ship cosmetics) of your guild ship. This means that everytime you set sail as the "Legendary Crew of The Black Crow", the ship will look the same, only the Guild Master can change the appearence of the ship. Also the the name of the ship will be displayed on the ship.

    You will of course also get the ability to add new members to your Legendary Crew, the same way that you would add a friend.

    Like any other guild, Legendary Crews will have roles to be filled.

    1. CAPTAIN (Guild Master)
      Can change the ship cosmetics (costs treasury) of the Legendary Crew (guild ship).
      Can promote crewmates to officers.
      Can add new members to the Legendary Crew.
      Can set sail as Legendary Crew.
      Gain title "Captain of The Black Crow" in vanity chest.
      Can join a Legendary Crew session.

    2. OFFICER (Guild Admin)
      Can add new members to the Legendary Crew.
      Can set sail as Legendary Crew.
      Gain title "Officer of The Black Crow" in vanity chest.
      Can join a Legendary Crew session.

    3. CREWMATE (Guild Member)
      Gain title "Crewmate of The Black Crow" in vanity chest.
      Can join a Legendary Crew session.

    Like when you start any other session in Sea of Thieves, when you get to the "Open or Closed crew" selection screen, there should be an option also to set sail as Legendary Crew.

    When you select this option (as an Officer or Captain), you will be spawned like any regular session, except the ship spawned, whether it is a sloop, brig, or galleon, will be equipped with the ship cosmetics of your Legendary Crew, as designed by the captain.

    Only members of the Legendary Crew, captain, officers or crewmates, are able to join your session as Legendary Crew.

    Multiple Legendary Crew sessions can be active simultaneously.

    When in a session, you should be able to invite crew members via a designated Legendary Crew page (guild page/menu). Here your should also be able to see all members, roles, messages, guild treasury, guild rep, and guild infamy).

    So what is the purpose of creating a Legendary Crew you ask? Gaining Infamy (or fame) on the Sea of Thieves of course!

    When a Legendary Crew (guild) is created, it will be able to build a treasury, as well as reputation with each of the factions we alle know and love. The size of the treasury, and amount of reputation, will determine your crews place on a gamewide Legendary Crew leaderboard (like the emmisary ledgers).

    Building faction rep and treasury for your crew (guild) can only be done when you are set sail as a Legendary Crew.

    1. Guild treasury
      When you turn in loot and recieve gold in a Legendary Crew session, a percentage of the gold recieved will instead go to the treasury. The treasury will of course increase the crews placement on the leaderboards, but can also be spent (by the captain, and officers?), to buy exclusive cosmetics for the whole crew!
      Point being: Does the crew want to focus on exclusive cosmetics, or building a large treasury to rise the leaderboards?

    2. Guild faction reputation
      As any other session, turning in loot with a faction, builds reputation with that particular faction. Except when you do it in a Legendary Crew session, you also build reputation for your Legendary Crew (Guild). The amount of rep with each faction, will also increase the crews position on the leaderboards. Though guild rep should also decrease over time.
      Point being: Your Legendary Crew needs to be active if you want to stay high in the leadersboard.

    The Legendary Crews placement on the leaderboards should be based on total Infamy (or fame) and be calculated by taking into account both the treasury size and faction reputation.

    Having lots of rep with 1 faction, shouldn't impact the leaderboard position as much as having some with all factions. (So you should seek to balance it. Have members of your crew do different faction voyages in their Legendary Crew sessions.)

    If you have read this far i thank you, i hope you like my idea.
    First of all, I think this is a way to create more community in sea of thieves, especially for new players. Instead of pirate legend just sinking endless waves of noob sloops, they could now invest time in making friendly contact, and recruiting new members for their Legendary Crew.

    This way new players could also get more ingame help and feel a part of something larger, instead of just solo slooping and building rep and gold for yourself. This could also be a good way for streamers to connect with their fans?

    End game would feel more exciting, you are finally a pirate legend, and now, instead of just building your own rep and gaining unspendable amounts of gold, you can build infamy as a Legendary Crew, whom all on the sea of thieves will fear! or love.

    Maybe rivalries between Legendary Crews would emerge, or cross session alliances. Basically i think this could make the game feel more engaging and connected across sessions, as you work towards a goal.


    1. Stealing treasury from other Legendary Crews. When you are in a Legendary Crew session and sink another Legendary Crew, some of their treasury would go to your own instead. Advancing your crews (guild) place on the leaderboard, and lowering theirs.
      This is why only trusted officers should be able to start a session, so new members dont start one and lose all the guild treasury!

    2. Spend treasury on Legendary Crews perks, such as ekstra canonballs when you spawn as a Legendary Crew.

    3. Legendary Crew outfits, like ship set, the Captain (Guild Master) should be able to setup a specific outfit, which all crew members get.

    4. More guild roles, maybe more titles can be created by the captain, and assigned to members based on their playstyle? For Example: Buccaneer, that particular member will then recieve "Buccaneer of The Black Crow" title in their vanity chest.

    I don't like this i'll tell you why this game is unique to it's self but I do agree that this game needs endgame combat

  • @closinghare208 I really don't feel like your reply adds much to the discussion. And combat? Where does he mention combat?

    @RavenReduxx Reread some of your post and I disagree with 2 of your bonus ideas - additional supplies, like free cannonballs to give an already coordinated crew an additional advantage against random crews without either; also, titles should never be doled out from a pirate to a pirate due to potential abuse.

  • @galactic-geek said in LEGENDARY CREWS (Guilds for Sea of Thieves):

    @closinghare208 I really don't feel like your reply adds much to the discussion. And combat? Where does he mention combat?

    @RavenReduxx Reread some of your post and I disagree with 2 of your bonus ideas - additional supplies, like free cannonballs to give an already coordinated crew an additional advantage against random crews without either; also, titles should never be doled out from a pirate to a pirate due to potential abuse.

    sorry I was thinking of something else and I meant content but to me I don't like the idea of guilds in this game

  • @galactic-geek I think the best way to end server guild alliances would be to put in place a system that prevents guild ships from ever spawning in the same server. I don't know if it would work, but its at least a solution

  • @baronbrr So, you're essentially suggesting 1 guild per server?

    Interesting... 🤔

    It could have potential matchmaking ramifications though. 😐

  • @galactic-geek true, but it’s just a suggestion. Also I don’t mean 1 guild per server, I mean 1 ship from each guild per server. So there’s like 4 guilds in a server and none of them are in the same guild.

  • @baronbrr Yeah, okay. That certainly makes more sense. 😅

  • I really like where this idea is going. It doesn’t change the base game for anyone who doesn’t want to be a part of it, but it fosters communities and identity. Players can feel like they are contributing to the group. I also agree that it would help to limit guild ships to only allow one from a guild on a particular server.

  • @galactic-geek
    Sorry for the wait, had a busy week.

    1. Initially i thought of a new "guild shop" in Athenas Hideout.

    2. Mostly for leaderboards, and hopefully the shop would keep getting updated with new cosmetics. But i like the thought of this guild system having some sort of gold sink incorporated. This is why i thought of small perks also being available to the Captain / officers, where they could spend some treasury, and then the next 10 Legendary Crew sessions started would have extra cannonballs, or start with a rowboat, more bananas or stuff like that. So that it isnt a permanent perk, but something which costs upkeep. Perks shouldn't be create balace issues of course.

    3. I dont think guild members should be able to join the same specific server, so in that sense they would be able to "farm together". But of course they could recruit the whole server and you would have the same problem. Maybe you could balance the over-time decrease in faction rep depending on how large your guild is. So as a bigger guild would have to be more active to keep up? (but also has more members to be able to do so)

    4. Again, I dont think guild members should be able to join the same specific server. So it should still be random who you encounter on the seas, like now. But of course you could in a sense "recruit the whole server" and "gank" the ones that dont want to join. If thats what you are asking. Not sure i have an answer for this.

    5. I dont think there should be specific guild servers. Who you meet on the sea should still be random, whether it be another Legendary Crew, or a recruiable player. I agree with @BaronBrr on this, only 1 ship from a guild can spawn on a server, but otherwise random, like normal.

    6. I think 1, i really like your idea of a "guild donation" upon joining.

    7. Via an emote, like make friends, or simply by adding people from your friendlist via Xbox.

    8. I think everyone should be able to join guilds, i think a big part of this is the ability for new players to connect with more experienced players. This can help them learn the game and get new friends. And also create new enjoyment from "tired old PLs" as they now have a reason to invest time en helping new players.

    9. Maybe some sort of limit, but im not sure. Maybe Captains should be able to axpand guild size for treasury (gold sink).

  • I am in love with this idea!

    Guilds have always been a thing I've wanted in Sea of Thieves, mostly because of me being a KHUX player which has a party system but I really love the way you thought this idea through, and it is honestly the truest way of captaincy.

    Plus in terms of Server Alliances, it actually helps prevent/reduce that if in the case that it is one legendary crew (for your guild) per server.
    The only problem I see also in terms of Server Alliances are different legendary crews on the same server just handing out gold to eachother, somewhat like an alliance but with separate factions in it.

    Also on a side note, is it possible that a Hideout of your own could be done? Maybe to act as a hud area whilst waiting for a game or just for you and your crew to hang out.

  • @ravenreduxx I'm into it. There should also be an in-game way to honor the top crew. For instance:

    A) A statue in each outpost featuring the top four players with the highest ranking legendary crew status.

    B) Load screens featuring the current top legendary crew.

    Nice idea!

  • What a fantastic idea. At this point, a fundamental pirate idea this game is missing is the idea of specific crew members with specific roles (captain, first mate, stuff like that). It’s very possible for people to assign these roles within their own crews, but I have been playing for a very long time and have yet to see a crew do this so I assume this happens infrequently and not only that, but it still lacks an element of realism when it’s something you create on your own. The addition of roles and positions is a great one. I love the structure this would give pirate ships and I think it would make it a far more pirate like experience. An idea I can contribute to this is that in order to obtain a high ranking position, one has to be a pirate legend. I don’t imagine many pirate legends looking up to other pirate legends but I can absolutely imagine non-PLs looking up to/learning from their pirate legend officers and captains. This would also draw a finer line between higher level crew members and the lowest level of crew members further making it more realistic. Can’t wait to see what else is going to be added to this post and where the community can take this idea.

  • Also, besides having new members of your guild, I don’t think there should be extra incentive to adding new players to your guild. By whatever means necessary, I think the guilds should avoid becoming impersonal. This would take away the fundamental joy this idea could bring to the game. Adding someone to your guild/offering them a spot should be reserved for after they’ve demonstrated what they can contribute (skill, leadership, sense of humor). Otherwise, it will just become a meaningless group of people trying to reach the top spot. One of the things that makes this idea so appealing is the sense of camaraderie that comes with working with your friends for something meaningful. I really hope this doesn’t turn into something like a Clash of Clans clans in which sweaty people just pick the highest level people to join and could care less who they. It should be sort of a big deal to recruit someone new to your clan.

9 out of 20