Bring back older events for a limited time

  • I know it's unlikely but as someone who's been playing since 2017, it's rally annoying to only have half of sets like the bone crusher set because you weren't aware it was time limited. I have the scars, tattoos, eye-patch, hook, peg-leg, gloves, belt, and boots. But the hat, jacket, dress, pants, etc were all time exclusive, something I wasn't aware of at the time.

    I think, even if it was only for a week or one event on each day in a week, that it would be cool to experience the old events again because they were a lot of fun and because it opens up access to time limited items again. I know items like that are often more of a status symbol for players who were there for the events and that's why they were made time limited, but having to match my bone crusher items with other items because I cannot get the items anymore is frustrating.

    I'm personally biased because I really like the set and because the only reason i wasn't active was because my computer was broken at the time so that's additionally frustrating, but I really think getting to experience events I wasn't around for would be a fun experience.

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  • There is a reason these events are called "Time Limited" or "Exclusive"

    If it's one thing about this game that a lot of people really care about is their Exclusive Limited Cosmetics. That's the beauty of being able to play during the time they were offered. So basically , it's like you snooze you lose type of thing.

    SoT was nice enough to give players another shot at the Hungering Deep Drum, Forsaken Ashen Cutlass and the Bone Crusher Sails, which in my opinion they should have never done, but that's neither here or there.

    I am a day one player which I have the Day 1 Eye Patch and Launch Crew Eye of Reach, how do you think myself and other players that have the same items would feel if they handed these items out??

    Just make sure going forward, you are active in the game for the Monthly updates and pay close attention anything that says TIME LIMITED.

    Happy Sails.

  • @sapphicseas I can understand why people would be upset if they made a particular effort to play during the time limited events for rewards.

    I personally want the event scars, as I only one of them is still obtainable.

    Maybe the solution is just to add more content. Passing thought only, and if the developers offered a chance to get previous gear I'd be delighted. But I fully accept that the other end of the spectrum itd be unfair to those first time around.

  • No, keep them locked away. There will be new lines down the road for future pirates to brag and hold over their fellows for not having. You snooze you lose, I was around back then as well. It was no secret that these items were limited time, no one's fault but yours on that one. When the only prestige this game has is cosmetic base, making them all available removes said prestige.

  • @nabberwar said in Bring back older events for a limited time:

    No, keep them locked away. There will be new lines down the road for future pirates to brag and hold over their fellows for not having. You snooze you lose, I was around back then as well. It was no secret that these items were limited time, no one's fault but yours on that one. When the only prestige this game has is cosmetic base, making them all available removes said prestige.

    yeah like the wailing barnacle hat jacket and weapons were limited time I only got the sword and i'm fine with that but I sort of do wish I could get the full set but I know I can't

  • @sapphicseas

    Time limited not time limited maybe, sort of, wait will bring it back because you want it.


    Limit the post that have

    Toxic PVE'ers

    PVE only

    Time limited Cosmetics


    Is this forum just crying about these 3 subjects lord have mighty get the sand out of your Tidy Whities

    To OG poster not directing my anger at you. It sucks I know, but we have to learn to

    Makin' my way downtown
    Walkin' fast, faces pass and I'm homebound
    Starin' blankly ahead, just making my way
    Makin' a way through the crowd

  • Time limited items need to stay locked away. All for a reskin of older sets but the OGs should remain gone.

  • I feel ya, @sapphicseas, and disagree with most of the replies here. They're just worried about their pride.

    Time-limited doesn't mean locked away forever after a certain time period; it just means not all of the time. Technically speaking, Rare could briefly re-release certain cosmetics for a short time and it would still be a time-limited cosmetic item. In fact, they have already done this quite a few times, so it would not surprise me if they do it again.

    Now, can someone tell me why we have Fearless Bonecrusher pants, but still no OG Bonecrusher pants? 🤔

  • I agree, time limited exclusives are just a frustrating mechanic that doesn't add to the game. It's the reason I stopped playing games like fortnite and smite. They only succeed in making the game feel like a job. I think the final straw for me was in a game I had started playing near the end of a time exclusive event and I had been grinding out towards this reward for days. Then, on the last day, I just needed one more match and suddenly my power cuts off for a brief moment. It comes back and I've missed the cutoff. Though even when people miss out due to circumstances outside their control, as seen in this thread, people will still blame them for missing out.

  • I think seasonal things should come back each season (Halloween, Christmas,etc...), but not other things like the hungering deep campaign or Wanda's (even if I didn't took part in those and I'm missing them)

  • I would be fine if they brought back lots of the old stuff (since I also had no idea it was time limited) but I feel it should be locked behind a set of difficult challenges to unlock for purchase

  • I feel time limitation adds incentive, knowing that they wont add those cosmetics back is alot of the time what inspired me to grind it out fast. I dont think they should add them back. If they start bringing full sets back I wouldnt like that, there are some things that are fine, like during this years's anniversary, we got the bone crusher sails again. Thats ok, just a few cosmetic pieces, but I dont think whole sets should be brought back.

  • I got an idea for each event to come back, with all the time limited events of course:

    -Hungering Deep items: give people a short time period, I'd say 1 week to kill 5 Shrouded Ghosts

    -Cursed Sails items: give people 1 week to sink 200 skeleton ships only counting from skeleton fleets, but it has to be a special type of it

    -Forsaken shores stuff: give people 1 week to sell 5 chests of wonderious secrets

    -Wailing Barnacle set: 1 week to kill 30 megs, at least 1 of each type, while in the fog

    For those who doesn't realize what I did there (I'm pretty sure they are out there), this is another way from myself to say: NO, time exclusive MEANS time exclusive

  • @schwammlgott Time exclusive doesn't mean forever.

  • @galactic-geek sagte in Bring back older events for a limited time:

    @schwammlgott Time exclusive doesn't mean forever.

    Rare said that time..."only available during that event"

  • Time limited doesn't really apply anymore.. not since emissaries..time limited voyages time limited cosmetics, weapons ship stuff... even in PE they are selling stuff that was "time limited" dont worry time limited items come back anyway.. I should know the only thing I have left is the launch crew EOR maybe the year one pl blundy & ship and set.. dw I'm sure they will bring it back so there is nothing special left... just keep asking and asking im sure if your post doesn't make it happen the next 17 post of the same thing might..

    Happy sailing!

  • @schwammlgott said in Bring back older events for a limited time:

    @galactic-geek sagte in Bring back older events for a limited time:

    @schwammlgott Time exclusive doesn't mean forever.

    Rare said that time..."only available during that event"

    Who is to say they're not going to be bringing back certain events? Festival of the Damned and the Festival of Giving will, for example, undoubtedly return.

    There's also no reason why they can't find new ways to release the cosmetics. After all, they've already done it with some of the Forsaken Ashes set.

  • @galactic-geek they were able to get the drum from The Hungering Deep for example...and also from the other events you were able to get 1 item...still I think they should have made recolours of that items

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