pacifist mode

  • hello let me start by saying, i really like what you guys are doing, you have created a special little game.
    however the main thing i don't LIKE! about the game is,

    i'm minding my own business fishing at snake island, and long and behold!
    some other player! and his buddies! come over kill me! and sink my Ship!!
    and think it's Funny!! well I Don't!

    now i know you want everyone to have different experiences and situations with player's out on the sea, and i respect that, but giving those who don't want to worry about other players killing them, and being a Total pain! in the but! to them.

    a (pacifist mode) would really be appreciated. fallout 76 has a pacifist mode, you cant kill other players and they cant kill you.

    that's all i'm asking for, it's when the mode is ON no one can kill you ore your crew and no one can sink your ship. and when it's OFF all hell can brake lose.

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  • @hotminichic how about using the search function of the forums?
    So you can see how often this was discussed...
    And...NO, to any kind of "passive mode" "pacifist mode" "PvE server" "singleplayer server" and whatever kind of BS that's against the core design of the game

    Sorry to say, but you probably got the wrong game

  • thing is, i like having other players sailing in the same map as me, i don't want to be bye my self! i like questing and tall tales. just don't want to be wasting my time! and be murdered bye someone that, (has time to lose!)
    and lot's of time to play.

    a working person don't get a lot of time to make progress in a game like this.

  • @hotminichic sagte in pacifist mode:

    thing is, i like having other players sailing in the same map as me, i don't want to be bye my self! i like questing and tall tales. just don't want to be wasting my time! and be murdered bye someone that, (has time to lose!)
    and lot's of time to play.

    a working person don't get a lot of time to make progress in a game like this.

    You know...playing games is just that...wasting time...
    But besides that I'd suggest to get yourself a crew...and if it's just 1 crewmate you will make things easier and you can protect yourself better

    Edit: and it's more fun with a crew (almost forgot the most important part 😅)

  • @schwammlgott.
    that is true, but a game is spose to be for the player's enjoyment,
    and when you cash in loot and make coin, i feel like i'm accomplishing something for the time i'm spending, but if i'm getting killed and my stuff takin i feel like i'm making no progress what so ever.

    and i do play with my friend, i'm writing this for him he get's really! mad! at the people that kill you for no reason.

    just give the option why lose that group of players,
    let the players chose their playstyle

  • If you want to fish and be left alone pick your island get a rowboat sail there and scuttle

    pirates won't know you're there. You mentioned snake island that's a good one because stephen's spoils is very close for turn in

    Rowboat has a built in storage chest so you can store your fish in it and bait as well if you want to stock up and just fish at a seapost for easy turn in

    You aren't going to get a passive mode in a pirate game but you can adapt to where you can still enjoy your adventure without much trouble

  • @hotminichic we all have been at the point we got angry...just learn to watch the horizon constantly and you'll be prepared if someone is coming for you...
    And there is no "attack for no reason", these guys are pirates...that's the reason

  • you guys are all right.
    i still like the game i adapted and enjoy it, i just have to browell beat! my friend to play with me in it. lol 👍

    @wolfmanbush thanks for the tip's
    @schwammlgott thank you as well.

  • @hotminichic said in pacifist mode:

    you guys are all right.
    i still like the game i adapted and enjoy it, i just have to browell beat! my friend to play with me in it. lol 👍

    @wolfmanbush thanks for the tip's
    @schwammlgott thank you as well.

    Some servers are just a giant bloodbath so don't let those ones frustrate you too much or discourage you from enjoying some PVE. It's not rare to find a server where nothing is happening for hours and you can float around doing what makes you happy without serious danger. If a server gets too hot for you then you can just start a new game and see how that one goes.

    Not every server is going to cause you issues just don't carry too much and you can just bounce if it becomes something that you don't enjoy.

    You can use the looking for group feature of xbox/pc if you want a team to join in on your questing it's probably a safer bet than open crew and more people will give you a better chance of survival

  • @schwammlgott that's such a garbage thing to answer honestly. I have the same problem, people whoa re ruining the game while I'm just trying to enjoy. People who sink my ship and kill me from behind while I saved them from sharks. I should be able to enjoy the game as well because it's a great game. There not being a pacifist mode ruins the whole game because you cannot go a single session without getting killed; resulting in me having wasted hours of time trying to get quests done. For nothing. There's an arena mode. If people want to fight other ships they should do it over there. "that's not the right game for you then" is not a valid argument at all because sea of thieves isn't a fps or br. I stopped playing it because other people were ruining my experience, picked it up again and now I have to stop playing it again

  • Shared world and your not the center of the universe.

    But, as others have pointed out, there are things you can do to mitigate the frustration and still have some fun.

    Combat in Adventure is a different flavor than combat in Arena.

    Arena is where you train for combat.
    Adventure is where you apply that training.

  • @dwnfallguardian Arena is just quicker Adventure change my mind

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