He was an "expert" and told us so.

  • We normally PvE and understand it's PvP. Not going to get in that can of worms, so leave it somewhere else. So, we was doing Lantern achievements when we got sunk. To be expected, we not the world's greatest players - but we like playing. Started playing with the Steam release. The treasures we get are normally what is lying around or skulls from skellies. The thing that ticked me off is being told by a kid - I'm 20 years Retired Navy and 19 years Armed Security after that, meaning hair is gray - what's left of it. Yup, do the math. I'm pushing 60. Anyway, where was I - oh yea - being told by a kid that we suck and to quit trying, go play something else. 6 times we showed up. 6 times we died/ship sank. But, it was 6 times that he couldn't hurry and sale our treasure that he stole. But - we did get Legends "This is Unacceptable" award, and with the addition of Pink Flame (cause we died) - we got "Festival Party Boat" award. And there's an achievement for setting up convoy with all ships with party lights that I'd like to get. Bet he can't claim any of them or will be able to get them either cause he don't PwP (play With players). I mean, he could'a called a timeout, - after the third time we tried, - given us back a Gem and said gg for at least trying - and we would'a happily gone on our way. Oh, he never died and his ship never sank cause he was an "expert" and told us so. Now, what game am I going to play next since I'm not allowed to play this one anymore. = = Fair Winds and Following Seas.

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  • @it1usnret kids these days...

  • @it1usnret

    i wouldn't care too much about gamers :P

    there is barely anyone playing with the other players and taking care for their fellow players beeing a little bit emapthic or at least a grown up and self confident player who can switch his pov and aproach to other players.
    Not on the internet you know!

    Here's some quotes from a post about good sports i recently opened:

    My entire game play style is server hopping looking for people who have been grinding for hours and hours just for me to take away their loot in seconds while spamming 'Rolls on deck laughing' using every exploit I can and enjoying every single second of it.

    I DONT CARE about being a 'good sport' in fact I think the idea of being one in a pirate game is actually hilarious.... If someone said to be in game I wasn't being a good sport because I used an exploit on them i'd clip it for memes and me and all my SOT friends would laugh over how native they are.

    If I ever run into you i'm going to camp you until you rage quit or turn you into a scuttle bot...

    Just because of this post i'm going to start teaching every single new person I meet every exploit I know... Well done! In fact I might even make an exploit video so the world can know them all! hahahaha

    rate by yourself

  • well when rare makes it those people easier with reapers bones then its way it goes just cause people like to watch those content(streams)?is it not stupid that everyone can see you jump on the server and sink you on grade 4-or 5 but when you win you have nothing from it? and yes sot community is really toxic,i mean you have in every game toxic people but sot is kinda special:D

  • @it1usnret ill tell you what you can play, Sea of thieves i dont know if you know it but its pretty cool if you ask me.

    However sometimes you will meet kids that forgo any form of human decency.

    I like people that try and get their loot back after i stole it, its training for both them and me.

  • @it1usnret

    Lay back, chill out and laugh at their obsession about the pixels in the game or their inability to enjoy a victory. Be the pirate you want to be and if you don't want to hear their crying you can always choose to mute them and enjoy the bliss of silence. If you make other people tell you whether you can play a game or not, you won't play an online multiplayer game. I have been made out to be them all from PvE noob to PvP griefer try-hard based on my mood and session.

    This is an open world game, you can decide whether or not you achieve your goals and are victorious without it interfering with their goals. They might think you have lost, but you know you haven't... just play the way you want to play, be the pirate you want to be.

  • To all that replied, thanks. I just needed to vent. Like I said, pushing 60 and ain't gonna let anyone tell me what I can and can't play. I already know I "can't" play this one. Don't need anyone to remind me. I just like sailing around. Got the game on 06Jun after it came out on steam. I've got over 200 hours playing. Yup, I got a problem. I love the game. Most of the time I'm playing solo and just sailing the seas. I'm like a magpie, if I see shinnies, I drop anchor and jump overboard to get them. Sometimes I just watch them float by. Just the sounds and beauty of the game takes me back to my Navy days. I spent 20 years to preserve the right of idiots to be idiots. I understand that. I understand how the game works. That it's PvP. That's fine. I expect to get sunk. I'll even help. One time just after starting the game, I'm in port. Haven't even got to my Sloop yet and a Gallen is blasting away. I ran to the dock, "T" chatted - Here, let me help. Ran onboard, then scuttled my ship. Started playing music and got "A Titanic Ensemble" for it. Another time, just joining, player with pile of stuff at Gold Hoarder. I typed "making lots of gold?". He started running circles. I typed "you're safe". He left me 2 empty chests to turn in. And another time, saw player against skelly ship. Saw he lost. Figured, sure, why not. Got to scene of action and he's on nearby island with row boat and his goodies. I asked if he needed a lift. He gave me a couple of skulls as payment. I know, others would've just blasted and took their goodies, but that's just the type of pirate I am. To the powers that be, you can lock this one down. Like I said, I just needed to vent. Shoot, I even signed up to stream (RetiredNavyIT1) - not that I do a lot of it (total of 2 followers). Thank you for such a great, and for me, a calming game. It really helps me when I'm having one of those days. May the pirates' you come across be kindly and if they ain't - well, sink them - at least try to a couple of times anyway. == Fair Winds and Following Seas ==...and if they's ruff, dark, bells ringing, and compass spinning, grab some grubs and go fishing for Stormfish. Better yet, do it near a sunk ship and save me a Blackcloud Wreaker. Need one for my Hunters Call rep.

  • @schwammlgott said in He was an "expert" and told us so.:

    @it1usnret kids these days...

    god i hate twelve years olds

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