Idea for a new emissary

  • Here's my idea for how to deal with griefers and PVP ships, and how to bring cooperative spirit back to the game. A new team, maybe "kings men" or "sea knights" or something, who gain levels (thus cool new gear/aesthetics) by helping out other ships, or actively seeking out and destroying reaper ships. See a sloop fighting a skele-ship? toss a few cannonballs into the skeles and gain a pip on your flag. Someone having trouble with a tall-tale? Get pips by defending their ship from other players. This emissary flag might even lose its status if they fire first.
    I feel this kind of incentive is necessary to bring the spirit of cooperation back to the seas. Right now whenever I see a daily mission that talks about "sharing a throne with another crew" or "raising a mug of grog in the tavern with another crew" I immediately know that is a mission that's not gonna get finished. There is an aura of fear and paranoia and immediate violence toward ANY ship you see on the seas right now, and I believe an entire faction dedicated to community and helpfulness would help this game out immensely.

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  • @saterade Or just not shoot at them first and say something. It's amazing what the pirate chat can do. I say no to the new emissary idea. The daily bounties are supposed to be challenging.

  • I don't see a need for this faction, because their fellow Reapers already are their worst enemy. Want to go sink Reapers? Become one, because they probably will come to you. I don't like this idea of a protection faction, because it implies some people deserve protection when we are all suposedly equals. Just because you choose to play the game in a certain play-style doesn't mean it deserves extra safe-guards over your peers. Reapers already have the odds against them, they appear on the map 24/7 so they are easily spotted and they are already targeted by their own faction which is rewarded quite heavily for doing so. Other ships don't need more safeguards when they already have the advantage.

    I feel this kind of incentive is necessary to bring the spirit of cooperation back to the seas.

    We already have that in the form of Alliances, you can be rewarded for helping them. If they complete a Tall Tale, you also get the reward. They even give you a blip on your fellow Alliance members location, their rewards are also your rewards, so you even have an invested interest in their success.

  • Mechanically, this is dang near impossible to pull off without a substantial rewriting of game mechanics. How does the system know if you're shooting someone in defense? There's no indicator(nor should there be) if a ship is doing a tall tale.

    What I would suggest if they wanted it to go in this direction would be more co-op themed events, like the original Hungering Deep from 2 years ago, where it's literally impossible to get achievements/cosmetics without being in an active alliance. .

  • @doctorfork

    What I would suggest if they wanted it to go in this direction would be more co-op themed events, like the original Hungering Deep from 2 years ago, where it's literally impossible to get achievements/cosmetics without being in an active alliance. .

    What I found during those events is that it became harder and harder the further along the event went to find crews willing to cooperate. If you didn't get it early, you would find it rather hard to complete it later on. You would get great results most likely in that first week of its release, but then it just dies off. Imagine how much of a pain it would be to do thrones nowadays?

  • @nabberwar said in Idea for a new emissary:

    What I found during those events is that it became harder and harder the further along the event went to find crews willing to cooperate. If you didn't get it early, you would find it rather hard to complete it later on. You would get great results most likely in that first week of its release, but then it just dies off. Imagine how much of a pain it would be to do thrones nowadays?

    Can confirm. I still look wistfully at the thrones quest and see that one glaring mark about not getting the Marauder's Arch throne. One day...

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