Arena 3v1

  • I can't believe i joined a lobby where 3 crews were all a team and helping each other win. Surely there has to be some rule against this? Arena is in a poor state as it is, and not enough people (including myself) enjoy playing Arena as is... but then you have crews like this who just farm wins? Come on now...

  • 7
  • And yes, i do have proof. I recorded obvious evidence to support this claim on Xbox. The clip shows 2 out of the 3 crews teaming up to kill me as the 3rd crew sails in to sell. I didn't get them grouped up taunting me at the end, but that doesn't really matter.

  • @the-hoodedjoker there’s nothing that says you can’t do this

  • @the-hoodedjoker
    Arena alliances are and have definitely been a thing. That and all the extra time not being in a match for progression had turned my crew off of arena a few months after it launched.

  • @kommodoreyenser I've heard of it awhile back, but it's one thing to hear about it, than to experience it. Checked the tags of the people too, all were friends. It's a shame. This wouldn't be so common if they would just add 2 teams. Never was a fan of multi-team modes, thus haven't been a fan of Arena.

  • @sherpa725 I'm sure there is. It's a form of griefing.

  • @the-hoodedjoker there’s nothing that says you can’t do this. I don’t think it’s right but nothing says you can’t do it. It’s 100% legal to do. The devs literally did it before to help pace win a tournament

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