What to do if you lose the "Shroudbreaker statue"?

  • Hi!
    Some jerks decided to kill me and with that I lost my "statue".. what are you supposed to do to get it back?.. re-run the voyage?.. restart with a new ship an re-run?.. or can I pick it up somewhere?

  • 9
  • @hardythepirate Ahoy matey!

    Unfortunately, you will have to start the tale all over again... at least you know how it works this time, take that as a practice run!

    Just head to the nearest outpost and vote on the tale again.

  • @musicmee Alright, ty :)

  • Hey, i know this is an older post but...
    something along the same lines happened to my friend and I. We've been playing about 2 weeks, and done all the usual grindy missions, when we decided to try the tale. (at this point we had never seen the kraken, and were excited for the moment it'd show up).
    We do the whole mission thingy, and because we went in blind, it took us multiple hours to get the totem.
    As soon as we leave the island for the nearest outpost, the kraken shows up and within a matter of minutes it wrecks our ship. My friend tries to swim for the outpost with the totem in hand, but soon gets eaten by sharks, and we lose all progress.
    This sadly made the encounter with the kraken we had looked forward to and the new tale we hadn't tried, a bad experience :(
    Don't know if i want to do every tale multiple times, as they too would become grindy...

  • Follow up; tried again today, went through the whole thing again and when i went to turn in the thing i get shot in the doorway to the tavern. Before i respawn they sink my ship and i respawn on a new island in the middle of nowhere. I'm getting the feeling that i might put this game back on the shelf, when it promotes bm'ing :(

  • @Deckhands Necromancy in these parts.

    @noobwise said in What to do if you lose the "Shroudbreaker statue"?:

    Follow up; tried again today, went through the whole thing again and when i went to turn in the thing i get shot in the doorway to the tavern. Before i respawn they sink my ship and i respawn on a new island in the middle of nowhere. I'm getting the feeling that i might put this game back on the shelf, when it promotes bm'ing :(

    I'd personally suggest either scuttling or going to a different server. It isn't common to run into situations like that. You also shouldn't have your ship spawn where other ships are docked. That is how the game works.

  • I feel this man, I just spent forever doing it for the 1st time, finally got the artifact and got back to my ship when the server merging message popped up and I dc'd and lost it all. I said screw it and just went for it again, and I got all of the exact same steps so I breezed through it in like an hour or so. Finally got the artifact again, made it back to an outpost and grabbed it and started running up to the tavern. About 30 feet outside the tavern another server merge message pops up and BAM DC AGAIN! My will to even bother trying again has dropped to 0 maybe in a week or 2 I'll give it another go.

  • @Deckhands post made long ago, thread bump anchor post.

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