2 Skeleton forts at the same time?

  • So i was playing today and when finishing the new Tall Tale my partner and I saw 2 normal skeleton fort's clouds and Fort of the Damned wasn't active, but we don't see anything about it in patch notes,was a visual bug or is somekind of a new feature?? I have images but don't know how to upload them

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  • Now I have not done the tall tale yet, but people have told me that a skull in the sky has something to do with the Tall Tale hope this helped

  • @captain-narwha1 I know what skull are u talking about,but no, it was a normal skull.

  • @ap0phis1999 Just did the Tall Tale, Are you sure it wasn't fort of the damned, or you were thought you saw two?

  • @captain-narwha1 The skull from Fort Of the damned is slightly different from a normal one and have red eyes if I'm not wrong. I just saw 2 skulls with green eyes and, i mean, i have images aswell. After we saw that we went to sell our things and pass by Fort of the Damned and wasn't active. Then just realised that both skulls dissappeared.

  • @ap0phis1999 forts are REALLY buggy atm:

    • Spawning with no loot

    • Loot despawning before the fort is opened

    • multiple forts active at the same time (regular forts not fotd) there actually have been reports of ALL forts being active at the same time

    Despawning loot is also happening at the fotd, so be wary before you venture on doing that currently

  • @callmebackdraft ok nice,so confirmed that is a bug. Thx for answers.

  • Hey did it look anything like this? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/437890655788990466/650181062965723146/unknown.png?width=841&height=474

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