Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode

  • So today I have discovered that Xbox player are having a difficult time playing against Pc players.(Which I am a PC player) But I think Xbox players should have the ability to play with Xbox servers only. The advantage that PC players have is a disadvantage for Xbox players. Top streamers are playing against XBOX players and providing content for there viewer ; however with there domination these streamers have a mind set that individual player is just that bad. And I am tired of it. Rare please add Adventure mode opp-out for Xbox players.

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  • @whipped36
    Dont feel discouraged. Xbox guy here.
    I have no problem killin pc players. Any advantage they have is minimal amd easily overcome with a little tactics. Not all of us xbox players feel disadvantaged.

    Btw crossplay opt out for adventure mode is comming soon. Not that i care ,but not sure if u heard

  • @whipped36 You say you're a PC player but everything you said after that screams you're a console player pretending to be a PC player to make your argument more valid. Kinda doesn't and I don't think anyone would advocate for a method that would kill a platform of play or want to not play against people who are of a lower skill level..

    PC has an advantage yes, but it's adventure mode. Subjugating a part of a community just because they are better isn't the way to go about it. As soon as this is added, PC adventure mode will die like arena has. Xbox players can use the sword that locks them in place for the entire combo.. It's never been easier to kill a PC player than it is now with the blunderbuss and sword being good and the pistol and sniper being bad.

  • @whipped36

    XBox players make up about 70% of the community, so yes, they are against mostly XBox players. The average player, however, is that bad, partially because on average XBox players are younger and partially because the game has little to no tutorial but players can't be bothered to learn how to play properly from online tutorials or other people. Not all XBox players have trouble against PC players (as much as some on these forums will try to convince you that all PC players are hackers and pro gamers), and some PC players know nothing of the game. Don't overgeneralize, you will be wrong with the millions on this game.
    As for your post, I'm inclined to agree with @Shiftyuu here, as the part stating yourself as a PC player seems like little more as an afterthought, and your post lacks continuity, as you claim to be tired of crossplay inequalities at the end but claim to have only found out about this today. And for the inequalities themselves, the actual ones are that M&K setups are superior in close range gunplay, while controllers are superior for ship control and ship-to-ship combat.
    If a controller user decides to abandon their ship (and their respawn point) to be ravaged by the enemy ship, and attempt to board (putting themselves at a disadvantage, as a boarder) to defeat their enemies in hand-to-hand combat (where they are at a disadvantage, though slight, as a controller user against possible M&K users), then it may not be purely because they are using a controller that they lost.

  • @shiftyuu said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @whipped36 You say you're a PC player but everything you said after that screams you're a console player pretending to be a PC player to make your argument more valid.

    GOT EEM!

  • @whipped36 they can also use a mouse and keyboard if they want. They're pirates on PC that use a controller.

    Skill level is still very varied between players, using the device someone plays on as an excuse is just that.

  • All these pc players ignoring the fact they have a huge advantage. I have been playing since launch and I can instantly tell if a player is on pc or not. Easily confirmed by looking up there gamer tag in recent players. The higher frame rates. M&kb, more graphics settings to aid in performance. Faster load times. For all you who seem to think there isn't an advantage. For those who said use a m&kb on Xbox I implore you to set your frames to 30 and use a mouse. Its horrid. Since the fotd came out I have yet to have a server that was not populated with pc players. There are plenty of pc players and the fact only 24 players are allowed per server the splitting of the player base wouldn't really matter much.

  • @iii-porker-iii said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    All these pc players ignoring the fact they have a huge advantage. I have been playing since launch and I can instantly tell if a player is on pc or not. Easily confirmed by looking up there gamer tag in recent players. The higher frame rates. M&kb, more graphics settings to aid in performance. Faster load times. For all you who seem to think there isn't an advantage. For those who said use a m&kb on Xbox I implore you to set your frames to 30 and use a mouse. Its horrid. Since the fotd came out I have yet to have a server that was not populated with pc players. There are plenty of pc players and the fact only 24 players are allowed per server the splitting of the player base wouldn't really matter much.

    The same people wanting console segregation are the same ones who want "skill matchmaking", "PVE-only areas", and other nonsense caps. We have players we get with on the pc side, so that would suck that we made these friends and now we part ways because of the split. It's just excuses, anybody coming from COD or any other FPS game can dominate a PC player. The problem I see with most of you guys is having your sensitivity way too low. I literally have no issues destroying PC players. I see it time and time again, get killed by a better player and it's always the boogey-man "pc player", despite them making up for less than probably 10% of the community if that.

    when we segregate, you guys will then shift the moaning to PVE only areas and private-servers until finally the game isn't Sea of Thieves anymore.

    lol git gud

  • @iii-porker-iii said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    All these pc players ignoring the fact they have a huge advantage. I have been playing since launch and I can instantly tell if a player is on pc or not. Easily confirmed by looking up there gamer tag in recent players. The higher frame rates. M&kb, more graphics settings to aid in performance. Faster load times. For all you who seem to think there isn't an advantage. For those who said use a m&kb on Xbox I implore you to set your frames to 30 and use a mouse. Its horrid. Since the fotd came out I have yet to have a server that was not populated with pc players. There are plenty of pc players and the fact only 24 players are allowed per server the splitting of the player base wouldn't really matter much.

    Yeah except you only got that ability recently, wasn't around since launch. Next a lot of players are called PC players by associations. Another thing you all fail to realize is that PC doesn't have just one input device. They can use Controller, M&K, Steering Wheel, that one dude using banana's (yes actual bananas)

    PC players are in general hardcore. Its not the mytical advantages, its muscle memory and dedication. PC players are in greater number more dedicated towards winning and playing competitively. Xbox players are in greater number casuals. I've never seen a PC being marketed as something "the whole family can enjoy" "Play with your friends using the kinect".

    Are xbox players bad? Yes they are. Can they be good and better? Definitely as there are console players that are really good. However, a lot of them don't want to play that hard.

    Another thing that no one considers and this was mentioned by someone else. Is that PC players generally have crews they play with. Xbox or more PC players, we play with crews. Pick up groups made up of random players will have a very difficult time against players that are part of a crew.

    Full crews communicate faster, initiate commands faster, work together faster. The pecking order is established and everyone knows what to do when it needs to be done. This isn't true for randoms.

    So no, we aren't ignoring anything. You are ignoring the fact that what xbox players complain about things being "too hard" or "can't be done" or "impossible" is being done everyday by other players who say they have no problems against PC on console.

    So no, just no

  • @iii-porker-iii the scarlet xbox will support the game and run 60 fps. Also, not every PC is a monster. Sometimes you need to upgrade equipment. If you believe m&k and controllers should be opt options, at least allow PC players to plug in a controller and do the same.

    Keep the options we have the same to yours. Why should we be excluded from the choice.

  • @iii-porker-iii

    Ah, here we are. Let's take a look at the list of common reasons why PC players are said to have advantages (in order):
    Framerate: Like that slight bit of extra FpS will help. You can see what's going on just as well on either side, and that's the only thing that matters. If that extra 15-30 FpS will change the fight, then that sounds like a personal problem, and you can fix that by using one of the other 'better XBoxes' that the company makes.
    Precision aiming: Aiming with a mouse is slightly better than aiming with a controller, sure. On cannons, a major part of PvP interaction, the controller is better. Since the player hitbox has no headshot or other critical hit zone, the slight advantage mouse using players have in aiming isn't very useful, as a controller can still be used to point at you. Often times, those people are better at aiming because they are more competitive players, while Xbox players can be considered to be on the casual side of the spectrum in relation to them.
    ’Graphical/Visual advantages’: If you feel a PC player’s monitor apparently seeing something on the horizon farther away than the fog will let them gives them an advantage, than you can upgrade your TV or monitor too. All’s fair in that field. And thanks to the PC players requesting it, XBox players can also utilize all of those settings.
    Load times: One of the most commonly used excuses here. PCs have very little difference in load times, as much of the longer or shorter screens depends on what's happening in the game. Ships, islands, and AIs are taxing to the game (among many, many other variables), and the both of you are suffering those screens from having several around you. If the slight difference PCs can have makes that much of a difference (some are slower, too), then you can buy a SSD for your XBox and increase your own. Notably, while the in-game load times (from mermaids, being unstuck, or the Ferry of the Damned) do not vary meaningfully from platform to platform, the startup time for the game itself (from choosing to set sail to spawning in a tavern) varies greatly between different types of both PCs and XBoxes. For obvious reasons, the startup time doesn't give a combat advantage.
    Also, you can indeed tell whether a player is using a M&K or a controller by looking, because they have different movement styles. For instance, a controller user will take advantage of moving in slightly different directions (as keyboards can only move you in eight), while a M&K player will instead track their target and move toward them. Or with aiming, where a M&K will snap to the target and snap away after firing, a controller user often slows slightly before reaching it but stays pointed at it once there. These differences are there and are noticeable, but that doesn't mean they're better. Just different. Again, by the way, though M&K players will have a slight advantage against an equal skill controller user in CQC, the controller user has an advantage on their ship. The controls (helm, sails, cannons, etc) are somewhat better with a controller, and with ladder guarding it doesn't matter what platform or skill level someone has, they'll still die to a facefull of blunderbuss pellets.

    Also, don't say 'all these PC players', since many of the players fighting for crossplay are on XBox. I am.

  • One of my favorite things to happen in a thread like this is when an Xbox gamer says PC is unbeatable and another Xbox gamer calls them out. If there was actually such a heinous advantage for PC, two things would happen.

    1. All xboxers would be aligned in their message that PC gives an unbeatable advantage (instead we see xboxers calling other xboxers out for this in every relevant thread).
    2. More xboxers would upgrade to a PC (funny how those who gripe and claim PC have such a huge built-in advantage won't even consider getting a gaming PC, even though a PC that will run SoT is around the same price point as current gen consoles)
  • @bactatankbill

    I think my favorite thing to happen was when a crossplay thread became a discussion on where to buy gaming chairs and machine upgrades. It's just how overdone the topic is, that by now everything's been said enough to have been refined down to a short, efficient message. I even have a modular system where I copy and paste points from a document about PC 'advantages'. It is nice to see an opt-out complainer be called out by other XBoxers, and I'm only too happy to take that place. Best part is when they call me a PC player for supporting crossplay and I can tell them that no, in fact, I'm not.

  • @ultmateragnarok Ahh the gaming chair/black friday sale thread... Among my top ten of all time as well, for sure.

    Glad to have people like you out there striving to correct the misconceptions from the other side of the fence. I get ignored by the complainers, since I'm just a dirty PCer...

    Keep fighting the good fight

  • @whipped36 good to see a pc player honest about it for a change often when we bring it up we are told there no advantage

  • Question to all PC players here who pretend that there are no advantages on PC: Did you actually try playing it on Xbox, to have a comparison between those two systems?

    Every person I meet who played the game on PC and Xbox will tell you that Xbox has a huge disadvantage.
    So quit your whining until you try it on both platforms, PC has undeniable advantages.

    And yes I actually played it on my potato PC and my Xbox One.

  • @nwo-azcrack how do you know it's coming soon

  • @iii-porker-iii facts

  • @bactatankbill haha. A quality pc is much more than an Xbox. What kind of system can you get for $400?

  • @whipped36

    Thank you for putting it into these words!!!

    People say PC does have advantages and provides evidence, people say PC doesn’t have advantages and doesn’t have evidence but they expect you to take their word as law and rely on others who shaee their viewpoint to smack you down so you stop “complaining” about the PC advantage over Xbox, others say only M&K is the advantage. I don’t know what’s true, but I know for a fact that PC does have something against Xbox players, and sure I might not be the best, but I sure as hell am not a bad player.

    Quit pinning PC against Xbox as “they’re just bad” or “they need to stop complaining”. That is far from the main point. And not entirely true.

  • @iii-porker-iii said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @bactatankbill haha. A quality pc is much more than an Xbox. What kind of system can you get for $400?

    this article shows a PC build for ~$300 - $400.
    Ryzen 5 2400g, 16gb RAM, 480gb SSD. this is no monster, but it will play any current AAA title on the market. Black friday is coming soon as well, so it'll be even cheaper.

  • @chonky-lemon

    Yes, your 'potato PC' is worse than an XBox. It's also not exactly been built for gaming or upgraded recently, has it? It probably doesn't even cost as much. Sure, it did then, but it was considered better then. A PC now that costs as much as an XBox is closer to the XBox in performance, roughly equal. And I'm an XBox player, mind you, I don't even use PC as I'm fine with the advantages that a controller has. Sure, PC has advantages. No one who knows what they're talking about will deny that in combat, PC can be better, but you and most other opt-out supporters neglect to mention XBox's advantages, not to mention that not every PC or PC player has those advantages that PC has. XBox players are more uniform there, unless they've broken their controller.

    Yes, people say PC has advantages. Your side doesn't often (or really ever) say that XBox has advantages, though they do. You might not be the best, which is why you can lose to XBox or PC players who just happen to be better, as we all can. If you're so worried about PC players and their advantages, perhaps stop getting into the fights where they have advantages, and stay where yours resides. As for the 'they're just bad' thing, very few crossplay supporters are like that. I think some of the people who are like that don't really care about either side, they just want to insult others (some, not all). Yes, it is not always true, but what is true is that XBox players are on average more casual than PC players, partially as a result of the standard ages and the costs associated with the platforms. Building or buying a PC is expensive, sometimes lot more so than buying an XBox is, especially with the PCs that so many opt-out supporters compare XBoxes to.

    Really, it seems like they're not a PC player at all, but rather an XBox player who wanted to reinforce their argument with, well, not even bending, just breaking of the truth. Their post doesn't even hold continuity, and they've neglected to reply in the negative, or at all, to those posts calling them out.

  • @ultmateragnarok

    You KNOW what I mean when I say PC has advantages.

    This fish ain’t taking the bait. I’m a damn good player, not the best, but I’m no longer the worst thanks to practice practice practice! I can be gracious in defeat but if I lose because a PC player isn’t taking damage from my direct sword hits and they aren’t eating? There’s a problem.

    End of discussion.

  • @agent-samuraii

    If a PC player isn't taking damage from direct hits, then either one of you has some pretty bad connection, be it one of you having bad service or one of you being very far away from the server, or the player is a hacker. Finding a hacker is very, very rare, as much as some people would like to think otherwise, so don't go saying that all of those players are hackers. Chances are someone's not moving well in the server. This often makes people think they're facing a hacker more though, since it also causes visual teleporting much of the time.
    If the player just hasn't died from several chains of hits, not in perfect succession (as in they got away and came back), then they're likely healing. They could also have bad connection here too (I've seen it myself, been shot about 10 times by a PC player and took no damage in the one battle), or, in the case of healing, have either ate a few pieces of food (animation also sometimes doesn't play for those watching), or they're prepared with regeneration from eating meat beforehand, and are regenerating while not being hit. Tactics matter, as does skill and the hit registration.

  • @chonky-lemon

    How is it any different than playing against the latest xbox or the scarlet soon or people using SSD. In the end hardware matters and we aren't able to all play on the same.

    Therefore advantage or not, fight to have options. If it is the input model, everyone should have that option. Want to fight to have devs spend time giving xbox players a 60 fps option by allowing people to downgrade graphics I am in favor.

    There is a difference if equally matched, but not at a 100 to 0 percent rate. In the end the skills and knowledge of the players need to match before the equipment and most outcomes is by choices, be it I gameplay or in settings giving them a little bit more. It isn't called min/maxing for a reason. Not everyone is that die hard even on PC and you also have them on xbox.

  • @ultmateragnarok
    Nope my potato PC can run this game in 80fps, 1080p. Its older than my Xbox One X but runs better, has better loading times, better frame-rate, faster mermaid teleport time, more fluid M&K, better draw distance etc.

    My Xbox One X looks better, what a great "advantage" the Xbox One has...
    Xbox players like you who deny the disadvantages to fit in with the "cool kids" are funny to me.

  • @chonky-lemon

    'Fit in with the cool kids'? Sorry, what? I don't care what the other players particularly think of me. I try to be nice to people I meet, in and out of game, but I'm not trying to 'fit in' with any one group. I'm fighting to stop the alienation of a section of the community that doesn't represent the small percentage of them you're basing your opinion on. You know what's funny to me? That you're resorting to those kinds of veiled insults rather than actually trying to make points. As for your computer, that's not what you'd consider a potato, and you calling it that but not elaborating is just a lie by this point. Here, I'll break down your points:
    80 fps: Yes, I'm sure seeing your moves faster will help you so much more in a battle. It's totally not your skill, just those extra frames that you can't even perceive after a point. That resolution doesn't help much either, unless you spend your time admiring the details of the textures near you. Not a bad thing to do, that, it's a nice looking game.
    Faster load times: That's not the issue of platform as much as the situation you're loading in. More ships, players, skeletons, sharks, islands, effects, and anything else will drastically slow the loading time on death or teleportation. Really, if the Ferry and your ship (and the things around it when you died) were always kept loaded, it would probably help drastically with most of the load times. Your startup time will definitely decrease with a better computer, but I hope I don't have to explain why logging in faster doesn't help in combat.
    Draw distance: There's fog at that distance, you know. The game is essentially built for you to not be able to utilize that to see further. Don't go arguing about being able to increase it, it's default to max on an XBox, though the LODs might change a bit later sometimes it doesn't actually change the distance you can see. You'll see a ship coming, unless you're blind to that, which isn't a matter of platform but rather the player.
    Fluid M&K controls: Yes, you've got some nice controls. You're used to those, I daresay you've been using them a lot more than the controller here. Some people use a controller better than they use a M&K, and just as well as others use their M&Ks. And yes, there is an advantage in close range combat on an M&K, but that doesn't change the fact that a controller is better for controlling a ship. You don't seem to be using it that way though, which is why you've complained about it being worse.

    Seems to me like you've over exaggerated and misunderstood the advantages you're being given and the ones you're not. Some of them aren't giving anything at all, and the others you're not getting much out of. This is something I've brought up before - it's placebo. You think your PC is better, because it so obviously must be, so it is to you. However, your warped perception doesn't mean it is actually better.

  • @cotu42
    On my potato PC I had 4-7 seconds loading time and then respawning instantly from the ferry to ship.
    On my Xbox One X I had 15seconds loading time then 17 seconds loading time again from the ferry to my ship.

    I keep saying it and Ill say it again. If they bring every platform on an equal level of perfomance I would be Ok with crossplay but how things currently are, Im not. Im all for Rare giving consoles graphics/resolution settings but most PC players are against that as well.

    To your question about Scarlett, only time will tell. The Xbox One X runs almost on an equal level as the regular Xbox One. Just in 4k 30fps instead of 1080p 30fps. Still having perfomance issues etc. So they might keep the trend going and make it 8k 30fps or something like that on the Scarlett. However I would love an graphics settings option on the Xbox One family.
    If my PC can run it in 80FPS then my One X should be as well. I dont need 4k.

  • @bactatankbill said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    One of my favorite things to happen in a thread like this is when an Xbox gamer says PC is unbeatable and another Xbox gamer calls them out. If there was actually such a heinous advantage for PC, two things would happen.

    1. All xboxers would be aligned in their message that PC gives an unbeatable advantage (instead we see xboxers calling other xboxers out for this in every relevant thread).
    2. More xboxers would upgrade to a PC (funny how those who gripe and claim PC have such a huge built-in advantage won't even consider getting a gaming PC, even though a PC that will run SoT is around the same price point as current gen consoles)

    Funny thing is, i have an alienware laptop that is far far better than my One X. Not once have i felt the need to switch to it. Im actually really competitive in every game, so if i felt even for a second i was disadvantaged i would have switched long ago.

    Maybe its just me, but between the simple mechanics of the game, to Rare doin a fine job of balancing the platforms the best they could, i just dont see what all the fuss is about.

  • @ultmateragnarok
    You make a lot of assumptions. Im not going to argue with someone who does that any further. Nothing you bring up is factual, just assumptions.

    And btw OP is on PC not Xbox like you "assumed", you can check his clips on the xbox.

  • @nwo-azcrack I started out on an alienware desktop, hut when I wanted to upgrade a couple of years later I learned that they use proprietary guts... so I built my own using for the parts, and a LinusTechTips video on how to build it... best decision I've made in gaming.

    Be careful who you tell about your laptop though, you might lose some credibility among the xbox community 😂

  • So far, scanning over this thread. Pc players are just scared. Superior they are and in fact its true, if the xbox players have the choice to play with there own kind, Pc will be left with there own equal and madness will follow.

    Fear of the sea, of a foe who can fight just like you.

    That and as someone said, 70% of the community is Xbox (idk about that) and that leave pc players in more empty servers....(Which I dont see an issue with)

  • @Shiftyuu An awful lot of xbox games to his profile for sure... interesting.

    @burnbacon said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    So far, scanning over this thread. Pc players are just scared. Superior they are and in fact its true, if the xbox players have the choice to play with there own kind, Pc will be left with there own equal and madness will follow.

    Fear of the sea, of a foe who can fight just like you.

    That and as someone said, 70% of the community is Xbox (idk about that) and that leave pc players in more empty servers....(Which I dont see an issue with)

    Scanning over this thread, xbox players love to make excuses to make up for their weaknesses. Does your scanner purposely ignore your xbox brethren who have no issues going against PC players? Funny how those are swept under the rug because it goes against your narrative.

    When(if) opt out comes for adventure, I will have no issues whatsoever facing other PC players, same business as usual. I am not surprised you don't care if PC players end up in empty servers (how considerate), it seems Rare does care though, hence why hard opt out will not happen 😉

  • @bloodybil said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    @Shiftyuu An awful lot of xbox games to his profile for sure... interesting.

    @burnbacon said in Xbox Players and Pc Players and Adventure Mode:

    So far, scanning over this thread. Pc players are just scared. Superior they are and in fact its true, if the xbox players have the choice to play with there own kind, Pc will be left with there own equal and madness will follow.

    Fear of the sea, of a foe who can fight just like you.

    That and as someone said, 70% of the community is Xbox (idk about that) and that leave pc players in more empty servers....(Which I dont see an issue with)

    Scanning over this thread, xbox players love to make excuses to make up for their weaknesses. Does your scanner purposely ignore your xbox brethren who have no issues going against PC players? Funny how those are swept under the rug because it goes against your narrative.

    When(if) opt out comes for adventure, I will have no issues whatsoever facing other PC players, same business as usual. I am not surprised you don't care if PC players end up in empty servers (how considerate), it seems Rare does care though, hence why hard opt out will not happen 😉

    They openly IGNORE anyone who says they are on xbox and have no trouble against PC. They straight up won't reply to it or acknowledge it.


    To your question Yes, I played on xbox and PC for quite a time and it took a lot to learn. I play on PC because its easier for me then to play on controller, missing digits and nerve damage in my hand.

    I played on Xbox and you want to know what I ran into a lot of? Players that have no idea what to do, players that don't expect to be attacked, players that IMMEDIATELY complain when they see a ship headed straight for them.

    It took me about 2 weeks of straight dying to get used to the controller and when I did I had no issues with it. Muscle memory kicked in and I figured out how to play on the controller against players in this type of game. I had to change my play style but thats fine. I started winning and soloing ships again.

    Honestly, players need to learn more and complain less. Its not about whatever mytical advantages its about how you play the game. Learn how to play and git gud at it.

  • When(if) opt out comes for adventure, I will have no issues whatsoever facing other PC players, same business as usual. I am not surprised you don't care if PC players end up in empty servers (how considerate), it seems Rare does care though, hence why hard opt out will not happen 😉

    I played on xbox and PC for quite a time and it took a lot to learn. I play on PC because its easier for me then to play on controller, missing digits and nerve damage in my hand.

    I played on Xbox and you want to know what I ran into a lot of? Players that have no idea what to do, players that don't expect to be attacked, players that IMMEDIATELY complain when they see a ship headed straight for them.

    It took me about 2 weeks of straight dying to get used to the controller and when I did I had no issues with it. Muscle memory kicked in and I figured out how to play on the controller against players in this type of game. I had to change my play style but thats fine. I started winning and soloing ships again.

    Honestly, players need to learn more and complain less. Its not about whatever mytical advantages its about how you play the game. Learn how to play and git gud at it.

    This is what it's about. It isn't some advantage that particular players have in hardware, it's the advantages in skill that they have. There's no upwards progression here, and the game was built around both platforms being balanced. As such, knowledge and familiarity of game mechanics, alongside tactics, are the real deciders of who will win and who will lose in the interactions had with players. 'Get good' is actual good advice here, because there's nothing else that'll help. Repeated strategies can be worked around, OP weapons/tactics are nowhere to be found (ignoring the movement bug with the cutlass right now), and hard advantages are balanced against each other. It's skill, tactics, and experience. Nothing more.

10 out of 495