Time limited commendations...

  • Hello! I am wondering what happens when the current event ends and i haven't unlocked all the time limited commendations. Do they stay there locked or are they removed from the Mercenary Voyage tab? I am not too fussed about getting them all but if they stay there locked then i can see that driving me a little nuts. Thanks in advance!

  • 7
  • @connorloftus I noticed after the last round whichever ones I didn't unlock disappeared, I had the same concern you did (still haven't got the large skeleton thrones and it's driving me crazy!) In the past, the requirements were something that could be done after the event so they would remain and be unlockable, but the past 2? events they were more event/voyage specific so it makes sense they (luckily) removed them instead of leaving unattainable commendations.

  • bilge rat adventures have sustainable commendations. Mercenary voyages do not. This round I believe the Reapers chest commendations will stick around but that is it.

  • What they said. Reaper's chest will still be there, and completable, like the multi crew skeleton Thrones. But the merc voyages, relic skulls, dark artifacts or anything else marked as time limited (that's new with this update and I like it) will vanish if not completed. If it makes you feel any better, currently, no one else can see them unless you take a screenshot. 🧜🏽‍♀️

  • I think they now put a message in the commendatios itself that says "(for limited time)" so I guess thoose are the ones that are temporary on the event.

    Spread the curse in the seaas!

  • That's great, thank you for your help!

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