Peaceful Mode

  • I love exploring adventuring and the such. I do not like aggressive pvpers that just stomp people just minding their business. There needs to be a peaceful mode where i can relax and not have to worry about toxic individuals.

  • 82
  • There are many sailing games out there. This is a pirate game, not a sailing one.

  • If all the goats and sheep left to graze grass in peace, what happens to the wolf?

    How will the wolf survive?

  • The game is in constant development.
    Rare is proving, nearly every day, that they wish to grow the game for the players.
    Give it time.
    There will be options relatively soon for you to pirate just as you'd like.

  • Sinking and or killing other people is not toxic.

    Eyes on the horizon matey, you'll get the hang of it.

  • @killer-9639 Good luck with that, mate. Don't hope for much reinforcement around here on that idea, but good on ya for feeding back to Rare. Ignore all the "true pirates" around here. They're just afraid they might have to pick up a shovel and make their own loot someday.

  • @natiredgals said in Peaceful Mode:

    @killer-9639 Good luck with that, mate. Don't hope for much reinforcement around here on that idea, but good on ya for feeding back to Rare. Ignore all the "true pirates" around here. They're just afraid they might have to pick up a shovel and make their own loot someday.

    Lol how is that hard to comprehend that we do both? Can you chew gum and walk at the same time?

  • @natiredgals Instead they steal other peoples loot which apparently is harder than digging up your own loot. Seems like the pve players are doing the easier job.

  • Sea of Peace? Sea of No Thieves?

    The Sea of Thieves sans the Thieves.

    I like it!


  • @natiredgals said in Peaceful Mode:

    PVP is harder? Nah. Its not like its hard at all to roll up on a ship doing some PVE, and sink it. Gets a little more tough at fort as people are more likely to be paying attention... Also its not like most pvp goes on in a fair type of fight anyway, how often is it 3 or 4 on 1?

    As far as if they can do both in the other reply to me, of course they can, but most dont, thats why you've got dudes crying that Tall Tall quest items should be worth money, lol.

    Theres plenty of times I have sunk 4 player ships as a solo sloop. I even did it at skull forts too where like you said they should be paying attention. You say it's easier but you cant just defend your loot? Defending should be easier. Also why would you play an online game that has open world pvp and not pay attention? Your making huge mistakes and then blaming other players for attacking you in a pirate game. I even fly the reapers mark or jolly Rodger when I'm out hunting. I'm also Athena 10 and have done all the PVE content a lot so why wouldnt I pirate? Im sitting on way more PVE gold than pvp so it's not like we dont get our own loot too. But either way your loot isnt yours unless you cash in. You have 0 claim over it other than you found it.

  • @natiredgals said in Peaceful Mode:

    @killer-9639 Good luck with that, mate. Don't hope for much reinforcement around here on that idea, but good on ya for feeding back to Rare. Ignore all the "true pirates" around here. They're just afraid they might have to pick up a shovel and make their own loot someday.

    Perhaps stop with the generalizations of other players you seem to flaunt all over the place.

  • @lem0n-curry

    Yea soon as everyone else here does, lol.

  • Maybe a name change is in order? #PassivePirate 9639 perhaps?

  • @natiredgals Did you even read my post? And where did I say I did not like PVE players? I also said I made most my gold doing PVE. You are the one who seems to not like any form of PVP. I'm sorry I seem like super pirate to you but I'm not the only person who can destroy a galleon crew while solo. You act like every PVP player is 4v1 because it's easy and yet that's not my experience. So sorry for having an experience that goes against your agenda.

  • @natiredgals
    Dude, (just guessing)

    Take a break, a walk in the park and re-read the Pirate code.

  • @natiredgals Its an open forum for discussion and that's all I'm doing. Also alt right really? No I just dont like when people generalize all people who enjoy some PVP in a game that supports it. I'm not even aggressive and you challenged that all pvp players only pick on easy targets which is false. You think I'm bragging? I was letting you know your argument wasnt valid and then you just admitted to going 4v1 and winning as well so you destroyed your own argument. I think it's funny you see me unworthy, I think you just hate being wrong and anyone who doesnt agree with you is either not worthy or considered aggressive. I'm just typing words and being respectful despite you not deserving any respect. Maybe you should just go if you dont want to talk to anyone who has different views. I would probably exit the internet if I was you.

  • @lem0n-curry

    oh no worries, I'm done with that guy, in fact i'm just gonna forget he exists. See there, done. Even deleted the responses he never should have had in the first place :) Now we sit back and watch him shout into the void while I ignore him because this forum lacks a proper block.

  • @natiredgals Good job deleting your rude post. Probably for the best. I would try to refrain from insulting people so much in the future and dont take these forums so personally that you have to lash out like that.

  • My advice when posts like this come up (beacause we're all pretty experienced with this type of post):

    1. Sea of Thieves not Sea of Friends
    2. Next time read the game blurb AND accept it
    3. Forum crying on this subject is constant and we've heard it all before, posts like this bring nothing to the table
    4. Make friends, play with friends and utilise Xbox clubs, discords etc if you're as housebound as me
    5. Learn from your mistakes, if you got killed by 'toxic' pirates while doing a mission and leaving your ship without a thought and it gets sunk - don't do it again (etc examples)

    Happy sailing.

  • @killer-9639 first many people suggested a PvE server, then passive mode, save zones, offline mode, private server...I could go all day long with this...

    Now peaceful mode...ok that's new...not

  • @natiredgals I'm a PvE player in this game...I try to avoid PvP, but I do when I have to...sometimes I even get sunk from other ships (been a while, but can happen)...but I'm totally against such ideas like passive mode PvE server and would ruin the whole idea of this game...the thrill of not knowing what the other crews are up to is one of the most important things in this game...without it this would be just a boring grind, I would have never played this game so long

  • @schwammlgott

    Barking up the wrong tree, guy. I'm not asking for one.

  • Bruh this is a pirate game not a dating sim

  • @lilaggronian
    Though that would be a nice expansion - Ocean of Love

  • @bloodybil said in Peaceful Mode:

    alt text

    Yip.. equally important!

  • Don't pay attention to any of the toxic "why don't you get over it lul" replies on the thread. I've seen it on the reddit, but those are the kind of players who bully 1-person sloops as a team of four and doesn't see the toxicity in a 4v1. If it is any criticism or suggestion to balance the game, they will jump like sharks in water. I've been playing since release, and it has definitely gotten more aggressive on the seas. I've run into more edgy kids who treat it as a serious FPS than I use to back in the day, and it's disappointing. Got back into the game recently and accomplished nothing all day because it was a CONSTANT pvp, no matter how much we fought back, respawned, or tried to run away. We were followed across the map by the same pirate legend ship, over and over again who found a sadistic joy in bullying a sloop. You just can't catch a break unless you server hop. & There is arena for this very reason! But hyper-aggressive players don't even use that feature. There is always ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT when it comes to balancing the PvE aspect of the game. As a person said above, this game SHOULD have equality towards PvE and PvP. But right now the game is unbalanced towards PvP, Balancing issues happen all the time in every game, so there is always room for improvement. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Rare has, in the past, made changes and took on player feedback to make the odds of running into toxic players less stacked against you. I was one of the first ones who suggested that ships re-spawn further away to prevent camping, and they implemented that. Keep suggesting things! They DO listen. While I don't see a full-on PvE mode being implemented, suggesting changes that are positive reinforcements for the game may do the trick! Such as: "I would like to see more mods reinforcing the rules when it comes to vulgar, racist, or homophobic language in chat. Because right now, it seems like those players don't get punished." This is just an example, by the way!

    Small edit and fair warning: I will block toxic people who want to be trolly to me in the replies, as I've in the past been met with immature responses (and trolling is against forum rules). We can discuss things like adults, and if you can't, you will get a report and a block.

  • @killer-9639 написал в Peaceful Mode:

    I love exploring adventuring and the such. I do not like aggressive pvpers that just stomp people just minding their business. There needs to be a peaceful mode where i can relax and not have to worry about toxic individuals.


  • @lvl100-mage said in Peaceful Mode:

    I was one of the first ones who suggested that ships re-spawn further away to prevent camping, and they implemented that. Keep suggesting things! They DO listen.

    And that is a great idea, I feel sometimes it doesn't work all that well because I often see attackers spawn rather close but still, this is the kind of suggestions that do balance things in a good way.

    Totally segregating PVP/PVE isn't balance though, it's an easy cop-out that won't help anything. It's a cheap way out that should come with it's downside if it ever gets implemented, such as penalty on commendation and gold/rep. That is also a matter of balance whether people can accept it or not, more reward for more danger, that's the whole point of the Devil's Roar for example.

  • Peaceful Mode already exists 85% of the time.

  • @lil-fokker said in Peaceful Mode:

    The game is in constant development.
    Rare is proving, nearly every day, that they wish to grow the game for the players.
    Give it time.
    There will be options relatively soon for you to pirate just as you'd like.

    You cant really pirate if you are in a pond with nobody else to steal from lol

27 out of 82