Booty Huntarr’s

  • Looking for active crew mates of all skills.. weather you’re a Pirate Legend or just starting out, as long as the need for gold is strong this be the place for you!! We even have a Facebook page under the same name. Feel free to join and start a new adventure in search of the illustrious Booty!

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  • Ahoy matey!

    I be SaltyRollocks, a bluff scallywag of a sea dog from Cornwall (be many Pirates, Wreckers & Smugglers here). An interesting offer you have here.

    I've only been sailing a few days now, I have a good grasp of the game, however...sailing all by me onesie is hard. I'm being hunted in me Sloop and always outmanned and outgunned by Brigs and Galleons. It's hard to enjoy sailing and exploring when you feel more hounded and griefed!

    I will pull me own weight in gold, be a firm hand on the mast and I'll even swab yer deck. If you'll allow me to sail with ye, then we have an accord.


    P.S. I will bring Shanties, tales & Rum from the Jamaica Inn! Alas, no pasties though mates...I've lost me best rolling pin.

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