What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?

  • @bugaboo-bill I’ll have to agree with you there. I enjoy this game, I really do. I just think the game wont last with its core loop based on bringing a tressure from point A to point B... atleast you should get a decent reward for it.

  • @bugaboo-bill A game can certainly work with a "create your own fun" design, but in order to really work you need to give players TONS of ways to create that fun. In this regard SoT fails. The game gives players less tools than most story driven games. Almost everything in the game is one-dimensional with little to no nuance. If you want to do something you have to imagine that you are doing it because chances are you can't actually do it in game. You can't be a trader, a bounty hunter, monster hunter, support, weapon smith, etc in this game. Of the very few things that are in the game virtually none of it is under your control, the game rolls dice and things happen to you based on the outcome of the dice.

  • What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?

    The top of Plunder Outpost XD

  • @captain-uncle said in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @blam320 I have to disagree with you there. In Minecraft, you have the tools to do so. In SoT you don’t.

    Such as?

    They aren't too different, though Minecraft is at it's core a Sandbox building game, not a Pirate action-adventure.

  • @betsill sagte in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @bugaboo-bill A game can certainly work with a "create your own fun" design, but in order to really work you need to give players TONS of ways to create that fun. In this regard SoT fails. The game gives players less tools than most story driven games. Almost everything in the game is one-dimensional with little to no nuance. If you want to do something you have to imagine that you are doing it because chances are you can't actually do it in game. You can't be a trader, a bounty hunter, monster hunter, support, weapon smith, etc in this game. Of the very few things that are in the game virtually none of it is under your control, the game rolls dice and things happen to you based on the outcome of the dice.

    Understnadable pov, but i for myself was always very immersive player and SoT is great about atmosphere and to immerse.
    To me its that often stated "Pirate" game and to me Pirate can mean a lot.
    A cruel, a fearsome, but a bit less cruel, a smart, a hiding, a trading, a trustworthy, a betraying.... Pirate.

    When i never felt any presste to accomplish something i played allways and let things happen by the way.
    I never worked very activity torwards anything, but let it happen by the way.
    So i'm Legend and Athena 7, but still lots of achievements and some event commendations to do.
    Maybe some i will never accomplish like the thing with 5 in a row gunpowder skeletons on a fort while another crew is there for example. But i cant care less about it :-)
    If it one time is done, i smile and say ah yes this thing, i remember :-)

    It's heavily dependent on your pov and how you approach the game and if you have fun beeing that Pirate and with who you play and what are your experiences with others.
    I recently thought it maybe is much different to sail in US times and EU times, because of the people, but idk for sure.

    All have fun!

  • @captain-uncle sagte in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @bugaboo-bill I’ll have to agree with you there. I enjoy this game, I really do. I just think the game wont last with its core loop based on bringing a tressure from point A to point B... atleast you should get a decent reward for it.

    Pretty sure there is coming some more in the future, but the core loop as it is will stay.
    Lets se what they announce on the 20th.

  • @bugaboo-bill Of course it will. But I’m suggesting to add something to make that core loop work. Right now it dosen’t, in my opinion.

  • @captain-uncle said in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @bugaboo-bill Of course it will. But I’m suggesting to add something to make that core loop work. Right now it dosen’t, in my opinion.

    I think what you're saying is - the core loop doesn't work for you at the moment and the replies are from people who find it's working very well for them, which is the opposite point of view as well as what is known about some of the core design behind the game.

    However I think we have to have confidence in Rare and their decisions, they're in this for the long haul and they're a very motivated and experienced team who love this game. March 20th should tell us more.

  • @captain-uncle cool! Thanks for your polite engagement! I hear you. I'm currently very engaged and entertained, but it totally makes sense that there's just not enough going on for a lot of people to create their own fun.

    I think part of the reason a lot of us are disagreeing with you is that your primary "fix" is to add vertical progression (more powerful weapons or generally new functionality with new levels), which goes against SoT's core vision of purely horizontal progression (even cursed cannonballs aren't vertical, since they're on a per-session basis and they're intentionally set up so that you can't do anything to increase your chances of finding them).

    All this to say, do you have any other ideas of what could be added to engage you more? Some fun new tools or mechanics other than vertical progression?

  • @vorondil1 Diffrent playstyles for example. Dosen’t have to give advantages. The main point is that I want to spend my gold on something else than cosmetics. Dosen’t have to be of any progresion of some sort, just something.

  • @katttruewalker sagte in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @captain-uncle said in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @bugaboo-bill Of course it will. But I’m suggesting to add something to make that core loop work. Right now it dosen’t, in my opinion.

    I think what you're saying is - the core loop doesn't work for you at the moment and the replies are from people who find it's working very well for them, which is the opposite point of view as well as what is known about some of the core design behind the game.

    However I think we have to have confidence in Rare and their decisions, they're in this for the long haul and they're a very motivated and experienced team who love this game. March 20th should tell us more.

    This ^

  • @captain-uncle sagte in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @vorondil1 Diffrent playstyles for example. Dosen’t have to give advantages. The main point is that I want to spend my gold on something else than cosmetics. Dosen’t have to be of any progresion of some sort, just something.

    I agree about having more tools to act/use in the sandbox.
    There are already lots of suggestions made by many community members.
    I cant even remember all.
    Fishing is coming, or? I think it was already confirmed.
    Little games like dices or spin the bottle and you use them to make decisions in the crew or what to do first, who is Captain and takes over the command etc.
    Silly, senseless, funny stuff.

    I'd even build up or rent a shop to sell further collect ressources.
    Think of someone rent a Hut on an OP and sells cursed cannonballs or cooked food.
    I dont know if people really want to do it and risk that there wont ever be a customer, but anyway i already did collect stuff and immersed myself and thought, if no someone comes i RP light and "sell" it to them.

    But tbh. sandbox elements and tools need players that are creative and allways in an at minimum light roleplay mode to have fun with.
    People who work off things and are completionist mostly, not all, but mostly have no sense to use these tools or know what to do with it, their approach is completely different.
    They need ladders to climb and things to work off and then find the most efficent way to do this.
    To me this is not playing, but anyway, many gamers ate exactly like that.
    I'm just a player.
    SoT is a mix of PVP and PVE and also a mix of an open sandbox and a progression oriented game.
    Both very often does not fit together well, many players prefer the one or the other direction.
    See a Minecrafter is barely a serious WOW Raider and completionist.

    It's not easy to get all these together, but as above said. I also trust in Rare and i'm someone who likes this mix.
    The moment they introduce mandatory grind or vertical progression, i will comeback less and less and will fall behind and then loose interest.

    Tons of games i liked for the first time, but when they force me to work it off and if i dont i fall behind or become less competetive because of beeing not able and not willing to spend more than 10-20 hours a week playing videogames and take breaks, even for weeks, it's not for me.
    Sad, because some online game i really liked, but with vertical progression stuff i'm allways completely inable to keep it up with.

  • @captain-uncle In all honesty I feel that
    vertical progression in a game with pvp is poor game design. Why don't we play a game of chess? except I have 15 queens and 1 king because I've played longer ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

  • @captain-uncle said in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @vorondil1 Diffrent playstyles for example. Dosen’t have to give advantages. The main point is that I want to spend my gold on something else than cosmetics. Dosen’t have to be of any progresion of some sort, just something.

    U want my bank account number? so u can donate your money :D. send me a DM ;)

  • @captain-uncle The whole idea is that somebody can boot up the game for the first time and be on the same playing field as us Pirate Legends.

  • @unfadingshimmy I don’t understand why people like you think I want to change the core premise of the game... I simply want to add something that you can spend your gold on.

  • @captain-uncle Read your "ideas" and you can see why people like me see it as changing the core premise of the game. According to your GT, you have completed 14 voyages. Try spending a little more time in the game so you can experience more of it.

    I wish I could spend my gold to lock this thread.

  • @unfadingshimmy Why does it have to be closed? Just don’t read or reply to the thread.

  • @captain-uncle said in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @nofears-fun I have never met any friendly pirates, and I play this game as much as you, or more.

    How do you approach other pirates?

    Because I pretty much have 80% success rate with friendliness out of all contacts. Probably because I am the one initiating contact and making sure what I am up against before things go bad.

    I have had several contacts where we battle it out, one sinks and then, later on, we agree on a truce.

    Its probably down to your own behavior to some extent.

    And to top it all off, my best pirate friendship started off in a conflict where according to him: "You griefed me" (that is up for a debate). We play almost every weekend together.

  • I agree. If all the content you do in the game rewards gold, then it needs to have more uses. Once you get the pieces you want then...You are done.

    I love this game but players need to feel like what they do matters. Allow us to buy potions, tools, upgrades etc.
    The game itself is pretty empty. The main thing that makes it exciting and fun are the interactions with other players (this is why I don't understand why people want private servers). And it's not like you meet others all the time.

    The game is fun but as much as I like minesweeper for example, once I play a few rounds I feel like I had enough. We need some sort of progression.

  • @lucky-monkee If I see a ship with alliance flag, I usualy take up my canons and turn off my lanterns. I try to get some verbal connection with the other ship, but before you know it, my boat is sinking and they have boarded my boat.

    I almost everytime try to speak to other crews I see (unless they start shootin’), but I have never had any succes. We also have our alliance flag up (we as my crew).

    Any tips?

  • @captain-uncle

    I have been thinking about why I manage to end up in friendlier (then most?) seas. I have a friend who gets decimated when he is on the seas. And all my observations come from that.

    One of the most counterintuitive things is decorating your ship with skulls. Having them in front of the boat etc. - it shows off that you are not in any way afraid of conflict and might be a problem to deal with. (your mileage may vary though)

    Dont show of your "fear" sometimes you see a ship act weird and basically tell you that "I have something valuable" - that even attracts me, even though I am very protective of smaller vessels when in galleon or brig crews and won't mess with them unless provoked.

    I am skeptical of the alliance flag - sometimes cunning and hostile ships just roam around with it as a default "lure". And will come close saying that "lets make an alliance" when they see you have it up and might let them in range.

    If having the luxury of a crewmate, always send one out to scout for possible hostile interaction. That gives you enough time to escape into the wind.

    preemptive strikes - if you sense that it might go bad, strike first, but only when you have the upper hand. For example you have gunpowder, they are anchored, you have a crewmate etc.

    Always keep your cannon(s) aimed at the other ship. Stationary or slow moving turns can make all the difference in the world. The more they are in your range the better chances you have.

    Otherwise don't give up hope. There are good pirates around, who just steal everything you have and leave your ship afloat :D

    Some credit goes to my Gamertag as well, I just might be lucky.

  • Games in which you create your own adventures are not for everyone. SoT is just that type of game and it's definitely for me.

    I'm tired of new players trying to change the game.

  • @dislex-fx I’m not trying to change the core premise of the game, I’m simply suggesting improvements (from my perspective of course). If you would have taken your time and read something, you would have understood that, but you didn’t. Also, a new suggestion, people that’s toxic should banned [mod edit]. I took a look at your posts, and[mod edit] And don’t pull that “Create your own adventure” [mod edit] because it’s not true. This game does not have enough content and tools for players to “Creat their own adventure”. Some probably does (like yourself), but most don’t. I enjoy the game, and that’s why i want to suggest something so this game will last longer than the lifespan to a butterfly. There’s a reason to the fact that the playercount has drasticly decreased. Let’s hope the devs suprise us at March 20th.

    Yours sincerely, Captain Uncle

  • @cotu42 All the “rewards” you states were all based around cosmetics. Cosmetics shouldn’t be the main reason you do voyages.

  • @captain-uncle Diselex does have a point uncle,
    you barely have even played the game, yet here you are on the forums causing an uproar because people who are trying to help haven't read your post to the fullest!(you sound a little entitled)
    Im sure there has been enough feedback but you continue to be stubborn, I understand you said you like the game... but do you really?
    Ive seen your stats maybe you should play more or not at all...

  • @yardlurker47 I have changed my mind about including vertical progression trough feedback, does that make me stubborn? And being a jerk dosen’t “help” anything. And yes, I do enjoy the game (that’s why I said it, multiple times). So you’re saying I shouldn’t play the game, real professional of you. You just took all my points and simply said; “No, u”, so get out of here boy. Grow up.

  • we are not being jerks, just simply stating my opinion... if you want to resort to name calling that's fine! Someone is triggered:)

  • @captain-uncle thanks for your continued feedback! Let's try to brainstorm some new gold sinks and/or "objectives" that don't involve vertical progression. What's your opinion on the commendation and title system? Just as pointless as cosmetics, or a fun set of achievements to aspire to?

  • @vorondil1 I don’t think commendations and titles are pointless, and I think it’s a great thing to have in the game. It gives a player something to strive for.

  • @captain-uncle Great, so that's something -- how about if they added a batch of new commendations, maybe Bilge Rat related, that instead of focusing on doing the same thing enough times, are about doing something insanely hard just the once -- so like survive X skeleton waves without dying once, or sail this course in X amount of time through these obstacles, or things like that?

    In addition, it sounds like the Arena might be something to keep a close eye on -- I don't believe it will actually have a full set of K/D ratio, or "ranking" or anything, but I bet it will have a set of PvP commendations, with a clearer "win" condition than Adventure has.

    Do either or both of those sound like the kind of things that might catch your attention a bit more than the current version of the game does?

  • The core gameplay loop of doing voyages to get treasure is definitely dull. I would imagine that the most common way people get chests, skulls and other loot is through the skeleton ships, megs and forts now. If it weren't for Shrouded Spoils making these things more common, this game would not be as active as it is now.

    I'm hoping that the mega update finally delivers the expanded voyage system that this game needs.

  • @vorondil1 Yup. But what I crave most is something else to spend my coins on. I think that would make me play this game for a LONG time. Thanks for the polite responses by the way, it helps me focus on what i actually should discuss, not other things.

  • @d3adst1ck Definitely agree with you!

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