Skull forts being looted while still active?

  • Yesterday my crew and I headed towards a skull fort that had been active for about 20 minutes and upon arrival noticed the still active forts treasure room door was open and only a elaborate flagon and two gunpowder remained.

    Is this a new thing or what? I've never seen this before and it blew me away. I hope this doesn't become common.

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  • @bloodfrenzy187 The key works in any fort so it is possible someone had one and (for some reason or other) decided to ignore the one they were currently on when they acquired it and decided to go to another and use it whilst it was being contested...

    Makes no sense to me but it is possible...

  • @triheadedmonkey Why would this be a thing? It makes zero sense.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 people clear a fort, run off with the key and open the next one.

    Some do it out of fear of a ship coming, some do it to maintain control over the forts.

    You can clear the fort, get a key, continue the cycle or find the locked fort with the original loot still inside.

    It has always been possible, but due to the 3 to 4 hour downtime wasn't really feasible or worth it.

  • @cotu42 I mean it's not as if I run into it often or anything but I won't lie it's extremely irritating when you do lol.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 Very unfortunate but as others have posted it appears a crew has cleared the previous skelly fort that spawned and have waited or been forced for another reason to use the key on the active fort appearing later.

    Annoying but I had an issue such as this with a crew a couple of nights ago. We were on a brig and cleared the fort with a galleon circling. We made off with the key and waited half an hour or so, doing a GH voyage.

    We returned to the fort only to find the same waiting for us to return

    Instead of taking the risk, we went to the new skull fort that had just spawned and opened the fort door on that one without completing it. Took the loot to the nearest outpost. Then went back to clear the fort (now without any loot) for its key and a good couple of hours after returned to our initial fort without the patient galleon interfering.

    Unfortunate of you to stumble across the empty one but sometimes needs must!

  • My sloop partner and I did this a couple of weeks back. A galleon attacked us as soon as we killed the captain, so we ran with the key. They stayed at the fort waiting on us, so we sailed around with the key. Then another fort popped up, so we took our key to the other fort and took all the treasure. We did this because we figured the galleon was going to do that fort.

    This is why I always check the vault before beginning a skull fort to make sure no one has taken the loot.

  • One time my crew and I found a vault key sitting on the dock at an outpost. Assuming it was a gift from the Pirate Lord for being such an awesome crew, we naturally took it to the next active fort and purloined all that yummy loot.

    Another time, I had just completed soloing a fort, when I got server-merged. When I got to the vault, I found it lying open before me...and I still had a perfectly functional key in hand! What’s a green-blooded pirate to do? Naturally, I made off with the booty! Two forts, one key, and one happy little buckaroo.

    I always leave something behind in every vault I loot. I left a little extra in the “free” vault. I’m a greedy scallywag, but I’m not without a heart. 😉

    Stuff happens. 🙂

  • And so the cycle could continue, if you used it on the next skull cloud, then they would be left with a key as well.

    That makes me wish each fort had loot in it, or you could sell the key.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 it is but me and my crew noticed that the loot seems to be nerfed or something because it seems to not be alot at all so its possible that they didnt like what they seen inside amd said will use it on another island

  • I have seen this before, most likely a crew completed a fort, took the key with them and looted this one while it was active leaving the previous fort door closed.

  • @der-chef17 Pretty clever actually. Would be good if you are being pursued with the key or a ship is camping the fort you just completed.

    I’ll have to remember that.

  • i think i may have started people doing that lol i think idk

  • @bloodfrenzy187 Lots of reasons why it happens not all of them malicious.

    Like @Genuine-Heather said - It could be something related to the servers, or luck of a king person leaving a fort key lying around.

    Usually its a few reasons why people do the key on the next fort.

    1. To be jerks and screw over a crew. (I always check to make sure the loot is there before I start)

    2. Crew was being chased and going back was not an option.

    3. Its safer. Using the key on an active fort would fool enemy ships. The enemy ship would see someone at the fort, which would start to leave as they got closer. Leading them to believe that they opted to not fight for the fort. They would laugh, celebrate, call the running away crew noobs or other such names. All the while the other crew just got away scot free with the loot.

    For the tactic itself. Whatever the reason, I'm all for it. If someone found a way for them to steal the loot under someone elses nose and get away without so much as a scuffle? Dude that is Thievery at Master level.

  • @triheadedmonkey @BLOODFRENZY187

    This really makes sense in a way that possible their fort may be contested with other crews. And possible someone was able to flee with the key.

    We know we can have some stubborn people playing in our servers. Perhaps the people without the key camped on the fort waiting them to return with the key. And they just used it when another fort popped out.

    It's a smart move actually, if they were avoiding to fight the other crew.

    Just a possibility.

  • This happened to us. You can use a skull fort key on ANY fort, and now that forts refresh so quickly, you can totally take a key from one fort that's been beaten, wait 10 minutes, then open the vault on another fort that's fully active.

    My friend and I went to a fort that was active to find the door open and the best stuff missing. We beat the fort, got the key and went to the next fort and opened its door.

  • One night we stopped at a fort to collect supplies and gunpowder. My brother says holy you know what out loud. We quickly go to him and find the vault wide open. It was still filled with loot. We never saw another ship on the way to cash it all in. No one was complaining though. However, if someone did come back because something went wrong, we agreed we would have shared it by allying with them.

    BTW @Genuine-Heather I have my crew leaving something behind now like I read about you doing when you first mentioned doing it as a little ritual. It is a nice gesture and has become a fun thing to do. We even leave things behind on nearby rocks after skellie fleet fights.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 said in Skull forts being looted while still active?:

    @triheadedmonkey Why would this be a thing? It makes zero sense.

    I discovered this with my sister when the next skull fort opened up at the exact same fort we got the key from.

    We were on Shark Fin Camp and a Brigantine approached us. We managed to take the key and lose them and took the opportunity to loot the fort when another skull appeared. however when we closed in we found out it was the same fort again and the Brigantine crew were there working it.

    We waited for them to finish it just as another sloop engaged their ship and managed to swoop in and grab the chest, dust and barrel without them noticing and sail away with it. We spent the next four or so hours going to the next active fort, opening the treasure, selling the treasure and then returning to get a key for the next fort.

  • Happenned to me recently, after having solo a fort, that I've been changed of server although having had cached the key. In the aftermaths the fort ended being openned while having not used the key yet, so once done and sold I decided to go plunder the next one.

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