The Real Arena

  • I love it how most threads that comment on the need of a PvE only server use the argument "Well PvPer's are getting their own mode/server" and the one that makes me laugh the most "Once Arena drops all the PvPer's will be there"

    Let me start by saying, I'm pretty much calling it that Arena gets used more as a PvP training area. (mainly speculation but unless the loot is "worth" more the risk, reward equation doesn't add up)

    Let me finally take great pleasure in bursting that last bubble of yours, I personally will not be playing Arena and will continue to PvP in "Main Game". I am looking forward to it more and more as all it means is that the sea's are full of easy targets who don't know how to PvP.

    Honestly if you were one of those people asking for a PvE only server I highly suggest you try out the Arena if only to "get gud"

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  • The Arena will be more then just a fight fest. People have been requesting a way to have more condensed SoT experience. This is the remedy for that. Something to hop in quick play for an hour then hop out. As well as something that can be stream worthy. SoT is a fine game for streaming for some. However, downtime makes streams dull.

    The PvE crowd refuse the fact that they bought a game that has PvP in it, and they are upset it isn't the game they want. Pirates are in Pirate games, who knew?

  • @badassfro I plan to play both modes.

    I'm already preparing for the influx of posts about "toxic" players PVPing in the OG mode when they have their "own" mode.

    It'll also be fun to see if we'll be able to set up server wide alliances in the Arena, that'll really rustle the PVP only crowd's jimmies.

  • @badassfro

    Bravo. I am now very much intimidated. Your dark visage will surely haunt my nightmares. I have been reduced to a quivering jelly. Seriously, I am extremely worried. Congratulations on your super scary message.

  • The Main reason I PvP is because there is a lack of things to do besides delivering things here and there. I'm PvPing way less than I used to since they added the skelly ships and the megas, but it's still pretty monotonous game nonetheless.

    Adding Arena won't migrate the PvP focused players to that mode, it will be more of a practice zone more than anything.

    One of the solutions to solve the overwhelming agressive stance between players is to add more PVE things. Suggestions / ideas is not what is lacking here, there is plenty in suggestions department in the forums, but only development is what is lacking.

    If they added fishing, animal hunting, some different quests (not pick X in Y and deliver to W), some crafting, new game-mechanics, weapons that could be found in the world (harpoon for example), magical items that could be found and used (breathing underwater potion), PVE enchanced items (swords that does more damage to golden enemies).
    I would almost not PVP at all.

  • I am a PVPer, I am a PVEer... when are people going to stop trying to label everyone in one of the two groups.

    I enjoy PvP
    I enjoy PvE
    I am a pirate and I am an opportunist.

    I doubt I am in the minority.

    I enjoy meeting the friendly, I enjoy meeting the aggressive and that is why I am against PvE servers.

    I want to meet you all, as the different interactions and the unknown aspect of them makes this game fun.

  • @badassfro said in The Real Arena:

    I love it how most threads that comment on the need of a PvE only server use the argument "Well PvPer's are getting their own mode/server" and the one that makes me laugh the most "Once Arena drops all the PvPer's will be there"

    Let me start by saying, I'm pretty much calling it that Arena gets used more as a PvP training area. (mainly speculation but unless the loot is "worth" more the risk, reward equation doesn't add up)

    Let me finally take great pleasure in bursting that last bubble of yours, I personally will not be playing Arena and will continue to PvP in "Main Game". I am looking forward to it more and more as all it means is that the sea's are full of easy targets who don't know how to PvP.

    Honestly if you were one of those people asking for a PvE only server I highly suggest you try out the Arena if only to "get gud"

    You just need some tips, maybe watch some "how-to" videos, that should help step your game up to the next level.

    You mention your strategy is to specifically target noobs? It sounds like what you're saying is "Playing against other pvp'ers is too hard"

    Do you need some tips to help you step your game up so you can prioritize targets other than noobs that don't know how to pvp? New and/or weaker players tend to have this mindset, but there are incentives to fighting better crews, no? As in, better crews are more likely to have better loot? Fear not, this game takes some time, and if you keep practicing some more, you will improve. Maybe slowly, but you'll get there! Just don't give up.

  • @d4u2s0t I mean if getting better at PvP is the goal then targetting new players is a waste of time. You learn more by getting sunk by a good player than you do sinking 1000s of noobs.

    If his goal is to sink easy targets though then he'd be better off staying out of the Arena, where he'd have to fight crews who know what they're doing.

    Either goal is fine. Both are allowed. Plus boasting, gloating and goading are pretty piratey behaviours and I would say entirely appropriate in this context.

    Remember his name, look for him on the seas, see if he lives up to the legend he's trying to create for himself on the forums. If he does, be sure to give him credit for it. If he does not, pretend that he did and create a legend for yourself as the pirate that took down that other guy.

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