12 Pirate Days of Christmas.. (Planning Thread now... CLOSED)

  • @ruigtand-nl

    .. but i need to win first :D

  • @ruigtand-nl

    Ahoy there, lad!

    We'd be more than happy to have you with us as we lose everything that we gather! I mean... We'd be more than happy to have you with us as we embark on a transcendental adventure!

  • @eredhar

    I imagine us to agree on the ocean crawler ship design and to dress accordingly but im missing some ship parts i cant buy i need a mermaid commendation or something and well a chicken on the bow for good luck it really helps and then we can jump around to do pirate stuff and give all loot to a kid to feel good before we loose it :)

  • @ruigtand-nl Sounds like a plan, lad.

  • Well i dont know much about xmas traditions so i guess i have 12 days to prepare for the worst. Rumour has it after 12 days the world might just reset. So i made myself a list of things to do...

    So on the first day i guess ill take all loot and try a shortcut sailing the red sea.

    On the second day if i failed finding a shortcut ill try to completely camouflage my boat.

    On the third day after failing to find a shortcut and if i cant find my camouflaged boat ill try to hide all the chickens in the pirate hideout where they should be safe.

    On the fourth day without a shortcut and failing to find my camouflaged boat while i managed to keep some chickens hidden ill ride a megan just for fun.

    On the fifth day without a shortcut and still cant find my boat i kept the chickens hidden and enjoyed riding megan but now i best catch some snakes and try if they can kill a kraken.

    On the six day without a shortcut and my boat, i kept the chickens hidden and ride a megan ,while the snakes are still fighting the kraken ,ill just try to get a ride while i get on a skellyship and hide.

    On the seventh day so close to the end i couldnt find a shortcut nor my to good camouflaged boat , even the chickens are hidden and megan and kraken are gone, i did not succeed on the skellyship for long to stay hidden. Ill attach my rowboat to just any galleon to dissapear.

    On the eight day still got stuck. No shortcut and a invisible boat, hidden chickens, megan and karen got lost, i could not stay hidden on a skelly or pirates boat , ill just try to get a skullkey and hide inside the treasury and barricade the entrance until they close the door.

    On the nine day the end is almost due. Pirates opened up the vault then i blew up the barricade but i was still inside. I died trying a shortcut and i lost the boat, i ride the megan while snakes fight the kraken and i really tried to hide on skelly and on a pirate boat and in this secret treasury but again i died.

    On the ten day ill be demoralized and open up the crew for if there really is no escape i better make some friends. Ill tell them all i done and the many ways i tried to shortcut the red sea or camouflage and hide. I show them hidden chickens or where i megan ride, about snakes fighting a kraken, a skellyship on which i failed to hide, theres a galleon with my rowboat and a fort with a exploded treasure where i stayed and waited inside.

    On the eleventh day im sad they laughed and left you see they dont believe the world will end. Was it all for nothing? No shortcut, the camouflage dried up, the chickens hidden, the megan ride, the snakes just drowned, skellyship despawned, the galleon probably sink i put this whining chest in the rowboat i think, the fort exploded. Ill write my beloved price if we are allowed to play next year we have to wear the ocean crawler gear.

    On the twelfth day its all over this year comes to its end they cant do anything other then just reset our world, there never was a shortcut, we are missing this one boat, islands without chickens, no megan , kraken or skellyship appear, sunken galleons and exploded forts, no open crew of helping hands only the 3 of us ocean crawlers watching our clocks while this year comes to its end. If its true new rumours has it the world will just respawn then at least we have this crew to start a legend voyage and might as well be friends :)

    So i guess ill have some work ahead to get some nice screenshots then -.- i dont know how but ill try :)

  • @ruigtand-nl

    lol... almost sounds like real life, I feel the pain :)

    We are all good... You won't need 12 screen shots.. believe me.
    You can if you wish have One grand Photo with the best elements of the 12 days.
    You don't need them all...... you may create an astounding entry with just a few.... if not just the one.

    There are no rules to that effect, a pirate is free to create & imagine the 12 days how he/she best fits.
    Granted entries that "give more", possibly have a better chance. But I'm not the one choosing the daily winner (only on my day)

    Each day we have a Gift Bearer... they are not bound by any rules... just like you. ( As long as Forum, & pirate code is followed of course... :) )

    I shall be contacting "Gift Bearers" tomorrow with an update that should go live on Monday.
    @KattTruewalker & @x-Crowheart-x ... have a fair guess of the next step.

    from @x-Crowheart-x

    these are only helpful examples,
    that you can completely ignore, do your own thing, or do something else...

    examples, but not necessary to follow

    Day One - One Stronghold Gunpowder Keg
    Day Two - Two Chests of a Thousand Grogs Sloshing
    Day Three - Three Chests of Sorrows Weeping
    Day Four - Four Peculiar Relics
    Day Five - Five Golden Pigs
    Day Six - Six Banana Crates
    Day Seven - Seven Shipwrecked Seafarers Chests
    Day Eight - Eight White Chickens Laying
    Day Nine - Nine Ashen Marauder Chests Smoldering
    Day Ten - Ten Red Snakes Hissing
    Day Eleven - Eleven Villainous Bounty Skulls Smirking
    Day Twelve - Twelve Captain's Chests Glistening/ Twelve Pirates Drumming (or playing music)

    ...and of course... you could do a video.

  • Title post updated 18th Dec.

    Not long to go!!!

    @KattTruewalker & @eredhar

    Let me know if you're happy with your days.
    Thx.. for now :)

    edit: Just a little note... It's not necessary to "Gift" on your day.
    I know we are all busy this time of year.
    As such on your "Gift Day" you are "highlighed" as that days Gift Bearer (It will make a little more sense, once the event starts... honest!)
    Ideally, it would be great if you could, but I'm a realist & understand the importance of real life particularly at this time of year.

    I will be highlighting from the terms.... this point each day in a short post.

    • Please note it is the festive period the "Gift bearer" may be enjoying themselves. So it could happen, it might take a day or two until that "days" gift is gifted.
  • @piratecraggy which days? Am I the first on the 21st?

  • @sshteeve

    Hi, the new thread opens on the 21st, allowing for early entries.
    So on the 26th (Boxing Day), for you is your gift day.
    Allows a few days (hopefully) for there to a selection to choose from
    You can select from anything submitted from the 21st onwards.
    Think that makes sense?? :) let me know

    edit: If you need to swap, or a different day, I'll see what I can do

  • @sshteeve

    Further update, was going to leave it a day or two, but.... hey... why not!
    We have a Video!! Post updated

  • @piratecraggy

    Thats some sweet pirate stuff :D

  • Cool idea ;)

  • 12 Pirate Days of Christmas
    Official Event thread opens tomorrow.
    21st December to accept early entries.
    Good luck all, & see you tomorrow at the launch!!!

  • @piratecraggy cool

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