Naughty or Nice? Competition (Community Giveaway)

  • I guess i've been the worst possible pirate.. i only played merchant and im almost a legend, i dont use my canons, im growing and feeding from alliances, i like chickens over treasure, the first i take from a skullfort is the merchant crates because they belong to my roleplay, i like kids and give them my loot because they are so happy and funny, im traumatized from all the pigs that died due to the banana feeding bug and since let them be and no longer catch them.. my collegue is a real pirate and he puts me in the brig when i catch another chicken during athena voyage, our last skullfort i carried the loot to our allies boat and had to explain why i returned empty handed.. once i was about to get boarded but i put all the snakes between the ladders then jumped overboard in panic to let nature solve it. I fed the kraken a fully loaded chickenboat which was a day work and it still hurts. Sometimes i just abandon my boat and hook up to the crew from another boat without being ally and getting a share -.-

  • I have been a VERY good Pirate.

    Thanks to my main captain we are in full alliance compliance. Zero aggression for weeks (we have defended ourselves) but hundreds of thousands in coin shared amongst fellow crews.

    More importantly I have taken said captain under my wing taking him from a brand new solo player to 40/40/35. Instead of grinding my Athena (I'm pirate legend) I've helped him grind towards that honor. Tonight we spent six hours of grinding doubloons for him. Teamwork makes the dream work.

  • @ruigtand-nl you are truly a ‘giving’ pirate lol Congratulations Pirate number 7! Look for a message from me.

  • @iceman-0007 congratulations me matey. I’m making you Pirate number 8. Love your take on naughty but nice and you nailed it with that gif! Lol look out for my message and hopefully Santa will deliver before Christmas :D

  • Well, you... Shanta?! I'm not a gud pirr... pirr.. pirade. Gosh, not even shossober?... sober! now...!, but listen to me yshou red rashcall, I could ssteal shou all that booty! What I'm sayyying?, I will shteal ytou de boody! Ill promisheee to share it wit all my crew while we laugh at all the pirates without giftsh becaush we're all the worst pirades of de sheas! (but Ill not share it with you @Tobias-Coconut ! You hid my grog, thats a crime and you're de bad pirate in da bad way!

    Half an hour later...

    What I wash talkk ing about? T_T I want the spoil Santa, and my grog, and the spoil, but more the grog. I only need love, and gold, and grog, but first the gold to buy steal the grog!

  • @sargent-sully Congratulations! Another naughty but nice Pirate!
    You be my winner number 9!
    Look out for my private message :D

  • @cap10blazed such a caring pirate! Your wife should be proud :D.
    Congratulations! Consider yourself Pirate number 10!
    I’ll be sending you a message here on the forum. So please check as a couple of winners haven’t got back to me yet!

  • @lizalaroo said in Naughty or Nice? Competition (Community Giveaway):

    @cap10blazed such a caring pirate! Your wife should be proud :D.
    Congratulations! Consider yourself Pirate number 10!
    I’ll be sending you a message here on the forum. So please check as a couple of winners haven’t got back to me yet!

    They'll kick themselves when they realize they haven't been checking/messaging you. Congrats to all the winners though.

  • @blakey-nz Oh I got my present no worries there matey! :D

  • @blakey-nz

    Pm on this forum?

  • @ruigtand-nl

    Oh found it if you press chat you see messages :D theres no notification for pm it seems

  • I gifted my brother in law a month of Gamepass and then took him for his very first Athena chest this weekend. And showed him all the new things in Shrouded Spoils. Also my lucky number is 11!

  • @m1sterpunch lol for your sheer cheekiness, and it’s nearly Christmas I will make you pirate 11. Congratulations! Please check messages. There should be one from me!

  • @lizalaroo thank you very much

  • Alright, there's only one winner left to be chosen and I haven't been picked yet. There's only one thing a pirate can do in a situation like this: I'm staging a mutiny! This thread... er ship... is mine now @lizalaroo! I'll give you an Ebon Flintlock with one shot and let you pick which island you'll be left on.

  • @timeoftheyear I need to help in this mutiny and make @lizalaroo walk the plank

  • @lizalaroo Glad to see my acts of thievery and piracy have paid off. Sorry for not responding sooner as well, had been preoccupied with studying for my exams.

  • @timeoftheyear @ClosingHare208 for both your pirate cheekiness I am sure I can find you both a little loot before you make me walk the plank. Congratulations both of you! Please check your messages!

    And a huge thank you to everyone who added their naughty and nice stories. I only wish I could give each of you a little bit of Sea of Thieves loot. Alas that would only be possible if I won the pirate lottery :D

  • @lizalaroo I can't believe my mutiny worked! And I would have felt guilty if @ClosingHare208 didn't get anything for helping me, but you solved that too! This couldn't have gone better.

    Edit to say: I'm still a man of me word and have to make you walk the plank. (But I'll come back and get ye when no ones looking.)

  • @timeoftheyear aye cheers mate drinks grog

  • @lizalaroo hello i almost always give away one of my chests to another player when on a gold hoarders mission...and i dont attack anyone and steal they're findings....i cant stand when it happens to me so i usually play by myself and explore alone and dig up as many chests that i can get my hands on lol....thank you :)

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