Previously Mentioned Features I'd Like To See

  • Soooo.... I've been scouring the interwebs trying to find a certain mention of a feature I really want to see, and in this, it got me thinking about all the features that have come up over the past nearly 3 years of discussing this beaut of a game that have never come to light. So I picked the only two I had time to find at work my favourite two 'pre-features'!


    So way back when the game was a concept in our minds, shortly before the release of the Technical Alpha, the crew of Rare had discussed a feature of Rats a few times, that would snuggle up in your lower decks, and when you spring a leak, would squeal and run up to the top deck to escape the water.

    Sea Of Thieves Comic-Con Panel where rats were discussed as a feature

    This idea was a great immersive idea in my mind, it gives that audio and visual sign that there is trouble and could also be utilised in many other ways. This feature is probably one of my top favourite 'pre-features'.

    Hiding in Barrels

    Now this one was a little harder to find. I remember it being mentioned in passing in one of the videos Rare delivered to us during the early TA days. But I managed to find a source where the feature was also mentioned.

    In this Metro Interview with Joe Neate and Mike Chapman from late June 2017, where Mr Neate said, "We’ll add more richness and variety until… just now they’ve been putting hiding in barrels in as a new emergent feature. So you can hide on someone’s ship and look through the little hole."

    This feature has been brought up and leaked a few times over the years. I personally think this creates a load of potential and opportunity, although, I'd have to say that there would have to be a good way to ascertain which barrels have someone in as having somebody camp out in you barrels would be a nightmare.

    It would be good to see these brought into game. There are obviously other features that have been mentioned/leaked/shown off from unity builds. A couple of honourable mentions from memory are checking the wind speed in the crows nest, lock-picking chests, and I believe at some point it was mentioned that mast damage was tested in the unity build.

    What pre-feature... or 'Preature' do you remember and want to see in game?

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  • My favorite from the OP above is the hiding in barrel which would certainly give a ton of hilarious moments.

    Crouching (hides your name tag) I really like. Although it is mentioned I believe it is not a pre feature.

  • @dumy2008 I want hiding in barrels mate

  • @closinghare208 Aye, me too, it would bring in so many fun activities and also tactical choices in game.

  • @dumy2008 ya and you could be stleay like lord crimble

  • There are two small things that I remember seeing early on. Not sure if I would label em features or not though.

    One was the skeleton with a sword pinning it to the wall that would come to life. The other was the transforming evil mermaid.

    I looked for a gif but the new firewall here at work prevents me from looking at some stuff.

  • @dumy2008 Maybe they could start implementing rats when they start adding more food.

    If your not careful they could start eating it :P

  • Crouching/Sneaking.
    Hiding in Barrels.

  • i remembered a mentioning about an ingame picture that would be altered into a painting that could hang in the Captain's Cabin...This was rementioned somewhat a month ago but apparantly it wasn't easy because the amounts of data that are streamed during the game , allthough i will once again explained it wrongly bacause i know nothing ( * No need to mention , moron ,they all know by know) about the technical side of games.

  • @clumsy-george I remember this being one of the early ways they described of decorating your captains cabin! I’m sure this feature would be amazing to have implemented! Would deffo make your captains cabin your own!

    @KnifeLife precisely that, having rats could be a pest issue, that gradually increases and if you dont interact somehow they eat through supplies haha

  • @ant-heuser-kush yes I hope so

  • @ant-heuser-kush Makes me think of the barrel scene from the hobbit film and book aha

  • I'm sure there was talk (way back when) of the cats (as in mtx pets) interacting with the rats on the ship as well as rats abandoning a sinking ship and jumping on another!
    Not heard about the barrels before, that's a new one for me....combining that with a row boat could lead to some amazing thieving. Just imagine sneaking aboard a ship, hiding in a barrel, waiting for the perfect moment or moments to sneak out, load all of their treasure on their own row boat and dissapear into the upcoming fog.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Previously Mentioned Features I'd Like To See:

    The stories are going to be amazing! I wish rats ran around the hull of our ship... even if we couldn't interact with them it would've been nice just to see them running around.

    ... Said no sailor or pirate ever in the history of sailing. ;)

  • @ant-heuser-kush There is nothing wrong with open crew. People are going to be people, that’s the reality of joining an open crew. It’s like blaming the dealer for not winning a card game.

  • @dumy2008

    That was an epic treasure hunt tracking these down, awesome job!

    Would love to see rats and the cats to hunt them, maybe if you have too many rats on board they slowly eat their way through the contents of your banana barrel?

  • @katttruewalker I’d love that, maybe every now and then youd have to check on them to scare the rats away to stop them chewing through!

    Was thinking more about the lockpicking, would be good if you had lockpicks as limited and rare items, and you could unlock chests with a lockpicking mini game for a chance of finding something of more value or a cosmetic inside!

  • @dumy2008 Oh hiding in barrels would create so many good memories. Please Rare!

  • @closinghare208 I would absolutely love hiding in barrels!

10 out of 19