Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018

  • @wkd1337

    I think your speculation is mis-placed. @Shikia-Caeleaum was closer to the mark. Joe explicitly said that the Sea-Dogs trading company simply provides another path to Pirate Legend. You will still need to get to level 50 with three of the four trading companies; so Arena players that want to become Pirate Legends will have to do their time in the Adventure world. I do not get the impression that you will be able to gain GH experience (for example) in The Arena.


  • @wkd1337 said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    I imagine the experience gained in the Sea Dogs faction will be earned in another way... similar to how experience is gained at the end of a match in, let's say for example- Call of Duty Black Ops 4. This is how I would like to see this done, anyway. If you were to turn in loot that normally correlates to the other factions and gain experience for Sea Dogs that would seem weird.

    Why? Its a completely separate mode with its own faction system. This is likely how its going to work - there is a scoring system that involves how your crew matches up against others within the same arena. This is likely going to be based on how much gold you generate in that round, so that is likely how they are going to grant reputation for the Sea Dogs.

    It makes less sense to get reputation for that AND for the items you turn in at the same time, effectively allowing you to rank up in two different factions for the same items.

  • @d3adst1ck said in [Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018]

    Why? Its a completely separate mode with its own faction system. This is likely how its going to work - there is a scoring system that involves how your crew matches up against others within the same arena. This is likely going to be based on how much gold you generate in that round, so that is likely how they are going to grant reputation for the Sea Dogs.

    It makes less sense to get reputation for that AND for the items you turn in at the same time, effectively allowing you to rank up in two different factions for the same items.

    So typically match based modes will award experience based on overall performance; Kill/Death ratio, objectives met, etc...
    If your objectives are to- turn in loot, perform well, meet objectives and come in first place... these are all things that could be awarded at the end of the match and add up into the Sea Dogs faction experience. The items you actually turn in could technically be awarded towards their respective factions- it wouldn't be game breaking. In the Arena maybe you have to turn in the loot at three separate vendors versus one vendor... making it harder to complete the overall objective of turning in the most loot.

    But yes, if you turn in loot all into one vendor, it would obviously all add up into the Sea Dog faction experience in regards to how we understand this kind of thing to work in current game mechanic terms. Again, it's all just speculation.

  • Can’t say/wish it enough: In Tall Tales/Fall Snails im wanting Skeleton Lords! I’m wanting to fight against this Ol‘ Flameheart or the Gold Hoarder!

  • @wkd1337 said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    The items you actually turn in could technically be awarded towards their respective factions- it wouldn't be game breaking.

    No, but from what I understand there is no way to gain Sea Dog rep from the adventure mode so it only makes sense to not gain rep for the other trading companies in Arena mode. If they want to allow rep for all companies to be gained in either mode, that's fine but you can't restrict one and not the other.

  • @d3adst1ck That would also be a good way to entice Arena players (back) into Adventure mode to finish off the quest for Pirate Legend and be able to show that off in Arena Mode through Pirate Legend cosmetics!

  • @wkd1337

    I believe from everything we've heard so far that rep in the Arena will be with the Sea Dogs and this can be one of the 3 factions needed for Legend, so players will still need rep from 2 other Companies in the main game.

    I would guess that the details of this will be worked out when it comes to testing with Pioneers.

    Arena is embedded in adventure world and is not separate, Sea Dogs are 4th trading company so some players might want to use them as their third trading company alongside two from the main game.

  • Free Roaming Skelly Ships!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The roaming skeleton ships is what I been asking for since the start of the event that introduced them and it was grinding my gears that it was not done soon as the event was over, but at least its being implemented now.

    Slowly but surely everything that I am asking for even if I am not speaking up in certain places is being put in when it comes to Adventure Mode as we are calling it now.

    In regards to The Arena.. the only reason for me to even bother with it would be for the commendations and the skins unlocked from it with each addition to it otherwise I will be sticking to Adventure Mode, that said if they time the cadence right they could release and update for Adventure then when an event is over release the update for Arena to keep people coming in like me that want to complete all the things between major updates to Adventure.

    When it comes to the current still inactive forts the last I heard was that they had an issue with pathing for the AI, now with them being on ships this should not be that much of an issue so they should be able to get them active, I could see a lore reason by the fog being the trigger for activating them to the world when it first rolls in i.e they were active and hidden from sight and the fog removes the curse that hides them from sight.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    @wkd1337 said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    The items you actually turn in could technically be awarded towards their respective factions- it wouldn't be game breaking.

    No, but from what I understand there is no way to gain Sea Dog rep from the adventure mode so it only makes sense to not gain rep for the other trading companies in Arena mode. If they want to allow rep for all companies to be gained in either mode, that's fine but you can't restrict one and not the other.

    Exactly mate! Most everyone in the forums have always believed PvP specific activities should not lead to rewards to level. If it going to be done, than the rep for all factions need to be available in the core game and arena mode.

    @musicmee said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    @d3adst1ck That would also be a good way to entice Arena players (back) into Adventure mode to finish off the quest for Pirate Legend and be able to show that off in Arena Mode through Pirate Legend cosmetics!

    Completely agree with you on this. The Arena mode should be just that a separate mode. The journey to Pirate Legend is a major part of the core game and the way to get there should remain there.

    It is ok to have Pirate Legend activities and cosmetics waiting in The Arena for them once they get there in the core game. Just as it is ok for any pirate to sail back in the core game with the cosmetics from The Arena.

    The best way is to leave Pirate Legend available only by playing in the core game. Have an Arena Legend title available for mastering The Arena. Both games need to have reasons to do both with separate rewards and recognition.

    If not, than all factions need to function as an alternative piece of the journey to becoming a Pirate Legends to all players with out having to play in The Arena.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    I agree pl should be left for adventure mode with a new title for arena. That would make those who want the pl title stay/go back to adventure but also give those who already have pl a new thing to work towards. Pirate warlord maybe?

  • @D3ADST1CK @KattTruewalker

    I would be curious as to the lore/reasoning for Sea Dogs being able to open chests that are supposedly only able to be opened by the Gold Hoarders. Or maybe they just take it from you and bring it to a Gold Hoarder? What would a Sea Dog do with a cursed skull other than sell it to an OOS vendor themselves after the fact?

    There would need to be an in-game reason that items in the Arena that are typically cashed in to specific vendors for lore-based very specific reasons are now granting experience for a different faction.

    Merchant Items are the only items that could be reasonably sold to random people/other factions without much of an in-game explanation... as these aren't magically imbued artifacts, skulls, or chests.

    The Arena is just another element to the Sea of Thieves so this is why it doesnt make sense to me if people are able to cash in faction-specific loot- why they wouldn't receive experience for that faction. Maybe they get taxed by the Sea Dogs as to limit the leveling capacity and influence people to play Adventure mode. Maybe you turn everything into the Sea Dogs and they basically tell you they are taking a cut of the actual value and you only get experience for the Sea Dog faction at that point. I get that there needs to be a balance and a symbiotic relationship- I want that too, but I would like these reasonings explained in the game.

    Either way doesnt bother me personally, I am already Pirate Legend (A10).

  • @wkd1337 Why does Arena need to follow any of the lore? Its just a battle arena that is outside of the main game. Its already nonsensical to the lore by its very existence.

    The reason you shouldn't gain regular faction experience for playing in the arena is because its the arena. The main game doesn't allow rep for the Sea Dogs to be gained, and there will likely be more chests, skulls, etc... flying around because the round time is designed to be much shorter.

  • Hmm i feel like to be PL it needs to be the 3 adventure factions.

    As untill now u became a legend if u hit lvl 50 in all factions.
    Now there be added a 4th faction but u only need 3 out of 4. To me it feels like 75% legend who become a legend.

    The Sea Dogs should be a seperate faction in my opinion. Its like Athena. U can get rep for it, u can level it but it doenst help u for Legend (i know because its legend content te be unlocked after becoming legend).

    Since Sea Dogs is PvP orientated i feel like it should be a stand-alone faction.

    Thats just my opinion on the matter.

  • I hope the new questing delivers experiences that are more fleshed out than the previous expansions. That will help make adventure mode more worth playing.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    @wkd1337 Why does Arena need to follow any of the lore? Its just a battle arena that is outside of the main game. Its already nonsensical to the lore by its very existence.

    Lol, the bias is strong with this one. I mean, this statement is already proven wrong by the mere fact the Pirate Lords son runs the Arena. On that note people should get Athenas faction experience as well ;)

    PvE crowd try not to wail and gnash your teeth too much here... seriously, you guys see Captain Falcores video on the Arena? You are all acting very silly.

    The reason you shouldn't gain regular faction experience for playing in the arena is because its the arena. The main game doesn't allow rep for the Sea Dogs to be gained, and there will likely be more chests, skulls, etc... flying around because the round time is designed to be much shorter.

    So what? I think winning and performing well in the Arena should be what nets you experience, not turning in items. With that said I have no delusions as to the first real public iteration of this mode probably being pure Sea Dog rep and gold from items being turned in... I would just like to see this explained. The Sea Dogs telling you they are literally ripping you off and getting full value from the appropriate vendors would be fine with me.

    Edit: also there is the matter of commendations. If the loot type is going to be identical to what is in the adventure mode wouldn't it make sense for the item counters for commendations to count towards their appropriate factions?

  • @wkd1337 Attack the person when your argument is weak I guess. None of the lore explains why the shroud is all of a sudden confining pirates to a particular part of the map or how it can be controlled at will for the purposes of a competition.

    So what? I think winning and performing well in the Arena should be what nets you experience, not turning in items.

    You win by turning in the most items. You shouldn't be double dipping. As for explaining why this is - its a game. It doesn't follow any of the lore.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    @wkd1337 Attack the person when your argument is weak I guess. None of the lore explains why the shroud is all of a sudden confining pirates to a particular part of the map.

    I'm not arguing, I'm speculating. And I'm not attacking, I'm making fun. :D

    You win by turning in the most items. You shouldn't be double dipping. As for explaining why this is - its a game. It doesn't follow any of the lore.

    Stop lying to yourself man. You hate the idea of the Arena so you want to kneecap the potential progress rewards of those who are attracted to it.

  • @wkd1337 said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    Stop lying to yourself man. You hate the idea of the Arena so you want to kneecap the potential progress rewards of those who are attracted to it.

    Nope - you can progress in the Sea Dogs faction as fast as you are able to.

  • Here is the thing for me: If you allow people to increase their rep in the main line factions in Arena mode, then what incentive is there at all for the PvP focused crowd to do ANYTHING in the actual game? Just stick with Arena and get everything, or play the main game and have 0 PvP because there is 0 reward for it and only potential consequence, but if you leave the main game and play this other game you can win both. That is favoring Arena over the core game 100% and would be a clear and concise way to kill the core gameplay.

    To be fair though, with the fact that every additional bit of info we seem to be getting, I won't be shocked if it works out this way sooner or later. People sure seem to want it that way.

  • @redeyesith said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    Here is the thing for me: If you allow people to increase their rep in the main line factions in Arena mode, then what incentive is there at all for the PvP focused crowd to do ANYTHING in the actual game? Just stick with Arena and get everything, or play the main game and have 0 PvP because there is 0 reward for it and only potential consequence, but if you leave the main game and play this other game you can win both. That is favoring Arena over the core game 100% and would be a clear and concise way to kill the core gameplay.

    I dont see how keeping gold and faction experience gain per item the same in Arena as it is in Adventure would "kill the core game". Rare has so much more coming down the line for the Adventure mode that I am excited for as well. Also, if it was like this, by the time you hit level 50 in Sea Dogs from a fresh pirate grinding Arena, they would probably only be 20/30 (EDIT: if it was even that high) in the other factions if the experience gain was kept the same.

    To be fair though, with the fact that every additional bit of info we seem to be getting, I won't be shocked if it works out this way sooner or later. People sure seem to want it that way.

    It is up to Rare to provide an entertaining enough experience to entice players into both modes... I disagree with the premise of punishing a Pirates progression based on the mode they choose.

  • Hands down this is one of the best dev updates to date. Joe sounded confident and excited. I love that he addressed so many topics, and while I have not been one to ask for pets, I will gladly have one when they become available. But until now, it was something acknowledged, but no information and really didn't seem to have much interest in being developed. So to have him actually address it at length other than a cursory mention was nice. The information overall was fantastic and detailed enough to really start to get you excited again, yet vague enough to make you want more.

    Truthfully, while there are still some bugs in the game I feel it is so much more stable now than it has been for a very long time. I am sure finally being able to get on camera knowing that bugs, barrel 2.0 controversy and other issues that created so much negativity are finally behind them helped Joe feel more confident.

  • @wkd1337 said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    I dont see how keeping gold and faction experience gain per item the same in Arena as it is in Adventure would "kill the core game". Rare has so much more coming down the line for the Adventure mode that I am excited for as well. Also, if it was like this, by the time you hit level 50 in Sea Dogs from a fresh pirate grinding Arena, they would probably only be 20/30 (EDIT: if it was even that high) in the other factions if the experience gain was kept the same.

    Well, it won't if you want/are ok with next to no PvP happening in the core game and it being almost exclusive to the Arena. The whole crux of the game, from my own perspective and I suspect the perspective of many people against this, is the complete unknown of running into other players. Will we attack them? Will they attack us? Will they ignore us? Will we team up? Will they betray us? Will we betray them? Will it be a tough fight? Will it be a cake walk?

    Tucking the combat based faction behind a new Mode already gives incentive to further reduce hostile interactions in the core game between players (all PvP only folks are out of the bucket). Allowing players to earn everything they need in the new Mode will further give incentive to not engage in hostility in the core game (a percentage of those who want both will just stay in the new Mode since they don't have to go to the other to accomplish everything they want to).

    You now have a very small percentage of people remaining who will actively engage in PvP. With low server populations your odds for encountering them is very low. This will encourage even more folks who are fine with bouncing between two modes (and essentially playing two different games on the regular) to just save their PvP for the other Mode (just because it is easier that way, and less complaints from people attacked which will no doubt increase with the existence of the new Mode because it provides an underlying perception regardless of the intent) further reducing the chances of engagement on the core game.

    In the end, this all leaves the core game as something very different than what it was originally sold as. The thing that those expressing this frustration within the community that bothers them the most, losing the game they bought in to.

    So, sure, the core game will still be there and something that people can play, but it won't be the same core game anymore - what we'll have now are two different games that cater to two different types of play, neither of which being the one the game was originally targeted at.

  • @wkd1337 said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: November 14th 2018:

    @D3ADST1CK @KattTruewalker

    I would be curious as to the lore/reasoning for Sea Dogs being able to open chests that are supposedly only able to be opened by the Gold Hoarders. Or maybe they just take it from you and bring it to a Gold Hoarder? What would a Sea Dog do with a cursed skull other than sell it to an OOS vendor themselves after the fact?

    I'm curious about this too, maybe they pillaged themselves a key or two, maybe they pay successful pirates a percentage and hand the chests/skulls in themselves, maybe you just get the gold/silver coin and not rep from different factions?

    I think it does need to be consistent with the lore as Arena is being described as a part of the world of Sea of Thieves and the Sea Dogs are a Trading Company.

  • All in all I am excited about Rare's plans.

    The only thing that gave me a little concern was the lore quests, I do not hope it gives us a ton of reading and cycle clicking with an NPC in order to complete a quest. Like I was forced to do in WOW and witch I hated.

  • Super excited about the future of the game. It's looking so bright, and exciting.

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