Introduce AI 'Pirate Looters' as an Enemy Type

  • The Concept
    Pirate looters would be well, pirates, who happen to be looting. They would spawn on islands and 'patrol' while performing actions such as reading maps, digging to find treasure and occasionally find treasure. These pirates would be hostile to the player.

    (idea pulled from the comments)
    Maybe it would be better if they were Privateers or Navy-men to make them more distinguishable from players - or simply have a distinct appearance whilst still being a pirate based enemy? I have always fancied fighting against faction navys in this game,

    The Details
    These groups would consist of, perhaps, 2 to 6 pirates who wield a variety of different weapons. These cutthroats would also attack players on sight. These could provide experience to the player in a trading company; perhaps a new one? The collected items could be trinkets as well as the spoils such as maps, resources and ammo.

    These pirates would be far less common than skeletons but finding and defeating them will grant rewards which skeletons don't usually have to offer. They will also be more difficult to defeat than skeletons as they will be better in combat and more capable overall.

    I feel that adding these new enemies will make the world feel more diverse, alive and emergent as well as providing players with a new challenge throughout their play-time. These pirates could also be included in Athena voyages and may also be tied to commendations and skins.

    I feel as though this would be a very welcome addition to the game. What do you guys think?

    Thank for reading! please share and discuss your ideas in the comments!

  • 3
  • I like the thought and level of detail that you have put in to this, though I am against the concept.
    This is because at the moment, if you see another pirate running around, you know its another player. And I love that concept, we make up the people of the world.

    Now maybe, just maybe, if they made human NPCs that were very clearly not us, maybe soldiers all dressed the same and clearly not a human player, I might be able to back this, but I don't think that the idea is worth sacrificing the current system of knowing who is a player.

  • @eelporridge This is an interesting reply. I agree. Perhaps Privateers or Navy soldiers? that would be cool!

    P.s. I edited my post to include what you suggested, too.

    Thanks for the reply!

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